Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Galaxies emit

A. radio waves and X-rays

B. ultraviolet light waves

C. visible light waves

D. All the above

Correct Answer :

D. All the above

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


We see the sun before it actually rises on the horizon. This is due to

A. refraction

B. reflection

C. total internal reflection

D. parallax

What is the correct answer?


A series of east moving still pictures can be made to appear as a moving picture because the eye

A. can focus very rapidly as pictures change

B. is quicker than the brain

C. can see two images separated only if the interval' between seeing them is more than' one-tenth of a second

D. can shut out some of the light

What is the correct answer?


In an electrical circuit, a fuse is connected

A. in the live wire

B. in the neutral wire

C. in the earth wire

D. anywhere

What is the correct answer?


The temperature of a large bucket-full of hot water (a few degrees below boiling point) is lower than a beaker full of boiling water. But

A. the hot water contains a much larger quantity of internal energy than the boiling water

B. the boiling water contains more quantity of internal energy than the warm water

C. both of them have got the same amount of internal energy.

D. nothing can be said definitely with the data given

What is the correct answer?


The function of a moderator in a nuclear reactor is

A. to absorb unwanted neutrons

B. to slow down the fast neutrons to secure more effective hits on other nuclei

C. to decrease the number of fissile nuclei

D. to increase the number of fissile nuclei

What is the correct answer?


The image formed by a plane mirror is

A. of the same size as the object

B. at the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front of it

C. virtual and laterally inverted

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


In hot climatic conditions, the buildings are painted white because

A. white paint is economical

B. it does not fade off

C. it does not crack with higher temperature

D. white coating is a bad conductor of heat and reflects heat rays that fall on it, thus keeping the inside cool

What is the correct answer?


At what temperature do the Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales give the same reading?

A. 212°

B. 32°

C. -40°


What is the correct answer?


The mass number and the atomic number of an element are X and Y respectively. The number oC neutrons in the atom of that element is

A. X

B. Y

C. X + Y

D. X Y

What is the correct answer?


Which is the densest planet of the solar system?

A. Sun

B. Jupiter

C. Mercury

D. Earth

What is the correct answer?


The world's first artificial satellite Sputnik I was launched by Russia in

A. 1985

B. 1957

C. 1959

D. 1960

What is the correct answer?


The numerical reading of the Fahrenheit thermometer of a given temperature

A. is proportional to that of the Celsius thermometer

B. is always greater than that of the Celsius thermometer

C. is always less than that of the Celsius thermometer

D. may be greater than or less than or equal to that of the Celsius thermometer

What is the correct answer?


The strength of an electromagnet can be increased by

A. increasing the length of the coiled wire

B. increasing current supply

C. increasing the size of the iron core

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


When a satellite la In a geostationary orbit the force keeping it in orbit Is

A. zero

B. the centrifugal force

C. reaction due to steady burning of fuel

D. the gravitational pull on the body by the earth is the weight of the body which provides the centripetal force

What is the correct answer?


The focal length or lens or the eye is under the control or the

A. iris

B. pupil

C. ciliary body

D. cornea

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following can produce electricity?

A. resistor

B. thermocouple

C. light bulb

D. neon tube

What is the correct answer?


A bullet is fired at a certain angle with the horizontal. Its path will be

A. elliptical

B. a straight line

C. a parabola

D. a vertical line

What is the correct answer?


The best estimates of the age of the earth comes from the studies of

A. angle of inclination of the earth

B. changes in radio-active minerals in it

C. period taken by Sun's light to reach the earth

D. artificial satellites revolving round the earth

What is the correct answer?


The largest reserve of radioactive element which can be used in a nuclear reactor has been found in India, The name of the element is

A. Thorium

B. Uranium

C. Plutonium

D. Radium

What is the correct answer?


The following are the atmospheric zones above the surface of the earth:
A) Troposphere
B) Ionosphere
C) Stratosphere
D) Exosphere
Select the correct sequence from the earth's surface on the basis of the codes given below:





What is the correct answer?


The loudness of a sound is determined by

A. Frequency

B. Amplitude

C. Speed

D. Wavelength

What is the correct answer?


The theory that the earth constituted the centre of the universe around which the sun and the planets revolved was propounded by

A. Copernicus

B. Ptolemy

C. Newton

D. Kepler

What is the correct answer?


Formation of shadows can be explained by

A. rectilinear propagation of light

B. reflection

C. refraction

D. total internal reflection

What is the correct answer?


The distance between two bodies is halved. Now the force of attraction between them will be

A. half

B. one fourth

C. four times

D. two times

What is the correct answer?


The heating element often used in an electric iron is

A. copper

B. tungsten

C. mica

D. nichrome

What is the correct answer?


The device for tracking and locating the position of a moving object in space is called

A. Space ship

B. Lunar module

C. Radar

D. Rocket

What is the correct answer?


If a band is played on the moon the sound will

A. reverberate

B. be heard by us faintly

C. be heard upto 10 km from it

D. not be heard at any distance at all from it

What is the correct answer?


A boat loaded with rocks floats in the middle of a swimming pool. A man in the boat throws the rocks overboard. The level of water in the pool will

A. increase

B. decrease

C. remain the same

D. first decrease and then increase

What is the correct answer?


While crossing a suspension bridge, the soldiers are ordered to break steps because

A. the marching in steps will involve a big strain on them

B. the resonant vibrations caused by their marching can damage the bridge increasing the amplitude to dangerous proportions

C. the marching may obstruct other traffic

D. rumblings of their marching may disturb the surroundings

What is the correct answer?


Stars twinkle because of

A. refraction of light from them through air

B. reflection

C. absorption

D. All the above