Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


FolderBrowserDialog displays

A. File

B. Folder

C. Drives

D. b and c

Correct Answer :

D. b and c

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A. :

B. ;

C. ,

D. .

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A. Overridable

B. Inherits

C. MustInherit

D. None of the above

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/*1. OleDataAdapterq1.update(DataSet1,"emp")
2. OleDataAdapterq1.update(DataSet1,"std")
3. DataSet1.Merge(DataSet1)
4. DataSet1.AcceptChanges()
/* The error is in line

A. 2

B. 4

C. 3

D. No Error

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A. -1

B. 0

C. 1

D. Null

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A. Dim c as new ClassName

B. Dim withEvents c as new ClassName

C. Dim c as ClassName

D. Dim withEvents c as ClassName

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A. True

B. False

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A. True

B. False

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A. ..../Project folder name

B. .../Project folder name/Bin

C. .../Project folder name/Debug

D. .../Project folder name/Debug/Bin

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A. True

B. False

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A. RecordSet

B. DataSource

C. RecordSource

D. Connection

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A single OLEDBAdapter can have many DataSets

A. True

B. False

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FolderBrowserDialog displays

A. File

B. Folder

C. Drives

D. b and c

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Class cc
public _________ I as string
end class

A. Share

B. Shared

C. Global

D. Static

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DomainUpDown control is used only for strings and NumericUpDown for numbers.

A. True

B. False

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ScrollBars can be added to

A. Panel

B. GroupBox

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

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A. Scrollbars

B. WordWrap

C. No precedence both will work

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To make a button the default button, this property of the form must be set

A. DefaultButton

B. AcceptButton

C. DialogResult

D. None of the above

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In Class, Me.Show and MyClass.Show are same (Show is method name)

A. True

B. False

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To redimension an array with its previous values intact use ___________ keyword

A. RedimPreserve

B. Preserve

C. Redim

D. Redim Preserve

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Finally is fired only when error occurs

A. True

B. False

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To print use

A. PrintDialog1.Print()

B. PrintDocument1.Print()

C. Printer1.Print()

D. None of the above

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DataSet can be used to connect to Crystal Report

A. True

B. False

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To override Finalize function the scope of the function must be

A. Private

B. Public

C. Protected

D. Static

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We need multiple ErrorProviders from multiple controls.

A. True

B. False

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On error goto lbl is a

A. Structured error

B. Unstructured error

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What cannot be done if the table has no primary key

A. Insert and Update

B. Update and Delete

C. Select and Delete

D. Insert and Select

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Data from DataSet is accessed using34

A. Binding Obejct

B. BindContext Object

C. BindingContext Object

D. EndCurrentEdit Object

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A. Controls.New

B. Controls.AddNew

C. Controls.Add

D. Controls.AddItem

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A. Load

B. Initialize, Load, Activate

C. Initialize, Activate, Load

D. Activate, Initialize Load