Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Development without fertilization is called

A. parthenogenesis

B. asexual reproduction

C. sporulation

D. budding

Correct Answer :

A. parthenogenesis

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What is the correct answer?


The cortex of human brain normally consists of

A. five billion, two hundred million cells

B. nine billion, two hundred million cells

C. six billion, two hundred million cells

D. eight billion, two hundred million cells

What is the correct answer?


Blood of cockroach is

A. red

B. bluish

C. greenish

D. colourless

What is the correct answer?


A person with a blood group ____ is considered to be an universal donor.

A. A Positive

B. AB Positive

C. AB Negative

D. O Positive

What is the correct answer?


The bone cells are connected with each other by

A. Haversian canal

B. canaliculi

C. capillaries

D. matrix

What is the correct answer?


The cavities of the brain are filled with

A. Blood

B. Lymph

C. Water

D. Cerebrospinal fluid

What is the correct answer?


A biopsy is performed on a patient generally to detect which one of the following?

A. Cancer

B. Tuberculosis

C. Appendicitis

D. Renal failure

What is the correct answer?


The study of ecology with pyramids was invented by

A. Darwin

B. Elton

C. Odum

D. Joshua

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following animals has the largest Intestine?

A. Cow

B. Lion

C. Monkey

D. Tiger

What is the correct answer?


Blood is a kind of

A. epithelial tissue

B. connective tissue

C. nervous tissue

D. cartilage

What is the correct answer?


The external ears of man are intended for

A. ornaments

B. scattering sound waves

C. collect sound waves

D. beauty

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The two minerals required to keep teeth and bones intact and in good condition are

A. lead and zinc

B. calcium and phosphorus

C. copper and sulphur

D. iron and iodine

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following diseases is water borne?

A. Cholera

B. Malaria

C. Filiariasis

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Blood platelets are found in

A. all vertebrates

B. all chordates

C. mammals only

D. birds and mammals

What is the correct answer?


What are top carnivores?

A. biggest carnivores

B. tigers

C. all carnivorous animals

D. carnivores that are not eaten by any other animal

What is the correct answer?


Appearance of offspring resembling their remote ancestor is called

A. Atavism

B. Lethality

C. Mutation

D. Progeny

What is the correct answer?


Eosinophil™s are stained by

A. alkaline dyes

B. acidic dyes

C. neutral dyes

D. vital stains

What is the correct answer?


The tallest tree in the world Sequoia™ is found in



C. former USSR

D. China

What is the correct answer?


Gases of Jupiter' are

A. Ammonia, Methane, Hydrogen

B. Sulphur, Urethane, Oxygen

C. Carbon, Phosphorus and Oxygen

D. Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Chlorine

What is the correct answer?


Haemophilia is a hereditary disease carried by

A. females and expressed by females

B. females and expressed by males

C. males and expressed by females

D. males and expressed by males

What is the correct answer?


pH of blood remains constant due to

A. blood pressure

B. buffer action

C. perspiration

D. respiration

What is the correct answer?


Agroecology relates

A. crops and productivity

B. crops and environment

C. crop productivity and physiology

D. crop resistance to climatic changes

What is the correct answer?


The metallic part of haemoglobin is

A. copper

B. molybdenum

C. nickel

D. iron

What is the correct answer?


Damage to hearing is caused by sounds which exceed

A. 70 decibels

B. 80 decibels

C. 100 decibels

D. 120 decibels

What is the correct answer?


Tuberculosis is caused by

A. tobacco

B. tubers

C. bacteria

D. virus

What is the correct answer?


The part of the eye behind the lens is filled with

A. aqueous humor

B. vitreous humor

C. lymph

D. blood

What is the correct answer?


One of the following is called a feminine hormone. Which one is it?

A. Oestrogen

B. Testosterone

C. Pituitrin

D. Thyroxine

What is the correct answer?


Whooping cough is caused by

A. Salmonella

B. Bacillus pertussis

C. Variola

D. Vibriona

What is the correct answer?


The method of inducing artificial immunity was discovered by

A. Jenner

B. Tolstoy

C. Pasteur

D. Morgan

What is the correct answer?


The protein synthesis takes place in

A. Ribosomes

B. Chromosomes


D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The rate of growth of plants can be measured by a/an

A. manometer

B. auxanometer

C. photometer

D. thermometer