Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Darwinism does not explain

A. progression

B. retrogression

C. usefulness of all organs

D. presence of vestigial organs

Correct Answer :

D. presence of vestigial organs

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Dinosaur is a/an

A. Fish

B. Amphibian

C. Reptile

D. Bird

What is the correct answer?


Biologists have so far known, found and identified a large number of species in the plant and animal kingdom. In terms of numbers, the largest found and identified so far is from among the

A. fungi

B. plants

C. insects

D. bacteria

What is the correct answer?


Lecuminous plants are recommended for rotation of crops because they

A. kill harmful insects

B. require little amount of water

C. help in Nitrogen fixation

D. are cash crops

What is the correct answer?


Sadabahar, a common weed, is the raw material that provides the source of medicines used In the treatment of

A. gout

B. blood cancer

C. coronary heart disease

D. polio

What is the correct answer?


The 'germ theory of disease' was propounded by

A. Joseph Lister

B. Robert Koch

C. Louis Pasteur

D. Jacob Heule

What is the correct answer?


The function of ribosomes is

A. Secretion

B. Excretion

C. Power house of the cell

D. Protein synthesis

What is the correct answer?


Modern classification of the living world recognise ___________ kingdoms.

A. two

B. three

C. four

D. five

What is the correct answer?


Viruses have

A. DNA only

B. RNA only

C. Either DNA or RNA

D. Both DNA and RNA

What is the correct answer?


The dreaded virus which, on reaching the central nervous system, produces spasms of the muscles of the throat and the cheat while swallowing, and is sure to kill the patient is

A. Poliomyelitis virus

B. AIDS virus

C. Smallpox virus

D. Rabies virus

What is the correct answer?


Enzymes are produced by

A. endocrine glands

B. exocrine glands

C. liver

D. spleen

What is the correct answer?


What ia leukaemia?

A. proliferation of WBC

B. decrease of RBC

C. increase of platelets

D. decrease of WBC

What is the correct answer?


Haemoglobin is dissolved in the plasma of

A. frog

B. fish

C. man

D. earthworm

What is the correct answer?


The part of the brain which is responsible for intelligence is

A. cerebrum

B. opthalmic

C. cochlea

D. semicircular canals

What is the correct answer?


Total number of amino acids in plants is

A. 10

B. 20

C. 30

D. Plenty

What is the correct answer?


The radicle of the seeding always grows

A. towards the gravity

B. away from gravity

C. neutral to gravity

D. towards light

What is the correct answer?


Plants growing in saline marsh habitats are called

A. Xerophytes

B. Aerophytes

C. Saprophytes

D. Halophytes

What is the correct answer?


Who was the first scientist/doctor who attempted vaccination?

A. Joseph Lister

B. Robert Koch

C. Elie Metchnikoff

D. Edward Jenner

What is the correct answer?


1 gm of carbohydrate gives energy which is about

A. 3 k cal

B. 2 k cal

C. 4.2 k cal

D. 8.1 k cal

What is the correct answer?


Timberline shows

A. a line of trees

B. the limit of the forest

C. annual rings

D. height of trees

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is the best source of proteins?

A. apples

B. butter

C. beans

D. fish

What is the correct answer?


The oldest era is

A. Palaeozoic

B. Mesozoic

C. Cenozoic

D. Proterozoic

What is the correct answer?


The closing and opening of the leaves of Mimosa pudica (Touch me not) plant is due to _______ movement.

A. chemonastic

B. seismonastic

C. thermonastic

D. photonastic

What is the correct answer?


Egg laying animals are referred to as

A. viviparous

B. oviparous

C. ovoviviparous

D. vegetative

What is the correct answer?


Who first observed the plasma membrane?

A. William Seifriz

B. Schwann

C. Palade

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Sleeping sickness in man is caused by the organism

A. plasmodium

B. entamoeba

C. giardia

D. trypanosome

What is the correct answer?


The part of the brain in Control of Voluntary muscles is

A. cerebellum

B. medulla oblongata

C. pons

D. cerebrum

What is the correct answer?


Blood is

A. acidic

B. alkaline

C. neutral

D. like a buffer

What is the correct answer?


Which one is called anti-haemorrhagic vitamin?

A. A

B. C

C. E

D. K

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a good and rich source of vitamin 'C'?

A. Milk

B. Radish

C. Mango

D. Lemon Juice

What is the correct answer?


The artificial kidney is a

A. machine

B. transplant

C. another's kidney

D. other kidney form same body