Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Gemmules are helpful in

A. digestion

B. sexual reproduction

C. asexual reproduction

D. current circulation

Correct Answer :

C. asexual reproduction

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What is the correct answer?


The commercial bath sponge is made up of

A. siliceous spicules

B. spongin fibres

C. collagen fibres

D. elastic fibres

What is the correct answer?


Sycon belongs to the class

A. calcarea

B. porifera

C. hexactinellida

D. demospongia

What is the correct answer?


Canal system in Leucosolenia is

A. asconoid

B. syconoid

C. leuconoid

D. rhagon

What is the correct answer?


The larva of Sycoti is

A. parenchyma

B. alanula

C. redia

D. amphib las tula

What is the correct answer?


Path of water in a sponge is

A. pinacocyte � choanocyte � osculum

B. osculum > spongocoel � ostia

C. ostia > spongocoel � osculum

D. osculum � ostia > spongocoel

What is the correct answer?


Animals of phylum porifera are characterised by

A. diploblastic organisation

B. coelenteron

C. canal system

D. coelom

What is the correct answer?


One of the characteristic features of the sponges is the presence of

A. vaselike globular body

B. a central cavity

C. radial symmetry

D. choanocyts

What is the correct answer?


Canal system is characteristic of

A. corals

B. sponges

C. sea urchin

D. sea horse

What is the correct answer?


Difference between a sponge and a metazoan is that sponge do not contain

A. cells

B. cell organisation

C. cell division

D. division of labour

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Larva of sponge is known as

A. planula larva

B. amphiblastula larva

C. trochophore larva

D. glochidium larva

What is the correct answer?


Gemmules are helpful in

A. digestion

B. sexual reproduction

C. asexual reproduction

D. current circulation

What is the correct answer?


In leucosolenia, the scleroblasts perform the function of

A. absorption of food material

B. excretion

C. reproduction

D. formation of spicules

What is the correct answer?


Nervous system in sponges

A. is well developed

B. is in the form of a network

C. is made up of several interconnected ganglia

D. is absent

What is the correct answer?


Sponges with a skeleton of calcium carbonate belongs to the class

A. calcarea

B. demospongia

C. anthozoa

D. hexactinellida

What is the correct answer?


Sponges belong to the phylum

A. sporozoa

B. mastigophora

C. porifera

D. coelenterata

What is the correct answer?


Food is stored in-of sponges.

A. trophocytes

B. thesocytes

C. desmocytes

D. archeocytes

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statements is true of sponges ?

A. One mouth and innumerable exits

B. Mouth serves for both, ingestion and egestion

C. Innumerable mouths and one exit

D. The body encloses a single cavity the coeienteron

What is the correct answer?


The only fresh water species of sponges is

A. Scypha

B. Euspcmgia

C. Spongilla

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Cells that aid in locomotion of a sponge are

A. porocytes

B. myocytes

C. choanocytes

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is given as a gift in Japan?

A. Hyalonema

B. Tethya

C. Euplectalla

D. Pheronetna

What is the correct answer?


The spongocoel is lined by choanocytes in

A. Leucosolenia

B. Sycon

C. Euspnongia

D. Grautia

What is the correct answer?


The central cavity of the sponge is also called

A. ostea

B. gastral cavity

C. gut

D. gullet

What is the correct answer?


If a carmine particle is put on the os~ culum of a living sponge, it will

A. adhere

B. rotate

C. be ingested

D. none of these

What is the correct answer?


The pathway of entring and coming out of water of sponges is

A. water vascular system

B. canal system

C. feeding current

D. circulating current

What is the correct answer?


Ostia are meant to

A. admit water current

B. pass out water current

C. ingest food

D. excrete waste products

What is the correct answer?


Phylogenetically, the sponges have evolved from

A. protozoans

B. flagellates

C. choano flagellate

D. ciliates

What is the correct answer?


Choanocytes in sponges are present

A. on the external body surface

B. line the gastric cavity

C. located between the outer and inner layers

D. in the mesodermal layer

What is the correct answer?


Lencosolenia is

A. free living, solitary, marine

B. free living, fresh water, solitary

C. free living, colonial, marine

D. Solitary, colonial, fresh water

What is the correct answer?


The canal system in sponges does not serve the function of

A. nutrition

B. respiration

C. excretion

D. sexual reproduction

What is the correct answer?


The gametes in sponges develop from

A. amoebocytes

B. archeocytes

C. choanocytes

D. myocytes