Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


AIDS is caused by

A. Blood cancer


C. Bacterium

D. TMV virus

Correct Answer :


Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a helminth disease

A. Filaria

B. Filariasis

C. Diphtheria

D. Floriasis

What is the correct answer?


Antibiotics produced by fungi include

A. Neomycin and Caphalosporins

B. Penicillin and Leukomycin

C. Penicillin and cephalosporins

D. Neomycin and Lecukomycin

What is the correct answer?


Cancer is related to

A. uncontrolled growth of tissues

B. non-malignant tumours

C. controlled division of tissues

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Malaria day is observed on

A. 5th June

B. 15th August

C. 5th January

D. 20th August

What is the correct answer?


If vasa deferens of a man are surgaically cut or gutted (Vasectomy)

A. sperms in semen will be non-nucleated

B. semen will be without sperms

C. spermatogenesis will not occur

D. sperms will be non-motile

What is the correct answer?


An antibody is a

A. molecule that specifically inactivates an antigen

B. WBC which invades bacteria

C. secretion of mammalian RBC

D. component of blood

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following atmospheric gases strongly absorbs the heat energy and retards rediative cooling of earth

A. Ozone

B. Carbon dioxide

C. Sulphur dioixide

D. Nitrogen oxides

What is the correct answer?


PAN - Peroxyacetylnitrate which produces burning sensation in the eyes, and causes coughing and headache is formed by a photochemical reaction between

A. nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide

B. nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons present in automobile exhaust

C. nitrogen oxide and hydrogen chloride

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Heart attacks are more common in

A. fat persons

B. thin persons

C. lazy people

D. sportsmen

What is the correct answer?


Certain diseases cause congestion of lungs as a result of whkh blood circulation through lungs may be greatly reduced, Which part of the heart may be distended in such a condition

A. Left side of the heart

B. Right side of the heart

C. Both ventiricles

D. Both auricles

What is the correct answer?


Which one of these is a cancerous disease

A. Kwashiorkor

B. Angina

C. Leukaemia

D. Malaria

What is the correct answer?


The first AIDS case was reported in New York in

A. 1981

B. 1991

C. 1979

D. 19 77

What is the correct answer?


Sickle cell anaemia is due to

A. deficiency of vitamin B

B. deficiency of iron in the blood

C. a genetically determined defect of haemoglobin synthesis

D. increase in the number of leucocytes in the blood

What is the correct answer?


Gambusia is

A. disease of the pancreas

B. a fish which is a predator on mosquito larvae and is important in biological control of malaria

C. a drug used in treating tuberculosis

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Asthma is a respiratory disease caused due to

A. infection of trachea

B. infection of lungs

C. bleeding into the pleural cavity

D. spasm of bronchial muscles

What is the correct answer?


Passive immunity can be clamed by

A. antigens

B. antibodies

C. antibiotics

D. vaccination having weakened germs

What is the correct answer?


Diphtheria disease is connected with

A. lungs

B. liver

C. throat

D. blood

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is primarily concerned with destroying pathogens

A. Tonsils

B. Liver

C. Kidneys

D. Lymphatic tissues

What is the correct answer?


Addiction of LSD will eventually lead to

A. illucination

B. damage of lungs

C. mental and emotional disturbances

D. damage to kidneys

What is the correct answer?


A basic pathological process producing symptoms such as redness, heat, swelling and pain in the affected tissue or organ is

A. disease

B. infestation

C. inflammation

D. infection

What is the correct answer?


Depletion of ozone in the stratosphere will lead to

A. increased incidence of skin cancer in man

B. global cooling

C. global warming

D. increased incidence of cardio * respiratory diseases in man

What is the correct answer?


Cholera causing bacteria was first discovered by

A. Edward Jenner

B. Robert Koch

C. Louis Pasteur

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Inoculation of malaria is out of question because

A. Plasmodium produces minute bodies

B. Plasmodium produces antibodies

C. Plasmodium does not produce antibodies and antitoxins

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a matching pair of the vector and the disease

A. Culexfilariasis

B. Houseflytyphoid

C. Body lousetyphoid

D. Sandflyplague

What is the correct answer?


Pleurisy is caused when the pleura is

A. inflamed

B. damaged

C. ruptured

D. intact

What is the correct answer?


Which disease is pandemic

A. Common cold

B. Influenza

C. Hepatitis

D. Amoebiasis

What is the correct answer?


Arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, hypothyroidism are examples of

A. congenital diseases

B. infectious diseases

C. deficiency diseases

D. degenerative diseases

What is the correct answer?


Widal test is used for susceptibility to

A. malaria

B. cholera

C. yellow fever

D. typhoid

What is the correct answer?


The projected population of India in year 2001 is

A. 688 million

B. 839 million

C. 950 million

D. 1032 million

What is the correct answer?


Insulin was isolated from a dog's pancreas for the first time by

A. Insulein

B. Edward Sharpey - Shafer

C. Sanger

D. Banting and Best