Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


For the same class "Me" and MyBase" are same

A. True

B. False

Correct Answer :

A. True

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What is the correct answer?


Images can be loaded from

A. Images.FromFile

B. BitMap.FromFile

C. System.FromFile

D. Both a and b

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Structured and Unstructured exceptions can't be mixed

A. True

B. False

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dim arr(10) as string,
the max index of the array is

A. 9

B. 10

C. Can be >10 also

D. None of the above

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A form can have only ______ Main Menu and _________ Context Menu

A. 1,1

B. 1,Multiple

C. Multiple,1

D. 1,2

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This view pops up if "Ctrl+F1" is pressed

A. Help

B. Properties Window

C. Dynamic Help

D. Server Explorer

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Set method is used to

A. Assign a value to an user control

B. Read value from an user control

C. Both of the above

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In ListView the item that is currently selected is determined by

A. SelectedItem

B. Item

C. FocussedItem

D. GetSelected

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To retrieve the default path of the project use

A. Application.Path

B. Application.DefaultPath

C. Application.StartupPath

D. Application.ProjectPath

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Using OLEDB you can connect more than one table

A. True

B. False

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To print use

A. PrintDialog1.Print()

B. PrintDocument1.Print()

C. Printer1.Print()

D. None of the above

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For the same class "Me" and MyBase" are same

A. True

B. False

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In TreeView to get the node the mouse is pointing to, use

A. GetNode

B. Node

C. GetNodeAt

D. SelectNode

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To call a buttons click event use

A. Button1.Click

B. Button1.PerformClick

C. Button1.Clicked

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If a Form is Inherited from another Form and both Forms have certain codes in their respective Form_Load event, then while running the program

A. Only the first Forms code will be executed

B. Only the second Forms code will be executed

C. Both Forms code will be executed

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Application.StartupPath actually points to

A. //ProjectName

B. //ProjectName/Bin

C. //ProjectName/Debug

D. //ProjectName/Bin/ProjectName.exe

What is the correct answer?


A DataSet can hold multiple tables even if there are similar fields

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


The default location of the exe file of your solution is

A. ..../Project folder name

B. .../Project folder name/Bin

C. .../Project folder name/Debug

D. .../Project folder name/Debug/Bin

What is the correct answer?


/*1. Class C
2. public notoverridable sub abc()
3. msgbox("Base Class")
4. end sub
5. end Class /* The Error in Line No.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. No Error

What is the correct answer?


In HelpProvider ___________ property is used to mention the help file name

A. HelpFileName

B. FileName

C. HelpNamespace

D. Name

What is the correct answer?


You can assign a Main Menu to any control

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


The name of the IDE window that allows you to see the hierarchical arrangement of the files in your project is

A. Server Explorer

B. Project Explorer

C. Solution Explorer

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


VB.NET does not support control arrays

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


To redimension an array with its previous values intact use ___________ keyword

A. RedimPreserve

B. Preserve

C. Redim

D. Redim Preserve

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If MustOverride is used then ____________ is also a must.

A. Overridable

B. Inherits

C. MustInherit

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


To view Panels of a StatusBar set _________ to true

A. Panel

B. Panels

C. ShowPanel

D. ShowPanels

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Using MyBase you can call base class

A. Constructor

B. Method

C. Variables

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


If Scrollbars property of a TextBox is set to Hortizontal and the WordWrap property is also set to true. Which one will get precedence

A. Scrollbars

B. WordWrap

C. No precedence both will work

What is the correct answer?


A form can have only one default button

A. True

B. False

What is the correct answer?


To use HelpProvider, the following properties of the form needs to be set

A. HelpButton

B. MaximizeBox

C. MinimizeBox

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The default Tab of a Tab Control is

A. The first tab

B. The last tab added

C. The last tab modified

D. There is no default tab.