Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Every animation needs a starting and ending point. _______________ are used to set these.

A. Scenes

B. Key frames

C. Blank frames

D. Graphic symbols

Correct Answer :

B. Key frames

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What is the correct answer?


The difference between the black arrow and the white arrow in the tool box is...

A. the black arrow allows us to manipulate the shape as a whole by repositioning it on the stage or fluidly transforming its shape by selecting the curves that define it and repositioning those. The white arrow allows us to have more precise control of the

B. the black arrow allows us to manipulate the shape as a whole by repositioning it on the stage or fluidly transforming its shape by selecting the curves that define it and repositioning those. The white arrow allows us to transform the shape by scaling, r

C. the white arrow allows us to manipulate the shape as a whole by repositioning it on the stage or fluidly transforming its shape by selecting the curves that define it and repositioning those. The black arrow allows us to have more precise control of the

D. the white arrow allows us to manipulate the shape as a whole by repositioning it on the stage or fluidly transforming its shape by selecting the curves that define it and repositioning those. The black arrow allows us to transform the shape by scaling, r

What is the correct answer?


____________, when used appropriately, adds to the viewer's experience, making for a much richer and enjoyable activity.

A. Advertisments

B. Sound

C. Commericals

D. Tweens

What is the correct answer?


This is, by far, the most tedious way to create animations.

A. Shape Tween

B. Motion Tween

C. Mask

D. Frame-by-Frame

What is the correct answer?


A stroke is...

A. ...the width of the paintbrush.

B. ... the color of the paintbrush.

C. ... the outline around a shape.

D. ... the fill of a shape.

What is the correct answer?


The brush option that paints behind the object on the stage.

A. Paint Inside

B. Paint Selection

C. Paint Behind

D. Paint Normal

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The step in production is performed to add more detailed to your scene.

A. Improvement of design

B. Action Scripting

C. Polishing

D. Create a storyboard

What is the correct answer?


This is the shortcut key for adding a keyframe.

A. Erase Objects

B. Erase Only Shapes

C. Erase Selected Fills

D. Erase Normal

What is the correct answer?


Clicking and dragging the playhead will scrub through your movie so you can see the animation.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


What is not a possible value for a boolean variable?

A. 0

B. on

C. false

D. 1

What is the correct answer?


Changing this can sometimes make an animation look smoother.

A. frame rate

B. key frame

C. mask

D. layer

What is the correct answer?


The transformation point is...

A. ... the fading in a color gradient.

B. ... the phase at which an object is rendered.

C. ... the point from which an object or shape is rotated or scaled.

What is the correct answer?


By default, this panel is located below the flash environment.

A. Library Panel

B. Property Inspector Panel

C. Layers Panel

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The last step in production. It is done to verify if you have met the goals of the project.

A. Brainstorming

B. Refining

C. Action Scripting

D. Adding sound

What is the correct answer?


This tool allows you to modify the gradient in three ways.

A. Merge Drawing

B. Flash Tool

C. Gradient Transform Tool

D. Object Drawing

What is the correct answer?


You cannot change the angle or length of a gradient.

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


Which option represents the correct syntax for writing an event listener for a movie clip called sandbox_mc

A. sandbox_mc.addeventlistener(mouseevent.click, buildCastle);

B. sandbox_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Click, buildCastle);

C. sandbox_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buildCastle);

D. sandBox_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Click, buildCastle);

What is the correct answer?


This tool is useful when you are zoomed in and need to move around an area in your artwork.

A. Merge Tool

B. move Tool

C. Hand Tool

D. Zoom Tool

What is the correct answer?


Where is the envelop distort tool located?

A. With a movie clip selected, use the Free Transform tool and go to its options in the toolbox. The Envelop Distort tool is located at the bottom of the box.

B. With a shape selected, use the Free Transform tool and go to its options in the toolbox. The Envelop Distort tool is located at the bottom of the box.

What is the correct answer?


With the brush tool selected, you can adjust your brush shape and size in the tool bar.

A. true

B. false

What is the correct answer?


It is to create new file.

A. Ctrl + O

B. Ctrl + Q

C. Ctrl + T

D. Ctrl + N

What is the correct answer?


To make a donut shape you would use the...

A. ... Oval Tool.

B. ... Oval Primitive Tool and adjust the Start Angle.

C. ... Oval Primitive Tool and adjust the Inner Radius.

What is the correct answer?


If you want a button to not be visible to the user but still listen for events, you would need to...

A. set the property .alpha = 0

B. set the property .visible = true

C. set the property .alpha = 1;

D. set the property .visible = false;

What is the correct answer?


The ___________________ is a holding place for all symbols and imported images and sounds within a single Flash file.

A. library

B. timeline

C. properties

D. tools panel

What is the correct answer?


This panel indicates what settings are being used for objects and allows you to change those settings.

A. Tools

B. Actions

C. Frames

D. Properties

What is the correct answer?


The Windows> Align> Entire Stage makes the ____________.

A. object align with another object

B. object fill the entire stage

C. object fill another object

D. object fill the entire screen

What is the correct answer?


functions need to be bracketed by....

A. [...]

B. (...)

C. {...}

D. :...; (Your Answer)

What is the correct answer?


Any item placed on a frame that has not been converted to a graphic, button, or movie clip. This includes shapes you draw as well as images you insert/import (jpg, bitmaps, etc.). Use this to do a shape tween or mask effect.

A. Layer

B. vector

C. bitmap

D. object

What is the correct answer?


A white box with a diagonal red line through it means...

A. ... no color.

B. ... do not enter.

C. ... no data.

What is the correct answer?


Shape tweens can only

A. be used to tween between one shape on one frame and another shape on another frame, but on the same layer.

B. be used on the main stage.

C. change the shape of a symbol.

D. eat bunnies.

What is the correct answer?


This area is much like a theatre stage. The white area displays what will be shown on the screen This area is much like a theatre stage. The white area displays what will be shown on the screen

A. Dashboard

B. Flash Stage

C. Tools Palette

D. Layers Panel