Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


According to the modern Periodic Law, the properties of elements are periodic functions of their

A. valency

B. atomic mass

C. number of neutrons

D. atomic number

Correct Answer :

D. atomic number

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What is the correct answer?


Suspended impurities in water are effectively removed by

A. adding milk of lime

B. filtering through sand

C. adding filter alum

D. chlorination

What is the correct answer?


Penicillin was discovered by

A. Alexander Fleming

B. Sir JJ Thomson

C. Dr Nessler

D. Sir John Russel

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A non-material kind of pollution is

A. land pollution

B. air pollution

C. noise pollution

D. water pollution

What is the correct answer?


The artificial silk produced from cellulose is

A. Polyethylene

B. Nylon

C. Terylene

D. Rayon

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Which of the following is a halogen?

A. Radon

B. Astatine

C. Cesium

D. Ruthenium

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Cinnabar is an ore of

A. lead

B. zinc

C. mercury

D. chromium

What is the correct answer?


The raw materials required for the manufacture of glass are

A. silica, sodium nitrate and soda ash

B. silica, limestone and sodium nitrate

C. silica, sodium oxide and limestone

D. silica, soda ash and limestone

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Ethyl alcohol is

A. a deliquescent substance

B. an efflorescent substance

C. a hygroscopic substance

D. a dehydrating substance

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Artificial diamonds were produced by

A. Moissan

B. Davy

C. Faraday

D. Marie Curie

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If people sleep in closed rooms where charcoal fire is burning, they die due to

A. carbon monoxide

B. carbon dioxide

C. methane

D. phosgene

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Gasoline is obtained from crude petroleum by

A. fractional distillation

B. fractional crystallisation

C. sublimation

D. evaporation

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Setting of cement is due to

A. hydration

B. dehydration

C. dialysis

D. osmosis

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Biogas is obtained during

A. decomposition of petrol

B. fermentation of animal and plant waste

C. destructive distillation of coal

D. electrolysis of water

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Sulphur is readily soluble in

A. Water

B. Alcohol

C. Carbon-di-sulphide

D. Sodium chloride solution

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following process involves removal of the elements of water?

A. Hydrolysis

B. Hydrogenation

C. Dehydration

D. Dehydrogenation

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Which one of the following metals is used to extract another metal?

A. Lead

B. Tin

C. Zinc

D. Aluminium

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Two or more entirely different compounds having the same molecular formula are known as

A. isobars

B. isotopes

C. isomorphs

D. isomers

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The percentage of silver in German silver is

A. ten

B. twenty

C. zero

D. fifty

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The flux added in the blast furnace is

A. Limestone

B. FeO

C. SiO2

D. MgO

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Rusting is a special case of corrosion applied to

A. nickel

B. tin

C. iron

D. chromium

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The simplest hydrocarbon is

A. benzene

B. methane

C. ethane

D. butane

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Heavy water was discovered by

A. TW Richards

B. FW Aston

C. Stas

D. Urey

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Which of the following is used as an illuminant?

A. Gasoline

B. Benzoline

C. Kerosene

D. Petroleum ether

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The kinetic energy of gas molecules

A. is unaffected by temperature variations

B. decreases with increase of temperature

C. increases with decrease of temperature

D. increases with increase of temperature

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The non-metal which has a shining appearance is

A. sulphur

B. phosphorus

C. iodine

D. bromine

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Which of the following is an essential constituent of acids?

A. Oxygen

B. Nitrogen

C. Hydrogen

D. Chlorine

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Even as early as 3000 BC glass was known to the

A. Europeans

B. Egyptians

C. Asians

D. Americans

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Optical instruments are made of

A. pyrex glass

B. flint glass

C. quartz glass

D. Crooke's glass

What is the correct answer?


Mortar contains cement and sand in the ratio of

A. 1 : 1

B. 1 : 2

C. 2 : 3

D. 1 : 3

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Which of the following types of water gives lather easily with soap?

A. Hard water

B. Heavy water

C. Soft water

D. Both (a) and (b)