Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


An inherited characteristic which does not appear in one generation but can appear in the next is called

A. dominant

B. recessive

C. homozygous

D. heterozygous

Correct Answer :

B. recessive

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What is the correct answer?


The universal recipient belongs to blood group

A. A

B. B


D. O

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The animal that excretes uric acid

A. Monkey

B. Lizard

C. Mouse

D. Elephant

What is the correct answer?


Leafy trees help in preventing

A. Land pollution

B. Water pollution

C. Noise pollution

D. Air pollution

What is the correct answer?


Somato Tropic Hormone is concerned with

A. Body growth

B. Metamorphosis

C. Digestion

D. Reproduction

What is the correct answer?


Those small organisms which float on the surface of water are called

A. Necton

B. pH indicators

C. Plankton

D. Benthos

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Which one of the following seeds can benefit a patient of diabetes mellitus by normalising his blood sugar level?

A. Coriander seeds

B. Fenugreek seeds

C. Cumin seeds

D. Mustard seeds

What is the correct answer?


Riboflavin is otherwise known as

A. vitamin B-complex

B. vitamin B2

C. vitamin A

D. vitamin E

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Which one of the following genetical disease is sex-linked?

A. Royal haemophilia

B. Tay-Sachs disease

C. Cystic fibrosis

D. Hypertension

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The germ theory of diseases was put forward by

A. Louis Pasteur

B. Luister

C. Leuwenhoek

D. Flemming

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Sleeping sickness in man is caused by the organism

A. plasmodium

B. entamoeba

C. giardia

D. trypanosome

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The cellular and molecular control o( programmed cell death is known as

A. Apoptosis

B. Ageing

C. Degeneration

D. Necrosis

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The biogenetic law was proposed by

A. Alfred Russel Wallace

B. Charles Darwin

C. Ernst von Haeckel

D. Lamarck

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The theory that believes that the first living organism came from another planet is known as

A. Catastrophism

B. Special creation

C. Organic evolution

D. Cosmozoic theory

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a disease of brain?



C. Diabetes

D. Alzheimer's

What is the correct answer?


Antibodies are formed in

A. lymph nodes

B. red bone marrow

C. spleen

D. liver

What is the correct answer?


Phototropism means that plants react to the direction of

A. sound

B. wind

C. light

D. gravity

What is the correct answer?


Man is warm-blooded, frog is cold-blooded, Which one of the following is cold-blooded?

A. snake

B. peacock

C. parrot

D. camel atmospheric pressure

What is the correct answer?


Saffron is the dried ________ of the saffron plant.

A. fruit

B. aril

C. stigmas and tops of styles

D. tender leaves and sprouts

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Total number of amino acids in plants is

A. 10

B. 20

C. 30

D. Plenty

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Which of the following crops helps in nitrogen fixation?

A. Rice

B. Wheat

C. Maize

D. Beans

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Fibrinogen is present in

A. lymph

B. liver

C. blood plasma

D. pancreas

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Eugenics is the application of genetics to improve

A. crop plants

B. fruit trees

C. cattle

D. human beings

What is the correct answer?


Nephrons are found inside

A. Liver

B. Lung

C. Brain

D. Kidneys

What is the correct answer?


1 gm of carbohydrate gives energy which is about

A. 3 k cal

B. 2 k cal

C. 4.2 k cal

D. 8.1 k cal

What is the correct answer?


The external ears of man are intended for

A. ornaments

B. scattering sound waves

C. collect sound waves

D. beauty

What is the correct answer?


Blood is

A. acidic

B. alkaline

C. neutral

D. like a buffer

What is the correct answer?


Digestion of proteins starts in the

A. mouth

B. stomach

C. duodenum

D. intestine

What is the correct answer?


The blood clotting requires the vitamin

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. K

What is the correct answer?


Blood clotting requires vitamin

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. K

What is the correct answer?


The theory that cells arise from the pre-existing cells was proposed by

A. Nageli

B. Virchow

C. Schleiden

D. Muller