Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


______contains information that defines valid values that are stored in a column or data type.

A. Default

B. Index

C. Rule

D. View

Correct Answer :

B. Index

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What is the correct answer?


Relational Algebra does not have

A. Selection operator.

B. Projection operator.

C. Aggregation operators.

D. Division operator.

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______is a preferred method for enforcing data integrity

A. Constraints

B. Triggers

C. Stored procedure

D. Cursors

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Between DRAM and magnetic disk storage another form of memory, called ______ memory is becoming common because it is non volatile.


B. Flash

C. Hard Disk

D. Secondary

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DBMS is a collection of _____ that enables user to create and maintain a database.

A. Keys

B. Program

C. Translators

D. Language Activity

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Drop Table cannot be used to drop a table referenced by a ______ constraint.

A. Primary Key

B. Local Key

C. Foreign Key

D. Composite Key

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A data type or format is specified for each _________

A. Relation

B. Tuple

C. Database

D. Domain

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Checkpoints are a part of

A. Recovery measures.

B. Security measures.

C. Concurrency measures.

D. uthorization measures.

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The default level of consistency in SQL is

A. repeatable read

B. read committed

C. read uncommitted

D. serializable

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For using a specific database …………… command is used.

A. use database

B. database name use

C. Both A & B

D. None of them

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If two relations R and S are joined, then the non matching tuples of both R and S are ignored in

A. left outer join

B. right outer join

C. full outer join

D. inner join

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Data independence means

A. data is defined separately and not included in programs.

B. programs are not dependent on the physical attributes of data

C. programs are not dependent on the logical attributes of data

D. both B and C

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A _____ is used to define overall design of the database

A. code

B. data definition language

C. application program

D. schema

What is the correct answer?


According to the levels of abstraction, the schema at the intermediate level is called

A. Logical schema.

B. Physical schema.

C. Subschema.

D. None of the above.

What is the correct answer?


An advantage of views is

A. Data security

B. Derived columns

C. Hiding of complex queries

D. All of the above

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_____ database is used to provide statistical information or summaries of values based on various criteria.

A. Statistical

B. Mathematical

C. Normalized

D. Un normalized

What is the correct answer?


What is a disjoint less constraint?

A. It requires that an entity belongs to no more than one level entity set.

B. The same entity may belong to more than one level.

C. The database must contain an unmatched foreign key value.

D. An entity can be joined with another entity in the same level entity set.

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a relational database model?

A. Table

B. Tree like structure

C. Complex logical relationship

D. Records

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A table can have only one

A. Secondary key

B. Alternate key

C. Unique key

D. Primary key

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_____ First proposed the process of normalization.

A. Edgar. W

B. Edward Stephen

C. Edgar F. Codd

D. Edward Codd

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Whenever two independent one-to-many relationships are mixed in the same relation, a __________ arises.

A. Functional dependency

B. Multi-valued dependency

C. Transitive dependency

D. Partial dependency

What is the correct answer?


An advantage of the database management approach is

A. data redundancy increases

B. data is dependent on programs

C. data is integrated and can be accessed by multiple programs

D. none of the above

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When an E-R diagram is mapped to tables, the representation is redundant for

A. weak entity sets

B. weak relationship sets

C. strong entity sets

D. strong relationship sets

What is the correct answer?


If an entity can belong to only one lower level entity then the constraint is

A. disjoint

B. partial

C. overlapping

D. single

What is the correct answer?


It is an abstraction through which relationships are treated as higher level entities

A. Generalization.

B. Specialization.

C. Aggregation.

D. Inheritance.

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The normalization was first proposed by .

A. Code

B. Codd

C. Boyce Codd

D. Boyce

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Which of the following is not a consequence of concurrent operations?

A. Lost update problem.

B. Update anomaly.

C. Unrepeatable read.

D. Dirty read.

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Maximum height of a B+ tree of order m with n key values is

A. Logm(n)

B. (m+n)/2

C. Logm/2(m+n)

D. None of these

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The middleware databases in which the business rules act are applicable to _______ tier architectures

A. Single

B. Three

C. Two

D. None

What is the correct answer?


In an E-R, Y is the dominant entity and X is a subordinate entity. Then which of the following is incorrect :

A. Operationally, if Y is deleted, so is X

B. existence is dependent on Y.

C. Operationally, if X is deleted, so is Y.

D. Operationally, if X is deleted, & remains the same.

What is the correct answer?


SQL server stores index information in the _____system table

A. system indexes

B. syst indexes

C. sys indexes

D. sysind