Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Diabetes is caused by

A. fall in insulin level

B. increase in insulin level

C. eating too much sugar

D. decrease in glucose

Correct Answer :

A. fall in insulin level

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What is the correct answer?


The specific gravity of blood is

A. lower than water

B. higher than water

C. same as water

D. many times that of water

What is the correct answer?


The phenomenon of summer sleep by animals is called

A. hibernation

B. aestivation

C. laziness

D. lethargy

What is the correct answer?


The insects do not have blood pigments because

A. there is no blood

B. blood does not have a respiratory function

C. tissues have pigments

D. pigments are elsewhere

What is the correct answer?


Nucleus was first discovered by

A. Porter

B. Robert Brown

C. Palade

D. None of these

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Athlete's Coot is the common name for the fungal disease

A. Tinea pedis

B. Tinea cruris

C. Tinea corporis

D. Tinea capitis

What is the correct answer?


The function of ribosomes is

A. Secretion

B. Excretion

C. Power house of the cell

D. Protein synthesis

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Who was the first scientist/doctor who attempted vaccination?

A. Joseph Lister

B. Robert Koch

C. Elie Metchnikoff

D. Edward Jenner

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Mouth and foot diseases in cattle are caused by

A. Bacteria

B. Virus

C. Fungi

D. Pennicilium

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Blood pressure is measured by

A. Auxanometer

B. Stethoscope

C. Sphygmomanometer

D. Kaleidoscope

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The bone cells are connected with each other by

A. Haversian canal

B. canaliculi

C. capillaries

D. matrix

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Sexual selection theory was propounded by

A. Wallace

B. De Vires

C. Lamarck

D. Charles Darwin

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Savannah is

A. grass land

B. desert

C. forest

D. snow clad mountains

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The mouth of a river opening into the sea is termed as

A. shore line

B. littoral zone

C. continental shelf

D. estuary

What is the correct answer?


Carbohydrates are mainly needed for

A. growth

B. immunity

C. repair

D. energy

What is the correct answer?


Tetrodotoxin is a potent poison that

A. erodes blood vessels

B. blocks conduction of nerve impulses causing respiratory paralysis

C. produces damage to the kidneys

D. produces intestinal bleeding

What is the correct answer?


What is the other name for the brain?

A. myelon

B. encephalon

C. cephalon

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Valves are present inside

A. arteries

B. capillaries

C. veins

D. aorta

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is caused by the expression of a recessive gene present on sex chromosome?

A. Rheumatism

B. Nervous shock

C. Muscular dystrophy

D. Cerebral haemorrhage

What is the correct answer?


Insulin is concerned with the metabolism of

A. sugar

B. fats

C. proteins

D. vitamins

What is the correct answer?


Haemophllia is a genetic disorder which leads to

A. decrease in haemoglobin level

B. rheumatic heart disease

C. increase in haemoglobin level

D. non-clothing of blood

What is the correct answer?


The germ theory of diseases was put forward by

A. Louis Pasteur

B. Luister

C. Leuwenhoek

D. Flemming

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HIV causes

A. cancer

B. hepatitis


D. Herpes

What is the correct answer?


A plant cell is distinguishable from an animal cell by the presence of

A. nucleus

B. cell wall

C. chloroplasts

D. cell membrane

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Who is called the father of modem antiseptic surgery?

A. Edward Jenner

B. Joseph Lister

C. Louis Pasteur

D. William Harvey

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Desert plants are called

A. Xerophytes

B. Bryophytes

C. Pteridophytes

D. Halophytes

What is the correct answer?


Formation of blood

A. Histolysis

B. Histogenesis

C. Haemopoiesis

D. Haemolysis

What is the correct answer?


Geotropism is reaction of plants to the stimulus of

A. earth

B. light

C. sound

D. gravity

What is the correct answer?


The principal reason why it is better to have two eyes than one is that

A. by having two eyes, one can distinguish colours more easily

B. by having two eyes, one can easily see in the dark and dim light

C. this gives the man a type of vision known as mosaic vision

D. this enhances depth perception in the humans

What is the correct answer?


Dialysis is used when there is a failure of

A. heart

B. lungs

C. liver

D. kidneys

What is the correct answer?


A child goes on vomiting profusely and develops symptoms of diarrhoea. Chances are that in the child's blood serum there is a drop In

A. calcium

B. iron

C. sodium

D. phosphorus