Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


According to Aristotle's classification, animals were divided into

A. Protozoa and Metazoa

B. Invertebrata and Vertebrata

C. Chordata and Non-chordata

D. Anaima and Enaima

Correct Answer :

D. Anaima and Enaima

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following sets belongs to the same class ?

A. Hydra, jelly fish, cray fish

B. Bat, pigeon, whale

C. Spider, scorpion, centipede

D. Whale, otter, kangaroo

What is the correct answer?


All worms are mainly

A. round

B. parasitic

C. triploblastic

D. segmented

What is the correct answer?


Duck bill platypus is

A. primitive burrowing egg laying mammal

B. advanced egg laying reptile

C. primitive egg laying reptile

D. primitive aquatic egg laying animal

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following does not show J metamerism ?

A. Roundworms

B. Earthworms

C. Amphibian blind worms

D. Limbless lizards

What is the correct answer?


The beak of birds is toothed in

A. Ostrich

B. Kiwi

C. Archaeopteryx

D. Pelican

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following animals has a ventral nerve cord

A. Frog

B. Cockroach

C. Hydra

D. Earthworm

What is the correct answer?


Structures built on a common plan, but modified during the course of evolution : to serve particular function in different animals are regarded as

A. homologous

B. analogous

C. both homologous and analogous

D. phylogenetically related

What is the correct answer?


Brain coral is

A. fungia

B. meandria

C. astia

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


One of these is a metatherian mammal

A. Echidna

B. Kangaroo

C. Pangolin

D. Panda

What is the correct answer?


Presence of a vestigeal appendix in man suggests that our forebears were

A. herbivores

B. carnivores

C. omnivores

D. fruit eaters

What is the correct answer?


Heart pumps only impure blood in case of

A. shark

B. whale

C. frog

D. lizard

What is the correct answer?


The most important characteristic of class aves is

A. homeothermous animals

B. exoskeleton of feathers

C. bipedal vertebrates

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Segmentation of the body is not represented in

A. crayfish

B. frog

C. grasshopper

D. starfish

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following sets has all hermophrodite animals ?

A. Ascaris, Hydra, Earthworm

B. Leech, Hydra, Tapeworm

C. Hydra, Man, Leech

D. Tapeworm, Toad, Starfish

What is the correct answer?


Coelentrates generally include the animals which are

A. radial symmetrical and triploblastic

B. radial symmetrical and diploblastic

C. bilateral symmetrical and triploblastic

D. biradial symmetrical and diploblastic

What is the correct answer?


Canal system is characteristic of

A. hydra

B. sponge

C. sea anemone

D. sea urchin

What is the correct answer?


Typhlop is a

A. true snake

B. blind worm

C. false snake

D. true worm

What is the correct answer?


In the course of evolution, the true coelom appeared first in

A. aschelminthes

B. annelida

C. arthropoda

D. echinodermata

What is the correct answer?


National mammal of India is

A. cow

B. peacock

C. lion

D. tiger

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is represented by the largest number of species ?

A. Insecta

B. Protozoa

C. Mammalia

D. Aves

What is the correct answer?


Sea horse is a

A. fish

B. mammal

C. bird

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


In fishes, lobed fins are found in

A. marine fishes

B. fresh water fishes

C. lung fishes

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


The term 'Protista' was given by

A. Carolus Linnaeus

B. E. Haeckel

C. G.L. Cuvier

D. John Ray

What is the correct answer?


Turbellarians are

A. parasitic flatworms

B. free living flatworms

C. parasitic tapeworms

D. free living tapeworms

What is the correct answer?


A pearl oyster belongs to class

A. mollusca

B. bivalvia

C. scaphopoda

D. gastropoda

What is the correct answer?


Taenia, Periplaneta and Pheretima are non-chordates because

A. their body is segmented

B. they do not possess a post-anal tail

C. they do not have a coelom

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


A suctorial mouth is present in

A. leech

B. cockroach

C. housefly

D. butterfly

What is the correct answer?


Biramous appendages are typically found in

A. insects

B. crustaceans

C. annelids

D. arachnids

What is the correct answer?


Tapeworm is placed in class

A. Cestoda

B. Trematoda

C. Sporozoa

D. Suctoria

What is the correct answer?


Which of the sponge is given as a gift in Japan?

A. Hyalonema

B. Euplectalla

C. Tethya

D. Leucosolenia