Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Glow worm is

A. an annelid

B. a true worm

C. a type of earthworm

D. an insect

Correct Answer :

D. an insect

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What is the correct answer?


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A. homologous structures

B. analogous structures

C. both (a) and (b

D. integumentary derivatives

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Coelentrates generally include the animals which are

A. radial symmetrical and triploblastic

B. radial symmetrical and diploblastic

C. bilateral symmetrical and triploblastic

D. biradial symmetrical and diploblastic

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Amphixous is a marine animal belonging to the sub-phylum

A. Urochordata

B. Cephalochordata

C. Vertebrata

D. Hemichordata

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A. Mollusca, cockroach, centipede

B. Turbellaria, cestoda, trematoda

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of these

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A. Echidna

B. Kangaroo

C. Pangolin

D. Panda

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A. fish

B. mammal

C. bird

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Branchiostonta is an example of

A. Cephalochordata

B. Agnatha

C. Urochordata

D. Gnathostomata

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A. Annelida, Porifera and Mammals as phyla

B. Hydrozoa, Mollusca and chordata as phyla

C. Protozoa, Reptilia and Mammalia as classes

D. Insecta, Cephalopoda and Aves as classes

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A. gross structures of the body

B. physiological mechanisms

C. biochemical similarities

D. all of these

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A. intestinal parasites

B. earthworms

C. roundworms

D. tapeworms

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Sea Stick refers to group

A. porifera

B. coelentrata

C. annelida

D. mollusca

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A. homeothermous animals

B. exoskeleton of feathers

C. bipedal vertebrates

D. none of these

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A. pinnae

B. four-chambered heart

C. movement on two limbs only

D. diaphragm

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Exclusively marine animals are found in group

A. Fishes and Echinodermata

B. Coelentrata and Echinodermata

C. Porifera and Coelentrata

D. Echinodermata and Protochordata

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A. arthropoda

B. pisces

C. mammalia

D. reptilia

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A. reptile and bird

B. reptile and mammals

C. fish and amphibia

D. reptile and amphibia

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A. annelida

B. chaetopoda

C. polychaeta

D. oligochaeta

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A. Geographical isolation

B. Reproductive isolation

C. Behavioural isolation

D. Hybrid in viability

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A. annelida

B. peripatus

C. insects

D. acolopendra

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A. Liver fluke, tapeworm, roundworm

B. Sea urchin, sea fan, sea cucumber

C. Leucosolenia, Sycon, Euspongia

D. Plasmodium, Hydra, Planaria

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A. Lamprey-Agnatha

B. Shark-Chond rich thyes

C. Turtle-Amphibia

D. Lizard-Reptilia

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A. Silver fish

B. Goldfish

C. Silver carp

D. Seahorse

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A. Protozoans

B. Arthropods

C. Echinodermata

D. Molluscs

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A. Entamoeba

B. Paramecium

C. Euglena

D. Monocystis

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Which of the following is not an acoelomate animal ?

A. Sponge

B. Jelly fish

C. Tapeworm

D. Roundworm

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A. an arthropod

B. a mollusc

C. an insect

D. an echinoderm

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A. four-chambered heart

B. shelled eggs

C. thecodont dentition

D. powerful jaws

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B. advanced egg laying reptile

C. primitive egg laying reptile

D. primitive aquatic egg laying animal

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Which of the following has no segmentation?

A. Hydra

B. Earthworm

C. Centipede

D. Cockroach