Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


For which of the following is insulin treatment given?

A. Cancer

B. Diabetes

C. Asthma

D. Typhoid

Correct Answer :

B. Diabetes

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What is the correct answer?


The smallest size of a cell which can be seen directly by the eye is

A. One micron

B. 10 micron

C. 100 micron

D. 1000 micron

What is the correct answer?


The hormone secreted when one is frightened or excited

A. pituitrin

B. thyroxine

C. adrenaline

D. parathormone

What is the correct answer?


Bird nu is a disease which affects and spreads through

A. Cattle

B. Sheep

C. Prawn

D. Poultry

What is the correct answer?


Cancer is induced by certain viruses called

A. poxviruses

B. adenoviruses

C. oncogenic viruses

D. herpesviruses

What is the correct answer?


A person with a blood group ____ is considered to be an universal donor.

A. A Positive

B. AB Positive

C. AB Negative

D. O Positive

What is the correct answer?


The spider spins its web from a liquid secreting from its

A. posterior silk gland

B. posterior abdomen glands

C. mouth

D. salivary glands

What is the correct answer?


The latest drug for cancer is obtained from

A. Strychnos nuxvomica

B. Vinca rosea

C. Atropa belladona

D. Phyllanthus niruri

What is the correct answer?


Phototropism means that plants react to the direction of

A. sound

B. wind

C. light

D. gravity

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following acts as a communication system?

A. Blood

B. Nerve

C. Lymph

D. Enzymes

What is the correct answer?


The germ theory of diseases was put forward by

A. Louis Pasteur

B. Luister

C. Leuwenhoek

D. Flemming

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is NOT a viral disease?

A. Chicken-pox

B. Influenza

C. Epilepsy

D. Measles

What is the correct answer?


Injection of insulin causes

A. increase in glucose in blood

B. decrease in glucose in blood

C. increase in blood pressure

D. decrease in blood pressure

What is the correct answer?


The development of new organs is termed

A. Parthenogenesis

B. Morphogenesis

C. Histogenesis

D. Paedogenesis

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is essential for blood clotting?



C. Blood platelets

D. Lymph

What is the correct answer?


Sexual selection theory was propounded by

A. Wallace

B. De Vires

C. Lamarck

D. Charles Darwin

What is the correct answer?


Those small organisms which float on the surface of water are called

A. Necton

B. pH indicators

C. Plankton

D. Benthos

What is the correct answer?


The science of improving the hereditary qualities of future generations of mankind is referred to as

A. genetics

B. eugenics

C. epigenesist

D. epistasis

What is the correct answer?


Development without fertilization is called

A. parthenogenesis

B. asexual reproduction

C. sporulation

D. budding

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a Cast growing tree?

A. Teak

B. Eucalyptus

C. Banyan

D. Coconut

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is caused by the expression of a recessive gene present on sex chromosome?

A. Rheumatism

B. Nervous shock

C. Muscular dystrophy

D. Cerebral haemorrhage

What is the correct answer?


The most accepted theory of the origin of earth is the fiery origin which was propounded by

A. Laplace

B. Chamberlain

C. James Jean

D. Hoyle

What is the correct answer?


The 'graveyard of the RBC' refers to

A. spleen

B. liver

C. bone marrow

D. thymus

What is the correct answer?


A biopsy is performed on a patient generally to detect which one of the following?

A. Cancer

B. Tuberculosis

C. Appendicitis

D. Renal failure

What is the correct answer?


The saliva contains an enzyme called

A. ptyalin

B. pepsin

C. trypsin

D. erepsin

What is the correct answer?


One of the sequences given below represents a complete metamorphosis. Which one is it?

A. Egg - adult

B. Egg - nymph - adult

C. Egg - larva - pupa - adult

D. young one adult

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following terms is used in Botany?

A. Recession

B. Dumping

C. Barter System

D. Biennial

What is the correct answer?


The Green Revolution in India owes much to

A. MS Swaminathan

B. TS Venkataraman

C. Norman Borlaug

D. Prime Minister

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following diseases are not bacterial?

A. cholera and diphtheria

B. trichomonasis and malaria

C. tetanus and typhoid

D. tuberculosis and leprosy

What is the correct answer?


The involuntary muscles are controlled by the

A. Cerebrum

B. Cerebellum

C. Medulla oblongata

D. Pons

What is the correct answer?


The plant hormone which promotes ripening of fruits is

A. auxin

B. ethylene

C. gibberellin

D. cytokinin