Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Cartel is associated with:

A. Collusive oligopoly

B. Non-collusive oligopoly

C. Cartel

D. Perfect competition

Correct Answer :

A. Collusive oligopoly

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


MC curve is:

A. L-shaped

B. U-shaped

C. V-shaped

D. Both a and b depending on situation

What is the correct answer?


The entry of new firms in cournot model is:

A. Banned

B. Free

C. Partially free

D. Allowed

What is the correct answer?


When at a given price, the quantity demanded of a commodity is more than the quantity supplied, there will be:

A. An upward pressure on price

B. A downward pressure on price

C. Price will remain unaffected

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


In the case of a giffen good, the income effect:

A. Is equal to the substitution effect

B. More than offsets the substitution effect

C. Reinforces the substitution effect

D. Only partially offsets the substitution effect

What is the correct answer?


The long-run AC curve is constructed from:

A. The minimum points on all short-run AC curves

B. The lowest points on the short-run MC curve

C. The minimum points on the short run AVC curves

D. It has nothing to do with the short-run cost curves

What is the correct answer?


Law of Substitution in production was presented by:

A. Classical economists

B. Keynes

C. Neo-classical economists

D. Karl Marx

What is the correct answer?


A demand curve is not related to:

A. The price of the commodity

B. The time period

C. The price of substitutes

D. Any of the above

What is the correct answer?


An economic model describing the working of an economy consists of:

A. Functional relationships

B. Family relationships

C. Economic position

D. Stagnant relationships

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is the work of A.C.Pigou?

A. Economics of Welfare

B. Commerce and Trade

C. Industrial Economics

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Price mechanism has also given the name:

A. Labor theory

B. Production theory

C. Laisseze-faire

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The optimum level of output in long run takes place where:





What is the correct answer?


If the factors have to be employed in a fixed ratio, then the elasticity of substitution under Leontief technology is:

A. One

B. Zero

C. Two

D. Five

What is the correct answer?


If under perfect competition, in the short period, price does not cover the average cost completely, the firm will even then stay in the market as long as:

A. The average fixed cost is covered

B. The average variable cost is covered

C. Some profit is earned

D. The entrepreneurs enjoy producing

What is the correct answer?


Some farm land can be used to produce either corn or soybeans. If the demand for corn increases then:

A. The demand for soybeans should increase

B. The supply of soybeans should increase

C. The demand for soybeans should decrease

D. The supply of soybeans should decrease

What is the correct answer?


If the marginal utility is divided by the price of the commodity then it is called:

A. Real Marginal Utility

B. Gross Marginal Utility

C. Weighted Marginal Utility

D. Money Marginal Utility

What is the correct answer?


Of the following, which one corresponds to fixed cost?

A. Payments for raw materials

B. Labor cost

C. Transportation charges

D. Insurance premium on property

What is the correct answer?


If the commodity is inferior then Income Effect (I.E) is:

A. Negative

B. Positive

C. Zero

D. Infinite

What is the correct answer?


Under monopolistic competition, the firms compete alongwith:

A. Supreme powers

B. Discretionary powers

C. Low powers

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If a straight line supply curve passes through the point of origin O, the elasticity of supply is:

A. Zero

B. Infinity

C. Unity

D. More than unity

What is the correct answer?


The Cambridge School of Thought refers to the group of English economists who came under the influence of:

A. Alfred Marshal

B. J.M.Keynes

C. Paul A.Samuelson

D. A.C.Pigou

What is the correct answer?


In monopolistic competition, the firms have to face:

A. Same cost conditions

B. Different cost conditions

C. Same price conditions

D. Same products conditions

What is the correct answer?


Change in quantity demanded refers to:

A. Upward shift of the demand curve

B. Downward shift of the demand curve

C. Movement on the same demand curve

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Economies of large-scale production:

A. Lead to greater specialization

B. Offsets the effects of the law the law of comparative advantage

C. Lead to greater diversification of individual production

D. Cause firms to use more capital and less labor

What is the correct answer?


If the demand for good is less elastic and government levied a tax per unit of output, the price per unit for the firm would:

A. Rise by the amount of the tax

B. Rise by more than the amount of the tax

C. Rise by less than the amount of the tax

D. Remain the same

What is the correct answer?


The marshallian indirect utility function in the form of equation is:

A. x =a-bp

B. x =b-ap


D. x = f(P)

What is the correct answer?


The isoquant approach is based upon:

A. One output

B. One input

C. Two outputs

D. Two inputs

What is the correct answer?


A vertical supply curve parallel to the price axis implies that the elasticity of supply is:

A. Zero

B. Infinite

C. Equal to one

D. Greater than zero but less than infinite

What is the correct answer?


When SAC curve rises, SMC curve lies its:

A. Below

B. Above

C. Equal level

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The low cost price leader will charge:

A. higher prices

B. zero prices

C. lower prices

D. specific prices

What is the correct answer?


The partial equilibrium model keeps other things:

A. Variable

B. Constant

C. Increasing

D. Decreasing