Current Affairs January 2024


Select the most appropriate set of words from the given choices to fill in the blanks.

What is the correct answer?


Brands __________ decision-simplicity strategies make full use of available information to __________ where consumers are on the path of decisions making and direct them to the best market offers.

A. diluting, divulge

B. tempting, maintain

C. imputing, overdrive

D. pursuing, assess

Correct Answer :

D. pursuing, assess

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The teacher_____the boys comic which he was reading during the Mathematics period.

A. possessed

B. procured

C. abandoned

D. seized

What is the correct answer?


Regular exercise is conducive__________ heath.

A. in

B. to

C. for

D. of

What is the correct answer?


What are you _________ in the kitchen cupboard?

A. looking in

B. looking on

C. looking to

D. looking for

What is the correct answer?


The human mind seems to have built-in ________against original thought.

A. prejudices

B. ideas

C. interests

D. safeguards

What is the correct answer?


I did not see the point of _________ waiting for them, so I went home.

A. hanging around

B. hanging on

C. hang together

D. hanging up

What is the correct answer?


The petitioner had ______ an immediate stay form the court on allotment of the Hats ________ of investigation into the alleged irregularities.

A. asked file process

B. sought, completion

C. propagated, finish

D. demanded, course

What is the correct answer?


The members were_____ of the date of the meeting well in advance.

A. communicated

B. conveyed

C. ignorant

D. inform

What is the correct answer?


Precautions are to be taken with any one who seems ______.

A. contagious

B. infectious

C. diseased

D. defiled

What is the correct answer?


Drugs worth ` 3 lakhs were ......... from the apartment by
the police. (1) manufactured (2) ruptured (3) seized (4) confiscated (5) bought (6) compared

A. (1) and (4)

B. (2) and (3)

C. (3) and (5)

D. (3) and (4)

What is the correct answer?


Though one eye is kept firmly on the___________, the company now also promotes ___________ contemporary art.

A. present, experimental

B. future, popular

C. present, popular

D. market, popular

What is the correct answer?


This approach would ________ the enormous illiteracy problem to be ________ in a holistic manner.

A. enable, tackled

B. focus, viewed

C. envision, dealt

D. combine, judged

What is the correct answer?


It is a penal_____to bribe a public servant.

A. charge

B. offence

C. code

D. tight

What is the correct answer?


Ravi was always_______ of the good fortune of others.

A. miserable

B. irritable

C. greedy

D. envious

What is the correct answer?


_________ of illiteracy from a nation that is set to become the most populated in the world is by no ________easy.

A. Countering, task

B. Driving, measure

C. Curbing, way

D. Eradication, means

What is the correct answer?


___________, the more they remain the same.

A. People all over the world change

B. The more people change

C. The more they are different

D. The less people change

What is the correct answer?


I am fully _________ the problems facing the industry.

A. alive with

B. alive to

C. alive for

D. alive on

What is the correct answer?


The two brothers look so_____ that it is difficult to tell one from the other.

A. identical

B. same

C. similar

D. resembling

What is the correct answer?


Although I was _________ of his plans, I encouraged him, because there was no one else who was willing to help.

A. sceptical

B. remorseful

C. fearful

D. excited

What is the correct answer?


That charming girl was the ____ of all eyes.

A. target

B. cynosure

C. doggerel

D. ambition

What is the correct answer?


He lost confidence and _________ of the deal at the last minute.

A. backed out

B. backed on

C. backed down

D. backed onto Practice Exercise

What is the correct answer?


The valley is known for its ________ growth of vegetation.

A. luxurious

B. luxury

C. luxuriant

D. luxuriously

What is the correct answer?


Nowadays there exists a spirit of___ among the various departments of the University. This has led to a number of interdisciplinary research publications due to interaction of various research groups.

A. co-operation

B. education

C. casteism

D. favouritism

What is the correct answer?


As navigators, calendar makers, and other _________ of the night sky accumulated evidence to the contrary, ancient astronomers were forced to __________ that certain bodies might move in circles about points, which in turn moved in circles about the earth.

A. scrutinizers, believe

B. observers, agree

C. scrutinizers, suggest

D. observers, concede

What is the correct answer?


A five-year-old boy was_____ from his school on Monday last by his servant for a ransom of Rs 8, 000.

A. driven

B. arrested

C. escorted

D. kidnapped

What is the correct answer?


Satyajitrays films ________ all barriers of caste, creed and religion. They are universal.

A. transcend

B. transcends

C. trancend

D. transend

What is the correct answer?


We attended a ________ discourse.

A. spiritual

B. spirituous

C. spirituality

D. spiritually

What is the correct answer?


The stock markets ___________. The state they are in right now speaks volumes about this fact.

A. is the barometer of public confidence

B. are the best indicators of public sentiment

C. are used to trade in expensive shares

D. are not used to taking stock of all markets

What is the correct answer?


AIDS is not a disease that can be___through the air or by insects.

A. circulated

B. transferred

C. transmitted

D. conducted

What is the correct answer?


China is a big country, in area it is bigger than any other country __________ Russia.

A. accept

B. except

C. expect

D. access

What is the correct answer?


We have not yet fully realised the _________ consequences of the war.

A. happy

B. pleasing

C. grim

D. exciting