Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Combined Oral contraceptives prevent pregnancy by

A. Tubal block

B. Preventing spermatogenesis

C. Forming a barrier between the ovum and sperm

D. Suppressing ovulation

Correct Answer :

D. Suppressing ovulation

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What is the correct answer?


Correct sequence in embryonic development is ..

A. Fertilization -> zygote -> cleavage -> morula -> blastula -> gastrula

B. Fertilization -> zygote -> cleavage -> blastula -> morula -> gastrula

C. Fertilization -> zygote -> cleavage -> morula -> blastula -> gastrula

D. Fertilization -> zygote -> gastrulae -> morula -> blastula -> cleavage

What is the correct answer?


Combined Oral contraceptives prevent pregnancy by

A. Tubal block

B. Preventing spermatogenesis

C. Forming a barrier between the ovum and sperm

D. Suppressing ovulation

What is the correct answer?


The number of chromosomes present in sperms

A. 46

B. 23

C. 23 + X

D. 23+ Y

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Chorionic gonadotropin is secreted by ...

A. Pituitary

B. Ovary

C. Placenta

D. Uterus

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Fertility in women may be impaired by

A. Hypertension

B. Gall stones

C. Obesity

D. Short stature

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Pregnancy is ascertained by

A. Insemination

B. Copulation

C. Implantation

D. Capacitation

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Pregnancy can be detected as early as on

A. 28 th day of cycle

B. 8th week

C. 40 th day of the cycle

D. 10 th week

What is the correct answer?


HCG, HPL and relaxin are produced in women ...

A. At puberty

B. During pregnancy

C. Before puberty

D. At menopause

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When is the best time to get FSH levels checked?

A. Day 7 of the menstrual cycle

B. Day 21 of the menstrual cycle

C. Day 3 of the menstrual cycle

D. Day 14 of the menstrual cycle

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Which one of the following is produced early in the life of a human female?

A. Relaxin

B. Oxytocin

C. Prolactin

D. Progesterone

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The surgical method of contraception in males

A. Hysterectomy

B. Vasectomy

C. Castration

D. Circumcision

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In human embryo, the digestive system develops from the

A. Epithelium

B. Mesoderm

C. Endoderm

D. Ectoderm

What is the correct answer?


After ovulation graffian follicles turns into

A. Corpus luteum

B. Corpus albicans

C. Corpus callosum

D. Corpus artesia

What is the correct answer?


Human eggs are

A. Mesolecithel

B. Microlecithel

C. Macrolecithel

D. Alecithel

What is the correct answer?


The male hormone testosterone is secreted by

A. Sertoli cells

B. Leydig cells

C. Crypt cells

D. Semniferous tubules

What is the correct answer?


Pregnancy begins with implantation of

A. Embryo

B. Fertilized ovum

C. Blastopore

D. Blastocyst

What is the correct answer?


Mammary glands are modification of ...

A. Sebaceous glands

B. Sweat glands

C. Meibomian glands

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which layer of embryo is formed first

A. ectoderm

B. Mesoderm

C. Endoderm

D. Mesenchyma

What is the correct answer?


Embryo at 16-celled stage is called ...

A. Morula

B. Blastula

C. Blastomere

D. Gastrula

What is the correct answer?


What is the best sperm extraction technique for men with obstructive azoospermia?

A. TESE - Microsurgical testicular sperm extraction

B. Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)

C. Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI)

D. Fine needle aspiration

What is the correct answer?


Normal sperm count is

A. 40 to 300 million per ml

B. 10 to 20 million per ml

C. < 10 million per ml

D. 200 million per ml

What is the correct answer?


Sertoli cells are found in

A. Seminiferous tubules

B. Ovaries

C. Prostate gland

D. Semen

What is the correct answer?


Layers of ovum from outside to inside are .

A. Corona radiata, zona pellucida, vitelline membrane

B. Zona pellucida, corona radiata, vitelline membrane

C. Vitelline membrane, zona pellucida, corona radiata

D. Zona pellucida, vitelline membrane, corona radiate

What is the correct answer?


Highly sophisticated procedure of injecting sperm directly into the ovum is





What is the correct answer?


Corona radiata is held by...

A. Mucopolysaccharide

B. Oligosaccharide

C. Lipopolysaccharide

D. Lipoprotein

What is the correct answer?


Gestation period of 280 days is calculated from time of ...

A. Last menstruation

B. Fertilization

C. First day of last menstruation

D. Ovulation

What is the correct answer?


The number and appearance of chromosomes in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell is called as

A. Karyotype

B. Genotype

C. Phenotype

D. Cytogenetics

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements is most correct about the human menstrual cycle.

A. The menstrual cycle in all women is a 28 day cycle

B. Ovulation always occurs at the midpoint of the menstrual cycle

C. A high body temperature indicates ovulation is occurring

D. The menstrual cycle is an endocrine cycle regulating reproductive physiological changes

What is the correct answer?


Prostate gland produces a secretion for ...

A. Attracting sperms

B. Stimulating sperm activity

C. Inhibiting sperm activity

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which cells provide nutrition to the sperms?

A. Sertoli cells

B. Leydig cells

C. Crypt cells

D. Semniferous tubules