Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Bin card is used in

A. Administrative wing

B. Workshop

C. Foundry shop

D. Stores

Correct Answer :

D. Stores

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Valve analysis is particularly of interest when

A. Jobbing work economics are involved

B. Production is on large scale

C. Only few components are involved

D. Costly equipment is used

What is the correct answer?


A diagram showing the path followed by men and materials while performing a task is known as

A. String diagram

B. Flow process chart

C. Travel chart

D. Flow diagram

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement is correct about the network diagram?

A. The events are represented graphically by circles or nodes at the beginning and the end of activity by arrows.

B. The tail end of the arrow represents the start of an activity.

C. The head of the arrow represents the end of an activity.

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following conditions are necessary for applying linear programming?

A. These must be a well defined objective function.

B. The decision variables should be interrelated and nonnegative.

C. The resources must be in limited supply.

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Father of time study was

A. F.W. Taylor

B. H.L. Gantt

C. F.B. Gilbert

D. R.M. Barnes

What is the correct answer?


If (R) is the base rate guaranteed per hour, (S) is the standard time for the job and (T) is the actual time, then according to Rowan plan, wages for the job will be


B. TR + [(S - T)/2] × R

C. TR + (S - T) × R

D. TR + [(S - T)/S] × R

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following charts are used for plant layout design?

A. Operation process chart

B. Man machine chart

C. Travel chart

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Critical path moves along the activities having total float of

A. Positive value

B. Negative value

C. Zero value

D. Same value

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following represents a group incentive plan?

A. Halsey Premium Plan

B. Lincoln Plan

C. Rowan Plan

D. Taylor Plan

What is the correct answer?


Pick up the correct statement from the following

A. If the float is positive and the activity is delayed by a period equal to its total float, the completion of project in no delayed

B. If the float of an activity is negative, delay in its performance is bound to delay the completion of project

C. If the float of an activity is zero, the activity is critical and any delay in its performance will delay the whole project

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The most suitable incentive plan for the maintenance section of an industry will be

A. Piece rate system

B. Group incentive plan

C. Profit sharing plans

D. Simplification

What is the correct answer?


The time required to complete a task is established and a bonus is paid to the worker for every hour he saves from the established time required. This type of incentive plan is known as

A. Rowan Plan

B. Taylor Differential Piece rate system

C. Halsey Premium plan

D. Day work plan

What is the correct answer?


The two bin system is concerned with

A. Ordering procedure

B. Forecasting sales

C. Production planning

D. Despatching and expediting

What is the correct answer?


Replacement studies are made on the following basis:

A. Annual cost method

B. Rate of return method

C. Total life average method

D. Any one of the above

What is the correct answer?


The amount deducted from the salary of workers towards employees provident fund is

A. Credited into reserves of company

B. Deposited in nationalised bank

C. Deposited in post office

D. Deposited in the account of worker with Provident Fund Commissioner

What is the correct answer?


Standard time is equal to

A. (Normal time) - (allowances)

B. (Normal time) + (allowances)

C. Representative time multiplied by rating factor

D. Normal time taken by an operation

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following plans motivates supervisors by paying a premium on time saved by workers?

A. Halsey plan

B. Rowan plan

C. Haynes plan

D. Emerson's plan

What is the correct answer?


Motion study involves analysis of

A. Actions of operator

B. Layout of work place

C. Tooling and equipment

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Time study is used to

A. Determine standard costs

B. Determine the number of machines a person may run

C. Provide a basis for setting piece price or incentive wages

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Routing prescribes the

A. Flow of material in the plant

B. Proper utilization of man power

C. Proper utilization of machines

D. Inspection of final product

What is the correct answer?


String diagram is used

A. For checking the relative values of various layouts

B. When a group of workers are working at a place

C. Where processes require the operator to be moved from one place to another

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The most important function of inventory control is

A. Stock control system

B. To run the stores effectively

C. Technical responsibility for the state of materials

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Work study comprises following main techniques

A. Method study and work measurement

B. Method study and time study

C. Time study and work measurement

D. Method study and job evaluation

What is the correct answer?



A. Prescribes the sequence of operations to be followed

B. Determines the programme for the operations

C. Is concerned with starting of processes

D. Regulates the progress of job through various processes

What is the correct answer?


In a line organisation

A. Responsibility of each individual is fixed

B. Discipline is strong

C. Quick decisions are taken

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Gantt chart provides information about the

A. Material handling

B. Proper utilisation of manpower

C. Production schedule

D. Efficient working of machine

What is the correct answer?


Simplex method is the method used for

A. Value analysis

B. Network analysis

C. Linear programming

D. Queuing theory

What is the correct answer?


Graphical method, simplex method, and transportation method are concerned with

A. Breakeven analysis

B. Value analysis

C. Linear programming

D. Queueing theory

What is the correct answer?


PERT stands for

A. Programme Estimation and Reporting Technique

B. Process Estimation and Review Technique

C. Programme Evaluation and Review Technique

D. Planning Estimation and Resulting Technique

What is the correct answer?


Micro-motion study is

A. Analysis of one stage of motion chart

B. Motion study, when seen on a time chart

C. Subdivision of an operation into therbligs and their analysis

D. Enlarged view of motion study