Current Affairs January 2024


Pick out the most effective pair of words from the given pair of words make the sentences meaningfully complete.

What is the correct answer?


Education is an essential means of_________women with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to fully_________ in the development process.

A. empower- include

B. empowering - participate

C. empowered - participating

D. empowerment - participate

Correct Answer :

D. empowerment - participate

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


A great literary or artistic work is known as______.

A. par excellence

B. bete noire

C. peccadillo

D. magnum opus

What is the correct answer?


Sheila gained an advantage __________ me.

A. upon

B. from

C. on

D. over

What is the correct answer?


I. In todays world parents usually .......... that their children do not talk to them as they are more involved in electronic gadgets and social media.
II. He would .......... about every other child on the playground and his parents would fight with other parents so as to protect him.

A. feel

B. defend

C. fight

D. complain

What is the correct answer?


Most political leaders acquire their position by causing a large number of people to believe that these leaders are ___________ by altruistic desires.

A. actuated

B. convinced

C. categorized

D. led

What is the correct answer?


Rajeev was upset because he _____________ forgotten his best friends birthday?

A. have

B. shall

C. will

D. had

What is the correct answer?


When we call others dogmatic, what we really object to is ___________ .

A. their giving the dog a bad name

B. their holding dogmas that are different from our own

C. the extremism that goes along with it

D. the subversion of whatever they actually believe in concomitantly

What is the correct answer?


I had already published a novel and it was an unexpected success. I thought my ___________ .

A. days were up

B. chances were good

C. lady luck was happy

D. fortune was made

What is the correct answer?


One dark night a Darvesh ___________ passing by a dry well.

A. wasnt

B. happened to be

C. discovered in

D. found to

What is the correct answer?


Scientists, working to save the earth, have ___________ dry water that soaks carbon three times better than water, and hence helps ___________ global warming.

A. aided, cut

B. created, combat

C. built, stop

D. produced, increase

What is the correct answer?


Unpredictable __________ of the child could not lead the consultants to any ___________.

A. performance, setting

B. belief, judgment

C. operation, purpose

D. behaviour, conclusion

What is the correct answer?


His answer was such______ I expected him to give.

A. that

B. which

C. as

D. like which

What is the correct answer?


After a short holiday Rajni came back totally_______.

A. rejuvenated

B. reborn

C. refurbished

D. revamped

What is the correct answer?


We have not yet fully realised the _________ consequences of the war.

A. happy

B. pleasing

C. grim

D. exciting

What is the correct answer?


A public, servant who is guilty will not ___________ punishment and no ___________ person will be punished.

A. be, sincere

B. flee, guilty

C. defend, common

D. avoid, uninformed

What is the correct answer?


_________ of illiteracy from a nation that is set to become the most populated in the world is by no ________easy.

A. Countering, task

B. Driving, measure

C. Curbing, way

D. Eradication, means

What is the correct answer?


The influence of the environment on man is revealed by an_____ study.

A. anthropological

B. ecological

C. epigraphic

D. numismatic

What is the correct answer?


If strict security measures were taken, the tragedy might have been ________

A. restrained

B. averted

C. removed

D. controlled

What is the correct answer?


I did not see the point of _________ waiting for them, so I went home.

A. hanging around

B. hanging on

C. hang together

D. hanging up

What is the correct answer?


Education is an essential means of_________women with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to fully_________ in the development process.

A. empower- include

B. empowering - participate

C. empowered - participating

D. empowerment - participate

What is the correct answer?


Although there is ______________ gunfire, there is no stiff resistance to the revolutionary army.

A. bitter

B. meagre

C. continuous

D. sporadic

What is the correct answer?


_____ between labour and management is inevitable in any industrial society.

A. co-ordination

B. competition

C. friction

D. association

What is the correct answer?


As navigators, calendar makers, and other _________ of the night sky accumulated evidence to the contrary, ancient astronomers were forced to __________ that certain bodies might move in circles about points, which in turn moved in circles about the earth.

A. scrutinizers, believe

B. observers, agree

C. scrutinizers, suggest

D. observers, concede

What is the correct answer?


Alexander Solzhepitsyns works will be_______ by every lover of liberal thought and they will bring home to him how restrictive freedom is in the Russian system.

A. rejected

B. skimmed

C. compiled

D. perused

What is the correct answer?


The water transport project on the west coast is ____ to get a shot in the arm with a new plan in which the Road Development Corporation will build the infrastructure and ___ a private party to operate the service.

A. scheduled, let

B. verge, permit

C. set, sanctions

D. bound, task

What is the correct answer?


There are not solitary, free-living creatures ; every form of life is ______ other forms.

A. dependent on

B. parallel to

C. overshadowed by

D. segregated from

What is the correct answer?


I. He was good with Mathematics so he could not fathorn why other people cribbed about such an .......... subject.
II. In a world so riddled with greed and corruption where every man seems to be out to get another, it is not very .......... to trust others.

A. good

B. exciting

C. wise

D. easy

What is the correct answer?


The carriage foundered in a snowdrift and it took two hours to_____ it.

A. exert

B. pillage

C. exacerbate

D. extricate

What is the correct answer?


A group of agitators ____ the mob to break down the Vice-Chancellors door.

A. wished

B. excited

C. threatened

D. incited

What is the correct answer?


Once he has signed the agreement, he wont be able to back______.

A. up

B. in

C. at

D. out

What is the correct answer?


The journey may be made by sea or___by road.

A. alternately

B. alteringly

C. conversely

D. alternatively