Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Do functions in JavaScript necessarily return a value?

A. It is mandatory

B. Not necessary

C. Few functions return values by default

D. some functions do not return any value

Correct Answer :

C. Few functions return values by default

Explanation: Functions generally have a return statement and hence usually returns a value. Some functions which does not have a return statement returns value by default during execution.

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Consider the following code snippet.
while (a != 0)
if (a == 1)

What will be the role of the continue keyword in the above code snippet?

A. The continue keyword restarts the loop

B. The continue keyword skips the next iteration

C. The continue keyword skips the rest of the statements in that iteration

D. The continue keyword breaks out of the loop

What is the correct answer?


What are the three important manipulations done in a for loop on a loop variable?

A. Updation, Incrementation, Initialization

B. Initialization,Testing, Updation

C. Testing, Updation, Testing

D. Initialization,Testing, Incrementation

What is the correct answer?


The expression of calling (or executing) a function or method in JavaScript is called ________

A. Primary expression

B. Functional expression

C. Invocation expression

D. Property Access Expression

What is the correct answer?


What is the observation made in the following JavaScript code?
if (!a[i]) continue;

A. Skips the defined elements

B. Skips the existent elements

C. Skips the null elements

D. Skips the defined & existent elements

What is the correct answer?


The script tag must be placed in __________

A. the head tag

B. the head or body

C. the title or head

D. after the body tag

What is the correct answer?


Consider the following code snippet.
function printArray(a)
var len = a.length, i = 0;
if (len == 0)
console.log(Empty Array);
} while (++i < len);

What does the above code result?

A. Prints the numbers in the array in order

B. Prints the numbers in the array in the reverse order

C. Prints 0 to the length of the array

D. Prints Empty Array

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var string1 = 123;
var intvalue = 123;
alert( string1 + intvalue );

A. 123246

B. 246

C. 123123

D. Exception

What is the correct answer?


A function with no return value is called ___________

A. Procedures

B. Method

C. Static function

D. Dynamic function

What is the correct answer?


A JavaScript program developed on a Unix Machine ________

A. will throw errors and exceptions

B. must be restricted to a Unix Machine only

C. will work perfectly well on a Windows Machine

D. will be displayed as a JavaScript text on the browser

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following Javascript code?
int size=5;
int a=5;
int size=4;
for(int j=size;j>=0;j--)

A. 5555

B. 5321

C. 531-1

D. 531

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following Javascript code?
var x = 10;
x *= 5;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;

A. 5

B. 10

C. 50

D. Error

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
function compare()
int a=1;
char b=1;
return true;
return false;

A. true

B. false

C. runtime error

D. logical error

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?

A. 1.01

B. 1.047

C. 1.00

D. 1.4

What is the correct answer?


Consider the following code snippet :
function constfuncs()
var funcs = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
funcs[i] = function() { return i; };
return funcs;
var funcs = constfuncs();

What does the last statement return ?

A. 9

B. 0

C. 10

D. None of the mentioned

What is the correct answer?


Consider the following JavaScript statements.
var text = testing: 1, 2, 3; // Sample text
var pattern = /d+/g // Matches all instances of one or more digits

In order to check if the pattern matches with the string text, the statement is ____________

A. text==pattern

B. text.equals(pattern)

C. text.test(pattern)

D. pattern.test(text)

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var grade='B';
var result;
case 'A':
case 'B':
result+= 9;
case 'C':
result+= 8;
result+= 0;

A. 10

B. 9

C. 8

D. 0

What is the correct answer?


An expression that can legally appear on the left side of an assignment expression. is a well known explanation for variables, properties of objects, and elements of arrays. They are called ___________

A. Properties

B. Prototypes

C. Lvalue

D. Definition

What is the correct answer?


The purpose of extensible attribute is to __________

A. make all of the own properties of that object non configurable

B. to configure and bring a writable property

C. lock down objects into a known state and prevent outside tampering

D. to include new properties into the object

What is the correct answer?


For the below mentioned code snippet:
var o = new Object();

The equivalent statement is:

A. var o = Object();

B. var o;

C. var o= new Object;

D. Object o=new Object();

What is the correct answer?


What will the following code snippet work? If not, what will be the error?
function tail(o)
for (; o.next; o = o.next) ;
return o;

A. No, this will throw an exception as only numerics can be used in a for loop

B. No, this will not iterate

C. Yes, this will work

D. No, this will result in a runtime error with the message Cannot use Linked List

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
function info()
int a=1;
int b=2;
return a*b;

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. error

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following Javascript code?
var add=new Function(num1,num2,return num1+num2);

A. 2

B. 5

C. Error

D. 7

What is the correct answer?


What will be the equivalent output of the following JavaScript code snippet?
x = ~-y;
w = x = y = z;
q = a?b:c?d:e?f:g;


x = ~(-y); w = (x = (y = z));
q = a?b:(c?d:(e?f:g));


x = a?b:(c?d:(e?f:g));
q = ~(-y); w = (x = (y = z));


x = (x = (y = z));w = ~(-y);
q = a?b:(c?d:(e?f:g));


x = ~(-y); w = (x = (y = z));
q = (c?d:(e?f:g));

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following Javascript code?
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = typeof "John"

A. integer

B. number

C. string

D. error

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following Javascript code?
var txt1 = good;
var txt2 = day;
document.getElementById(demo).innerHTML = txt1 + txt2;


A. good day

B. goodday

C. error

D. undefined

What is the correct answer?


JavaScript is ideal to ________

A. make computations in HTML simpler

B. minimize storage requirements on the web server

C. increase the download time for the client

D. increase the loading time of the website

What is the correct answer?


Consider the following code snippet :
var string2Num=parseInt(123xyz);

The result for the above code snippet would be :

A. 123

B. 123xyz

C. Exception

D. NaN

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
Int a=1;

A. 10

B. 0

C. 1

D. Undefined

What is the correct answer?


The property of a primary expression is ____________

A. stand-alone expressions

B. basic expressions containing all necessary functions

C. contains variable references alone

D. contains only keywords

What is the correct answer?


What will be the output of the following JavaScript code?
var pow=new Function(num1,num2,return Math.pow(num1,num2));

A. 2

B. 3

C. 8

D. error