Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


A systematic job improvement sequence will consist of

A. Motion study

B. Time study

C. Job enrichment

D. All of these

Correct Answer :

D. All of these

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


In Lincoln plan (one type of group incentive plan), the amount of the profit which an employee receives in addition to the guaranteed basic pay/wages, is based on:

A. A standard rating system

B. A merit rating system

C. A job evaluation system

D. His individual performance

What is the correct answer?


If E is the duration, ES and EF are die earliest start and finish times, LS and LF are latest start and finish times, then the following relation holds good

A. EF = ES + D


C. LF = LS + D

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


A milestone chart

A. Shows the inter dependences of various jobs

B. Depicts the delay of jobs, if any

C. Points outgoing ahead of schedule of jobs, if any

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The type of layout used for manufacturing steam turbines, is

A. Product layout

B. Process layout

C. Fixed position layout

D. Any one of these

What is the correct answer?


F. W. Taylor introduced a system of organisation known as

A. Line organisation

B. Functional organisation

C. Line and staff organisation

D. Line, staff and functional organisation

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following equations is not in conformity with others?

A. Organisation performance × motivation = profits

B. Knowledge × skill = ability

C. Ability × motivation = performance

D. Attitude × situation = motivation

What is the correct answer?


The time which results in the least possible direct cost of an activity is known as

A. Normal time

B. Slow time

C. Crash time

D. Standard time

What is the correct answer?


Pick up the correct statement from the following

A. Critical path method is an improvement upon bar chart method

B. Critical path method provides a realistic approach to the daily problems

C. Critical path method avoids delays which are very common in bar chart

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Micro-motion study is

A. Analysis of one stage of motion chart

B. Motion study, when seen on a time chart

C. Subdivision of an operation into therbligs and their analysis

D. Enlarged view of motion study

What is the correct answer?


Product layout is used for

A. Job production

B. Batch production

C. Mass production

D. Any one of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following type of layout is suitable for automobile manufacturing concern?

A. Product layout

B. Process layout

C. Fixed position layout

D. Combination layout

What is the correct answer?


Activity slack or float of any event on a PERT/CPM chart is represented by

A. Latest start time of succeeding event earliest finish time of preceding event activity time

B. Latest start time of the event earliest start time of the event

C. Latest finish time of event earliest finish time of the event

D. Anyone of the above

What is the correct answer?


PERT/CPM, techniques can be used for following applications

A. Once through project

B. Maintenance jobs

C. Research and development

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Gantt chart provides information about the

A. Material handling

B. Proper utilisation of manpower

C. Production schedule

D. Efficient working of machine

What is the correct answer?


A big advantage of PERT over Gantt charts is that in the former case

A. Activities and events are clearly shown

B. Early start and late finish of an activity are clearly marked

C. Activity times are clear

D. Interrelationship among activities is clearly shown.

What is the correct answer?


The wastage of material in the store is taken into account by the following method in the evaluation of the material issued from the store

A. Inflated system

B. Primary cost method

C. Current value method

D. Fixed price method

What is the correct answer?


CPM requires

A. Single time estimate

B. Double time estimate

C. Triple time estimate

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The artificial activity, which indicates that an activity following it cannot be started unless, the preceding activity is complete, is known as

A. Event

B. Free float

C. Artificial

D. Dummy

What is the correct answer?


Work sampling observations are taken on the basis of

A. Detailed calculations

B. Convenience

C. Table of random numbers

D. Past experience

What is the correct answer?


In the perpetual inventory control, the material is checked when it reaches its

A. Minimum value

B. Maximum value

C. Average value

D. Alarming value

What is the correct answer?


Actual performance of a task is called

A. An event

B. An activity

C. A duration

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Merit rating is the method of determining the

A. Relative values of a job

B. Workers performance on a job

C. Worth of a machine

D. Value of overall production

What is the correct answer?


The important file in making a PERT is

A. An event can't be accomplished until activities leading to it are completed

B. No activity from any event can be started from preceding event till it is completed

C. Length of arrow has nothing to do with time

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Critical path moves along the activities having total float of

A. Positive value

B. Negative value

C. Zero value

D. Same value

What is the correct answer?


If F is the fixed cost, V is the variable cost per unit (or total variable costs) and P is the selling price of each unit (or total sales value), then breakeven point is equal to

A. (F × V)/P

B. (F × P)/V

C. F/[1 + (V/P)]

D. F/[1 - (V/P)]

What is the correct answer?


The time required to complete a task is established and a bonus is paid to the worker for every hour he saves from the established time required. This type of incentive plan is known as

A. Rowan Plan

B. Taylor Differential Piece rate system

C. Halsey Premium plan

D. Day work plan

What is the correct answer?


For a product layout the material handling equipment must

A. Have full flexibility

B. Employ conveyor belts, trucks, tractors etc.

C. Be a general purpose type

D. Be designed as special purpose for a particular application

What is the correct answer?


The probability distribution of project completion in PERT follows following distribution

A. Normal

B. Binomial

C. Exponential

D. Gaussian

What is the correct answer?


Breakeven analysis consists of

A. Fixed cost

B. Variable cost

C. Fixed and variable costs

D. Operation costs

What is the correct answer?


M.T.M. is used to

A. Improve existing methods

B. Establish time standards

C. Develop effective methods in advance of the beginning of production

D. All of the above