Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Foal' is the young on of the

A. Cat

B. Lion

C. Tiger

D. Horse

Correct Answer :

D. Horse

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The external ears of man are intended for

A. ornaments

B. scattering sound waves

C. collect sound waves

D. beauty

What is the correct answer?


Blood pressure is measured by

A. Auxanometer

B. Stethoscope

C. Sphygmomanometer

D. Kaleidoscope

What is the correct answer?


The insect vector for the disease Leishmaniasis is

A. Tsetse fly

B. Culex

C. Phlebotomus

D. Anopheles

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following diseases is water borne?

A. Cholera

B. Malaria

C. Filiariasis

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Pneumonia is ,a bacterial disease caused by the type of bacteria called

A. Bacilli

B. Cocci

C. Sprilli

D. Vibrio

What is the correct answer?


Biological control is to check growth of

A. plants

B. animals

C. weeds

D. one pest by another

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is NOT a viral disease?

A. Chicken-pox

B. Influenza

C. Epilepsy

D. Measles

What is the correct answer?


The function of connective tissue is

A. to hold the other tissues together

B. to facilitate diffusion

C. to help transportation of dissolved material from capillaries to epithelial cells

D. protection

What is the correct answer?


Late Blight' is a disease that affects the _______ crop.

A. coconut

B. cashew

C. potato

D. pepper

What is the correct answer?


Eye is an organ that can be called as

A. Phonoreceptor

B. Thigmoreceptor

C. Photoreceptors

D. Rheoreceptor

What is the correct answer?


Plants grown in darkness show

A. stout stem

B. long internodes

C. bigger leaves

D. no growth at all

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a Cast growing tree?

A. Teak

B. Eucalyptus

C. Banyan

D. Coconut

What is the correct answer?


Somato Tropic Hormone is concerned with

A. Body growth

B. Metamorphosis

C. Digestion

D. Reproduction

What is the correct answer?


Fusarium causes the wilting of the cotton plants by

A. clogging the vessels

B. producing toxic substance

C. causing necrosis of roots

D. killing the leaves

What is the correct answer?


An organism eating its own species is called

A. carnivore

B. detritivore

C. cannibal

D. herbivore

What is the correct answer?


Eugenics is the application of genetics to improve

A. crop plants

B. fruit trees

C. cattle

D. human beings

What is the correct answer?


The most primitive mammals are

A. carnivorous

B. herbivorous

C. omnivorous

D. insectivorous

What is the correct answer?


Measles is caused by

A. bacteria

B. fungus

C. virus

D. protozoan

What is the correct answer?


What is the colour of the outer portion of the spinal cord?

A. gray

B. brown

C. white

D. yellow

What is the correct answer?


The cavities of the brain are filled with

A. Blood

B. Lymph

C. Water

D. Cerebrospinal fluid

What is the correct answer?


Blood is

A. acidic

B. alkaline

C. neutral

D. like a buffer

What is the correct answer?


Blood of cockroach is

A. red

B. bluish

C. greenish

D. colourless

What is the correct answer?


The plant hormone which promotes ripening of fruits is

A. auxin

B. ethylene

C. gibberellin

D. cytokinin

What is the correct answer?


Vitamin D is manufactured in a healthy human being by the action of _______ on the skin and absorbed in the blood stream.

A. ozone

B. radium

C. moonlight

D. sunlight

What is the correct answer?


Damage to hearing is caused by sounds which exceed

A. 70 decibels

B. 80 decibels

C. 100 decibels

D. 120 decibels

What is the correct answer?


Measles and influenza are caused by

A. virus

B. bacteria

C. insects

D. nematodes

What is the correct answer?


The part of the brain in Control of Voluntary muscles is

A. cerebellum

B. medulla oblongata

C. pons

D. cerebrum

What is the correct answer?


Insulin is concerned with the metabolism of

A. sugar

B. fats

C. proteins

D. vitamins

What is the correct answer?


Chemical substances that called have effect on growth of plants are called

A. enzymes

B. catalysts

C. hormones

D. pesticides

What is the correct answer?


Egg laying animals are referred to as

A. viviparous

B. oviparous

C. ovoviviparous

D. vegetative