Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Defined as the flux density produced in it due to its own induced magnetism

A. Magnetic field intensity

B. Electric field intensity

C. Electromagnetic field intensity

D. Intensity magnetization

Correct Answer :

D. Intensity magnetization

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B. Electromotive force

C. Potential difference

D. Magnetomotive force

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What revolves about the positive nucleus in a definite orbit?

A. Atom

B. Proton

C. Electron

D. Neutron

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A factor used to correct for the electrostatic forces of the more distant ions in an ionic solid.

A. Avogadro's number

B. Planck's constant

C. Boltzmann's constant

D. Madelung constant

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An effect which is generally used in the gausameter to measure flux density.

A. Skin effect

B. Magnetic effect

C. Hall effect

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A. Kamerlingh Onnes

B. Alex Muller

C. GeoryBednorz

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A. Hall's law

B. Joule's law

C. Child's law

D. Coulomb's law

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Refers to the non- metallic materials that have the ferromagnetic properties of iron.

A. Ferrites

B. Ferromagnetic

C. Diamagnetic

D. Paramagnetic

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A. 4 × 10^7F/m

B. 4 × 10^-6 F/m

C. 8.854× 10^-11 F/m

D. 8.854 × 10^-12 F/m

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The relation between absolute permittivity of air ( 0)a absolute p and velocity of light (c) is given by

A. 0 0= c^2

B. 0 0= c

C. 1/ 0 0= c

D. 1/ 0 0= c^2

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This paper does not exhibit electricity because it contains the same number of

A. protons and electrons

B. neutrons and electrons

C. neutrons and positrons

D. atoms

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What is the cgs unit of magnetomotive force?

A. Gilbert

B. Ampere- turn

C. Maxwell

D. Weber

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The property of a material which opposes the creation of magnetic flux in it

A. Resistance

B. Reluctance

C. Permeance

D. Conductance

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A. Energy

B. Charge

C. Field lines

D. Momentum

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Formed when there exist distant electronic interactions between (opposite) charges present in the neighboring atoms or molecules.

A. Ionic bond

B. Covalent bond

C. Metallic bond

D. Van der Waals bond

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Permanent magnets can be found in

A. electric bells

B. earphones

C. relays

D. dy namic loudspeakers

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What is the unit of reluctance?

A. Maxwell

B. Gauss

C. At/Wb

D. Weber

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Which of the following is a diamagnetic material?

A. Aluminum

B. Silver

C. Air

D. Cobalt

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The direction of force o a current carrying conductor placed in a m found by

A. Cork screw rule

B. Fleming's left hand rule

C. Fleming's right hand rule

D. using a compass

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The electric potential at a point in air due to a charge is 21 V. If the air is replaced by a medium of relative permittivity of 3a then electric potential at that point will be

A. 63 V

B. 21 V

C. 7 V

D. 42 V

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A. Flux times area of core

B. Flux times number of turns times area of core

C. Flux times number of turns times length of core

D. Flux times number of turns

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A. Luigi Galvani

B. Hans Christian Oersted

C. Andre Ampere

D. Charles Coulomb

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A. 32, 32

B. 32, 42

C. 42, 32

D. 34, 34

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A. Avionics

B. Aerotronics

C. Aerodynamics

D. Astrionics

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A. Outer shell electrons

B. Inner shell electrons

C. Semiconductor electrons

D. Valence electrons

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A. Conductors

B. Insulators

C. Gaseous Conductors

D. Plasma

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Which of the following magnetic materials can be easily magnetized in both direction?

A. Soft magnetic materials

B. Hard magnetic materials

C. High hysteresis loss materials

D. Low hysteresis loss materials

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A. permeability

B. ferromagnetism

C. reluctance of core

D. hysteresis loss

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A. is zero

B. is uniform

C. increases with distance from the axis

D. decreases with distance from the axis

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Magnetic effects of the earth as a huge magnet with north and south poles.

A. Diamagnetic

B. Ferromagnetic

C. Terrestrial magnetism

D. Terrestrial ferromagnetism