Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Diminishing returns occur when a firm:

A. Starts incurring losses

B. Uses more and more of one input while holding all other inputs constant

C. Does not utilize its inputs efficiently

D. Cuts down on the quantity of all inputs it uses

Correct Answer :

B. Uses more and more of one input while holding all other inputs constant

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Identify the work of T.W.Schultz:

A. Transforming Traditional Agriculture

B. Productivity and Technical Change

C. Jobs, Poverty and the Green Revolution

D. Causes of Poverty

What is the correct answer?


The Tit for Tat strategy means cooperation by the 2nd firm if:

A. 1st firm does not cooperate

B. 1st firm cooperates

C. 1st firm collapses

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


When a consumer is satisfied with his spending pattern, he is said to be in:

A. Balance stat

B. Equilibrium

C. Disequilibrium

D. Authenticated form

What is the correct answer?


If cross-elasticity of one commodity for another turns out to be zero, it means they are:

A. Close substitutes

B. Good complements

C. Completely unrelated (independent goods)

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


A firms profit is equal to:

A. R-C

B. R>C

C. R

D. R=C

What is the correct answer?


Cartel is associated with:

A. Collusive oligopoly

B. Non-collusive oligopoly

C. Cartel

D. Perfect competition

What is the correct answer?


When price decreases and with it the total outlay on a commodity also decreases, it is a case of:

A. Perfect elasticity (infinitely elastic)

B. Relative elasticity (greater than one elasticity)

C. Perfect inelasticity (zero elasticity)

D. Relative inelasticity (less than one elasticity)

What is the correct answer?


Liquidity of Preference Theory was introduced by:

A. Alfred Marshal

B. Lord Keynes

C. Karl Marx

D. Prof. Robbins

What is the correct answer?


For the given production function, technical efficiency is defined as:

A. Sets of points relating production function that maximizes output given input (labor) i.e. Q = f(L, K)

B. Sets of points relating production function that produces less output than possible for a given set of input (labor) i.e. Q < f(L, K)

C. Use of imported technology

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If the factors have to be employed in a fixed ratio, then the elasticity of substitution under Leontief technology is:

A. One

B. Zero

C. Two

D. Five

What is the correct answer?


When elasticity of demand is less than one (e<1), then following the formula MR=P[1-1/e], the MR will:

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Zero

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In case of monopoly, when total revenue is maximum:

A. MR is positive

B. MR falls

C. MR rises

D. MR is zero

What is the correct answer?


Under conditions of perfect competition, price in the long-run is equal to:

A. Minimum of average variable cost

B. Minimum of marginal cost

C. Minimum of average fixed cost

D. Minimum of average cost

What is the correct answer?


In long run competitive equilibrium:

A. Every firm will earn economic profit

B. Every firm will incur losses

C. Every firm will earn only normal profit

D. The marginal firm will earn no profit

What is the correct answer?


Under monopolistic competition, the products sold by the firms are:

A. Economic substitutes

B. Technical substitutes

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


After reaching the saturation point consumption of additional units of the commodity cause:

A. Total utility to fall and marginal utility to increase

B. Total utility and marginal utility both to increase

C. Total utility to fall and marginal utility to become negative

D. Total utility to become negative and marginal utility to fall

What is the correct answer?


The products, under monopolistic competition are differentiated, yet they are:

A. Complements

B. Close substitutes

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In Recardian theory of value, the stress has been made on:

A. Marginal cost

B. Production cost

C. Labor cost

D. Supply cost

What is the correct answer?


The kinked demand curve comes into being where:

A. Proportional demand curve (PDC) and individual demand curve (IDC) intersect each other

B. Proportional demand curve (PDC) and individual demand curve (IDC) are parallel to each other

C. Proportional demand curve (PDC) and individual demand curve (IDC) repel each other

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If the increase in demand is more than the increase in supply, the price will:

A. Rise

B. Fall

C. Remain the same

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Under the perfect competition, the transportation cost:

A. Is considered to be negligible and thus ignored

B. Is considered to be vital for the calculation of total cost

C. Is charged along with the price of the commodity

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


At the point where the straight line from the origin is tangent to the TC curve, AC is:

A. Maximum

B. Minimum

C. Equal

D. Lower

What is the correct answer?


The slope of the iso-cost line (budget line) is determined by:

A. Pricing of two factors

B. Productivity of the two factors

C. Degree of substitutability of two factors

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Cross-elasticity of demand or cross-price elasticity between two complements will be:

A. Negative

B. Positive

C. Infinite

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


If the demand curve remains unchanged and supply increases, the price will:

A. Rise

B. Fall

C. Remain the same

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In a competitive market, price is determined primarily by:

A. Transportation costs

B. The interplay of demand and supply

C. Costs of production

D. The marginal product of labour

What is the correct answer?


The effect of consumer boycotts usually is:

A. A rise in the price of the product

B. A decrease in the demand for the product

C. A decrease in the supply of the product

D. An increase in the quantity supplied of the product

What is the correct answer?


Micro economics is concerned with:

A. Product markets

B. Factor markets

C. Supply and demand

D. a, b and c

What is the correct answer?


The entry of new firms in cournot model is:

A. Banned

B. Free

C. Partially free

D. Allowed

What is the correct answer?


An economic model describing the working of an economy consists of:

A. Functional relationships

B. Family relationships

C. Economic position

D. Stagnant relationships