Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


An electric fan converts

A. electrical energy into heat energy

B. electrical energy into mechanical energy

C. mechanical energy into electrical energy

D. mechanical energy into heat energy

Correct Answer :

B. electrical energy into mechanical energy

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The overhead wires supported by high towers in the grid system carry

A. alternating current of very high frequency

B. alternating current of very high voltage

C. a very large direct current

D. a high voltage direct current

What is the correct answer?


Sound waves in air are

A. transverse

B. longitudinal

C. transverse and longitudinal

D. neither transverse nor longitudinal

What is the correct answer?


A small bubble of air deep down in a lake rises up to the top of the lake. The volume of the bubble on coming up will

A. increase

B. decrease

C. will not change

D. first increase and then decrease

What is the correct answer?


The method used to separate aluminium from a alumina is

A. electroplating

B. electrotyping

C. electrolysis

D. distillation

What is the correct answer?


Ultrasonic waves are used

A. in medical and surgical diagnosis

B. in testing the quality of the linings and pads used in vehicles and aircraft brakes

C. to clean surgical instruments, jewellery and similar articles

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


On applying a constant force to a mass, It moves with a uniform

A. velocity

B. momentum

C. acceleration

D. angular velocity

What is the correct answer?


A lactometer la used to

A. find out the specific gravity of liquids

B. measure the volumes of liquids

C. test the purity of milk

D. determine the strength of acid in car batteries

What is the correct answer?


The theory that the earth constituted the centre of the universe around which the sun and the planets revolved was propounded by

A. Copernicus

B. Ptolemy

C. Newton

D. Kepler

What is the correct answer?


A boy sitting in a train moving with a uniform velocity drops a coin outside. A man standing outside the train will find the trajectory of the coin to be

A. a parabola

B. a horizontal straight line

C. a vertical straight line

D. a circle

What is the correct answer?


The radius of an atom is approximately

A. 10-10 cm

B. 10-12 cm

C. 10-13 cm

D. 10-16 cm

What is the correct answer?


Echoes are produced by

A. the reflection of sound waves

B. the refraction of sound waves

C. the interference of sound waves

D. reverberation of sound waves

What is the correct answer?


X-rays were discovered by

A. Wilhelm Roentgen

B. WO Coolidge

C. Henry Cavendish

D. William Watson

What is the correct answer?


Which force is used when milk is churned to separate cream?

A. cohesive

B. centrifugal

C. frictional

D. gravitational

What is the correct answer?


How is it that Pluto is not always the farthest planet of the solar system?

A. Each planet becomes the farthest planet in its turn. Now it is the turn of Piuto

B. The Sun is now in the zodiac in which it is nearest to outer planets

C. The eccentricity of Piuto's orbit being substantial, this orbit cuts the orbit of Neptune

D. Piuto belongs to other solar system

What is the correct answer?


The plants in a greenhouse are enclosed in a glass enclosure because

A. glass allows the heat radiations of shorter wavelengths from the sun to pass through

B. the plants absorb them - these shorter wavelengths - and reradiate them in the form of longer wavelengths

C. the longer wavelengths cannot penetrate through the glass walls

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Credit for starting Space Science Research in India goes to

A. HJ Bhabha

B. SS Bhatnagar

C. V Sarabhai

D. CV Raman

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following rays has the highest penetrative power?

A. �± -rays

B. �² -rays

C. �³ -rays

D. X-rays

What is the correct answer?


Gamma radiations are used for

A. sterilising food stuff

B. controlling pests

C. cancer therapy

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


The period of oscillation of a simple pendulum depends upon

A. the mass of its bob

B. the material of the bob

C. the amplitude of vibration

D. acceleration due to the gravity at the site of experiment

What is the correct answer?


Stars twinkle because of

A. refraction of light from them through air

B. reflection

C. absorption

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


The star nearest to the sun is

A. Proxima Centauri

B. Sirius

C. Aldebaran

D. Vega

What is the correct answer?


Enriched uranium means

A. Uranium that is very pure

B. Uranium in which the concentration of the isotope U-238 is more than in the naturally occuring uranium

C. Uranium in which the concentration of the isotope U-235 is more than in the naturally occuring uranium

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The maximum displacement of the particle in a mechanical wave motion is known as

A. amplitude

B. vibration

C. frequency

D. phase

What is the correct answer?


A device used to measure heights above sea level is known as

A. altimeter

B. anemometer

C. dilatometer

D. potentiometer

What is the correct answer?


One can be recognised by his voice alone due to the factor of

A. quality

B. amplitude

C. pitch

D. loudness

What is the correct answer?


A spherical mirror is

A. a reflecting elliptical portion

B. a reflecting spherical surface

C. a parabolic reflecting surface

D. a flat reflecting surface

What is the correct answer?


The rocket engine is motivated by jet propulsion which uses the famous

A. Kepler's Laws

B. Newtonian Third Law of Motion

C. Bernoulli's Principle

D. Law of Relativity

What is the correct answer?


The radiator in a car serves to

A. cool the engine

B. heat up the engine

C. start the car

D. moderate the speed

What is the correct answer?


Alpha particles are

A. electromagnetic radiations

B. helium nuclei

C. negatively charged particles

D. neutral particles

What is the correct answer?


The device for tracking and locating the position of a moving object in space is called

A. Space ship

B. Lunar module

C. Radar

D. Rocket