Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Annelids show advancement over the nematoda in having

A. metameric segmentation

B. true coelom

C. closed circulatory system

D. all of these

Correct Answer :

D. all of these

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The cliteilum singulum in earthworm is formed by

A. 12,13 and 14 segments

B. 13,14 and 15 segments

C. 14,15 and 16 segments

D. 16,17 and 1&segments

What is the correct answer?


The excretory organs of earthworm are

A. kidneys

B. solenocytes

C. nephridia

D. green glands

What is the correct answer?


A skeleton like function during locomotion of Pheretima is performed by

A. alimentary canal laiden with mud

B. blood

C. coelmic fluid

D. ventral nerve cord

What is the correct answer?


In earthworm, the septal nephridia put their excretory discharge into

A. intestine

B. blood

C. coelom

D. gizzard

What is the correct answer?


Annelids show advancement over the nematoda in having

A. metameric segmentation

B. true coelom

C. closed circulatory system

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


Pheretima is

A. sterile

B. unisexual

C. hermaphrodite

D. radial symmetrical

What is the correct answer?


The coelom in Pherethna is

A. continuous throughout

B. continuous throughout except in first 26 segments

C. continuous only in first four segments

D. divided into a number of compartments throughout

What is the correct answer?


The gizzard of earthworm is an organ of

A. secretion of slime

B. excretion

C. absorption of digested food

D. crushing the food

What is the correct answer?


5. The pre-typhlosolar region in Pheretima extends from

A. fifth to twenty-sixth segment

B. first to twenty-sixth segment

C. fifteenth to twenty-sixth segment

D. immediately after clitellar region to twenty sixth segment

What is the correct answer?


The dorsal blood vessel in earthworm is

A. distributive in 1-13 segments

B. collective in 1-13

C. completely distributive

D. completely collective

What is the correct answer?


In the blood vascular system of earthworm there are four pairs of hearts present in the first 13 segments. These are situated in the segments

A. 7th, 8 th, 9th and 10th

B. 8th, 10th, 12th and 15th

C. 8th, 9th, 12th and 13th

D. 7th, 9th, 12th and 13th

What is the correct answer?


Which region in earthworm is the forest of nephridia ?

A. Pharyngeal region

B. Clitellar region

C. Intestinal region

D. Typhlosolar region

What is the correct answer?


Structure typically represented in every segment of earthworm is

A. ovary

B. chloragogen cell

C. testes

D. ganglia

What is the correct answer?


The enteronephric nephridia in earthworm are

A. integumentary

B. pharyngeal only

C. septal only

D. both (b) and (c)

What is the correct answer?


Nereis is commonly called

A. earthworm

B. ringworm

C. roundworm

D. clemworm

What is the correct answer?


Totally marine annelids belong to the

A. oligochaeta

B. polychaeta

C. hirudinea

D. archainnelida

What is the correct answer?


Spermathecae in earthworm represent

A. coating of sperms

B. structure for storing sperms

C. male copula to ry organs

D. female copulatory organs

What is the correct answer?


The septal and pharyngeal nephridia open into the alimentary canal and are of enteronephric type. It is an adaptation for

A. conservation of water

B. conservation of heat

C. regulation of temperature

D. regulation of amino acids

What is the correct answer?


Chromophil cells in earthworm are concerned with the secretion of

A. amylase

B. proteases

C. lipases

D. cocoon

What is the correct answer?


The coelomic fluid in earthworm escapes through

A. dorsal pores

B. coelomic pores

C. nephridial pores

D. anus

What is the correct answer?


Copulation occurs between two earthworms

A. generally at night during rainy season

B. generally at day time during rainy season

C. at night during winter season

D. at night during summer season

What is the correct answer?


Earthworms do not have any respiratory organs because

A. they do not need them

B. they are burrowing in habit

C. there is no sufficient space for such organs

D. the surface acts as an absorptive area which is larger than the volume

What is the correct answer?


In earthworm testes are situated in the

A. 10th and 11th segments

B. 11th and 12th segments

C. 14th and 15th segments

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements is correct ?

A. Blood of earthworm is blue in colour

B. Blood pigment of earthworm is haemocyanin

C. Blood pigment of earthworm is red and haemoglobin is dissolved in plasma

D. Blood of earthworm is red and haemoglobin is dissolved in RBC

What is the correct answer?


In earthworm, the first segment in which mouth is situated is known as

A. prostomium

B. peristomium

C. stomium

D. protostomium

What is the correct answer?


Nephrostomes are found in

A. integumentary nephridia

B. septal nephridia

C. pharyngeal nephridia

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Metamerism is present in

A. House fly

B. Frog

C. Nereis

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


In earthworm, the nephridia without neprostomes are

A. pharyngeal

B. integumentary

C. both (a) and (b)

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Sperma thecae in earthworm are meant few

A. producing sperms

B. storage of its own sperms

C. storage of sperms of another earthworm after copulation

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


Chloragogen cells of Pheretima play a role very much like that of

A. Liver of vertebrates

B. Choanocytes of sponges

C. Malpighian tubules of vertebrates

D. None of these