Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Attack of malaria occurs every fourth day when patient is infected by

A. Plasmodium ovale

B. Plasmodium malariae

C. Plasmodium falciparum

D. Plasmodium vivax

Correct Answer :

D. Plasmodium vivax

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What is the correct answer?


When the causes ot malaria was not known, it was supposed to be cuased by

A. dirty water

B. foul air

C. mosquito

D. housefly

What is the correct answer?


Trypanosoma is transmitted by

A. contamination

B. kissing

C. contagination

D. inoculation

What is the correct answer?


The number of daughter paramecia produced following conjugation is

A. 8 from one conjugant

B. 8 from two conjugants

C. 16 from two conjugants

D. 8-16 from two conjugants

What is the correct answer?


Trophozoites of E.histolytica reproduced by

A. binary fission

B. conjugation

C. autogamy

D. budding

What is the correct answer?


The ecological niche of Entamoeba histolytica is

A. small intestine of man

B. arge intestine of man

C. fresh water body such as ponds, rivers etc.

D. stagnaant water

What is the correct answer?


Benign tertian malaria is caused by

A. P. falciparum

B. P. vivax

C. P. malariae

D. P. ovale

What is the correct answer?


Under unfavourable conditions, the Amoeba reproduces by

A. binary fission

B. conjugation

C. encystment

D. endomixis

What is the correct answer?


Trypanosoma gambiense inhabits the human body in the

A. blood

B. Lymph

C. blood and cerebrospinal fluid

D. cerebrospinal fluid

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following organelles are associated with defence in Protozoans ?

A. Nematocysts

B. Statocysts

C. Trichocysts

D. Otocysts

What is the correct answer?


Malignant tertian malaria is caused by

A. P. ovale

B. P.vivax

C. P. malariae

D. P. falciparum

What is the correct answer?


According to Whittaker's system of classification, all the living organisms are classifed into 5 kingdoms and Viruses are placed under

A. Monera

B. Protista

C. Protoctista

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Trypanosomiasis is a disease, transmitted by vector

A. Louse

B. Tsetse fly

C. Mayfly

D. Firefly

What is the correct answer?


The pseudopodia of Amoeba are meant for

A. feeding

B. offence and defence

C. locomotion

D. both (a) and (c)

What is the correct answer?


Encystment in Amoeba serves for

A. perennation

B. reproduction

C. dispersal

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


The type of pseudopodia found in Amoeba are

A. reticulopodia

B. lobopodia

C. actinopodia

D. aropodia

What is the correct answer?


The disease caused by Entamoeba gingimlis is transmitted by

A. flies

B. kissing

C. air

D. mosquitoes

What is the correct answer?


The energy for Amoeba for doing work comes from

A. diffusion of ATP molecules from ingested organisms

B. oxidation of nutrients to form ATP

C. free energy

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


The shivering, a characteristic symptom of malaria, occurs when

A. sporozoites enter the blood

B. metacryptozoites are liberated from the liver cells

C. merozoites are liberated from RBC with toxin

D. schizonts are formed in the RBC

What is the correct answer?


The cell anus in some protozoans known as

A. cytoproct

B. peristome

C. cytostome

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


In Paramecium, proteins are digested

A. partly in endoplasm and partly in food vacuole

B. during the acid phase of the food vacuole

C. during the alkaline phase of the food vacuole

D. both (b) and (c)

What is the correct answer?


The process of reconstitution of macro-nulceus in Paramecium without any change in micro-nucleus is called

A. Cytogamy

B. Hemimixis

C. Endomixis

D. Autogamy

What is the correct answer?


If a fresh water Amoeba for some reason in unable to form contractile vacuole, it will

A. stop forming pseudopodia

B. stop manufacturing metabolic water

C. burst consequent to osmotic swelling

D. become static for some time

What is the correct answer?


The giant Amoeba is

A. Amoeba proteus

B. Choas

C. Foraminifera

D. Pelomyxa

What is the correct answer?


Malarial parasites could best be obtained from a patient

A. an hour before rise of temperature

B. when temeprature rises with rigor

C. when temeprature comes down to normal

D. five hours after the temperature reaches normal level.

What is the correct answer?


The cilia in Paramecium are

A. all equal

B. all unequal

C. longer at posterior side

D. longer at anterior side

What is the correct answer?


Incubation period of Plasmodium vwax is about

A. 6-8 weeks

B. 10-12 days

C. 15-20 days

D. 20-40 days

What is the correct answer?


Schuffner's granules or dots are found in

A. trophozoite

B. sporozoite

C. schizont

D. merozoite

What is the correct answer?


Erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium produces

A. schizonts

B. sporozoites

C. merozoites

D. metacryptomerozoites;

What is the correct answer?


When kerosene is sprayed on the stagnant water wherein the larvae of Anopheles develop, it

A. burns the body wall of the larvae

B. diffuses through the body wall and kills them

C. suffocates them to death

D. prevents contact of spiracles with air

What is the correct answer?


The sexual phase of life cycle of Plasmodium is completed in

A. blood of man

B. liver of man

C. stomach of female anopheles

D. salivary glands of female anopheles