Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Binomial system of nomenclature in classification was divided by Carolus Linnaeus. It provides the names pertaining to

A. one scientific and one popular

B. given by two taxonomists

C. one generic and one specific epithet

D. international identifying catalogue

Correct Answer :

C. one generic and one specific epithet

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What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

A. Flame cellsplatyhelminthes

B. Stinging cellscoelenterata

C. Metameric segmentationmollusca

D. Gill slitschordata

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One of the primary characters of chlor-date is

A. solid ventral nerve cord

B. dorsal tubular nerve cord

C. paired nerve cords

D. ganglionated nerve cord

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following sets belongs to the same class ?

A. Hydra, jelly fish, cray fish

B. Bat, pigeon, whale

C. Spider, scorpion, centipede

D. Whale, otter, kangaroo

What is the correct answer?


Binomial system of nomenclature in classification was divided by Carolus Linnaeus. It provides the names pertaining to

A. one scientific and one popular

B. given by two taxonomists

C. one generic and one specific epithet

D. international identifying catalogue

What is the correct answer?


Limulus, the king-crab, is the only living representative of the order xiphosura belonging to the phylum

A. Annelida

B. Mollusca

C. Echinodermata

D. Arthropoda

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Temperature regulation is found in

A. Fish

B. Rat

C. Frog

D. Lizard

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According / to Whittaker, the five kingdoms into which all living beings are classified are

A. Monera, Protista, Metaphyta, Meta-zoa and Parazoa

B. Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia

C. Mpnera, Prokaryotes, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia

D. Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a diploblas-tic group ?

A. Porifera

B. Coelentrata

C. Annelida

D. Platyhelminthes

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Which of the protozoan is considered as connecting link between animals and plants ?

A. Entamoeba

B. Paramecium

C. Euglena

D. Monocystis

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True fishes possess gills and fins. Which of the following is not a true fish ?

A. Silver fish

B. Goldfish

C. Silver carp

D. Seahorse

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Which of the following shows deuteros- I tome condition ?

A. Acoelomate animals

B. Pseudocoelomate animals

C. Animals with enterocoel

D. Animals with schizocoel

What is the correct answer?


Vertebrates possess

A. well developed body cavity with alimentary canal

B. dorsal tubular nerve cord

C. ventrally situated heart

D. all of these

What is the correct answer?


Constant body temperature is found in

A. earthworm

B. snake

C. frog

D. cow

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Brain coral is

A. fungia

B. meandria

C. astia

D. none of these

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Match the species :

A. Scorpion, Spider

B. Scorpion, Obelia, Hydra

C. Star fish, Obelia, Hydra

D. Cockroach, Earthworm, Taenia solium

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The order insectivora of class mammalia includes

A. moles, shrews and hedgehogs

B. monkeys, apes and man

C. whales and dolphins

D. kangaroo, lions and wolves

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A suctorial mouth is present in

A. leech

B. cockroach

C. housefly

D. butterfly

What is the correct answer?


A true terestrial animal among these is

A. frog

B. tortoise

C. salamander

D. toad

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is homiother-mous ?

A. Lizard

B. Frog

C. Rabbit

D. Cuttlefish

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following sets of animals belongs to class cydostomata

A. Amphioxus and Balangolossus

B. Petromyzon and Myxine

C. Herdmania and Myxine

D. Herdmania and Amphioxus

What is the correct answer?


Sea Stick refers to group

A. porifera

B. coelentrata

C. annelida

D. mollusca

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Branchiostonta is an example of

A. Cephalochordata

B. Agnatha

C. Urochordata

D. Gnathostomata

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Which of the following belongs to Mollusca ?

A. Starfish

B. Dogfish

C. Silver fish

D. Goldfish

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following groups of characters is present in all chordates in some or other stage in their life ?

A. Mammary glands, hairs, gill slits

B. Notochord, gill slits and dorsal ! tubular nervous system

C. Notochord, scales and dorsal tubular nervous system

D. Gill slits, vertebral column and notochoitl

What is the correct answer?


Segmentation of the body is not represented in

A. crayfish

B. frog

C. grasshopper

D. starfish

What is the correct answer?


A natural system of classification is based upon

A. natural relationships, reflecting evolutionary relationship

B. morphological similarities between organisms

C. embryologicall, biochemical, phisio-loical and ecological considerations

D. both (b) and (c)

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The beak of birds is toothed in

A. Ostrich

B. Kiwi

C. Archaeopteryx

D. Pelican

What is the correct answer?


In title classification of animals a 'family' name is formed by adding

A. idae as a suffix to the name of the type genus

B. inae as a suffix

C. ceae as a suffix

D. oidea as a suffix

What is the correct answer?


The phylum arthropoda is characterised by the presence of

A. chitinous exoskeleton, external segmentation and paired appendages

B. chitinous exoskeleton, external segmentation and paired jointed appendages

C. chitinous exoskeleton and paired antennae

D. chitinous exoskeleton, antennae and compound eyes

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One of the following is not an animal:

A. Ant eater

B. Dolfin

C. Heloderma

D. Echidna