Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


A spherical mirror is

A. a reflecting elliptical portion

B. a reflecting spherical surface

C. a parabolic reflecting surface

D. a flat reflecting surface

Correct Answer :

B. a reflecting spherical surface

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Velocity of sound in high altitudes is low because at such a height

A. the temperature is low

B. there is no air

C. the pressure is low

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The sun continuously produces an enormous amount of energy. This is due to

A. nuclear fission

B. nuclear fusion

C. chemical combustion

D. boiling

What is the correct answer?


When a whistling engine approaches a person standing on the platform, the frequency or the note

A. appears to increase

B. appears to decrease

C. does not change at all

D. first increases then decreases

What is the correct answer?


An ammeter has

A. a high resistance

B. a very low resistance

C. no resistance at all

D. resistance of 400 � w

What is the correct answer?


The largest planet in the solar system is

A. Neptune

B. Uranus

C. Jupiter

D. Saturn

What is the correct answer?


The acoustical quality of a room depends on

A. the size and shape of the room

B. the ability of the ceiling, walls and floor to exclude unwanted sound

C. the use of furnishings made of sound absorbing materials

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Hydrophone is an instrument used

A. for measuring relative density of liquids

B. by ships to pass on messages

C. for determining the depth of ocean bottoms etc.

D. by deaf people to aid hearing

What is the correct answer?


In a microphone

A. sound energy is converted into electrical energy

B. electrical energy is converted into sound energy

C. sound energy is converted into mechanical energy

D. mechanical energy is converted into sound energy

What is the correct answer?


X-rays were discovered by

A. Wilhelm Roentgen

B. WO Coolidge

C. Henry Cavendish

D. William Watson

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is known as freon?

A. Liquid ammonia

B. Carbon tetrafluoride

C. Dichloro-difluoro-methane

D. Sulphur dioxide

What is the correct answer?


A simple mercury barometer is found in a slightly slanting position. The atmospheric pressure

A. is found by measuring the slanting height of the mercury column

B. is given by the vertical height

C. cannot be measured with it

D. can be measured by both the methods described above

What is the correct answer?


The frequency of an ultrasonic wave is

A. the same as that of an audible sound

B. above the audible range

C. below the audible range

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


A proton is

A. the ionised hydrogen molecule

B. the nucleus of helium atom

C. the nucleus of hydrogen atom

D. the positive counterpart of electron

What is the correct answer?


A transformer

A. converts direct current into alternating current

B. converts alternating current into direct current

C. steps up or steps down a given alternating current voltage

D. supplies current with zero resistance

What is the correct answer?


Photocells are used

A. in burglar alarms

B. in automotive devices for light switches

C. television cameras

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Which force is used when milk is churned to separate cream?

A. cohesive

B. centrifugal

C. frictional

D. gravitational

What is the correct answer?


A balloon ruled with hydrogen will

A. continue going upwards uninterrupted

B. reach a particular height and remain floating

C. burst after reaching some height

D. reach a particular height and start coming down

What is the correct answer?


Mercury is used in thermometers because

A. it has high thermal conductivity

B. it has uniform expansivity

C. it has high boiling point and low freezing point

D. of all the above

What is the correct answer?


A pressure gauge for fluids is called

A. a hydrometer

B. a manometer

C. a lactometer

D. an anemometer

What is the correct answer?


Photoelectric cell is a device which converts

A. light energy into electrical energy

B. electrical energy into light energy

C. magnetic energy into electrical energy

D. electrical energy into mechanical energy

What is the correct answer?


Gamma radiations are used for

A. sterilising food stuff

B. controlling pests

C. cancer therapy

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


When a ship floats on water, the weight or water displaced is

A. an indeterminate quantity

B. equal to the weight of the ship

C. greater than the weight of the ship

D. less than the weight of the ship

What is the correct answer?


The Space Application Centre for training in Satellite Communication Technology is located at

A. Bangalore

B. Mumbai

C. Ahmedabad

D. New Delhi

What is the correct answer?


When a particle in motion is acted upon by a force in a direction perpendicular to the direction of motion, the path followed by the particle will be

A. a straight line

B. an ellipse

C. a circle

D. a parabola

What is the correct answer?


The escape velocity of a satellite projected from the surface of the earth is independent of

A. the mass of earth

B. the mass of the satellite

C. the radius of the earth

D. gravitation of the earth

What is the correct answer?


Mercury is used in thermometers because

A. it has high thermal conductivity

B. it has uniform expansivity

C. it has high boiling point and low freezing point

D. of all the above

What is the correct answer?


The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is

A. equal to half its focal length

B. equal to its focal length

C. twice its focal length

D. not related to its focal length

What is the correct answer?


Mercury does not stick to glass because

A. cohesive forces between the mercury molecules are greater than adhesive forces between mercury and glass molecules

B. the adhesive forces between mercury and glass molecules are greater than the cohesive forces

C. both the cohesive and adhesive forces are equal

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Match the following:
A. Anemometer1. Measurement of power
B. Tachometer2. Wind speed
C. Dynamometer3. Revolutions per minute
D. Barometer4. Atmospheric pressure
*5. Current from a dynamo

A. A-1 B-3 C-5 D-4

B. A-2 B-1 C-3 D-4

C. A-2 B-3 C-1 D-4

D. A-1 B-3 C-5 D-2

What is the correct answer?


A man stands on the pan of a balance holding a fish in his right hand and bucket of water in his left hand. If he transfers the fish into the bucket, the total weight on the pan

A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains the same

D. first increases and then decreases