Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Hard water does not lather well with soap because

A. it contains carbonates of calcium and magnesium

B. it contains sodium chloride

C. it is highly coloured

D. it contains suspended impurities

Correct Answer :

A. it contains carbonates of calcium and magnesium

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What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is a mixture?

A. Baking soda

B. Milk

C. Chloroform

D. Copper wire

What is the correct answer?


Compounds of nitrogen with metals are called

A. nitrates

B. nitrites

C. hyponitrates

D. nitrides

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The value of Avogadro Number is

A. 6.023 x 1022

B. 1 x 10-14

C. cl 6.056 x 10-6

D. 6.023 x 1023

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The discoverer of chloroform was

A. Liebig

B. Pasteur

C. Bunsen

D. Erlenmeyer

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Marble is

A. calcium carbonate

B. sodium carbonate

C. magnesium sulphate

D. ferric chloride

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The name rubber was given by

A. Lavoisier

B. Priestley

C. Dalton

D. Avogadro

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Glass is a ______ mixture of metallic ______.

A. homogeneous, sulphates

B. heterogeneous, nitrates

C. heterogeneous, carbonates

D. homogeneous, silicates

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Which or the following electrolysis?

A. Aluminium

B. Copper

C. Zinc

D. Iron

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Heated saw dust catches fire when a drop of concentrated nitric acid is added to it. This is due to

A. dehydration

B. oxidation

C. reduction

D. dehydrogenation

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Diamonds are weighed in

A. grams

B. pounds

C. carats

D. tons

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Fructose is also called

A. dextrose

B. fruit sugar

C. beet sugar

D. blood sugar

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Hydrogen gas has

A. a very sweet smell

B. a very pungent smell

C. an irritating smell

D. no smell at all

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Copper is purified by

A. poling

B. tempering

C. calcination

D. galvanising

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Graphite la a good conductor of electricity because

A. it is an allotrope of carbon

B. it gives CO2 on heating

C. it contains free electrons

D. it is oxidised to graphitic acid

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of potable water?

A. It must be free from suspended impurities

B. It must be free from harmful bacteria

C. It must contain traces of sodium bicarbonate

D. It must have a fishy odour

What is the correct answer?


Flint glass contains

A. potassium and lead silicates

B. zinc and barium borosilicates

C. potassium and calcium silicates

D. sodium and calcium silicates

What is the correct answer?


What is 'oxygen mixture'?

A. A mixture of potassium nitrate and carbon

B. A mixture of ammonium chloride and sodium nitrate

C. A mixture of potassium chlorate and manganese dioxide

D. A mixture of ammonium nitrate and charcoal

What is the correct answer?


Washing soda is

A. sodium hydroxide

B. sodium carbonate

C. sodium bicarbonate

D. potassium chloride

What is the correct answer?


One of the ingredients of the paste on the side of a match box is

A. phosphorus pentaoxide

B. phosphorus trichloride

C. phosphorus trisulphide

D. phosphorus trioxide

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Which of the following elements is not required for the healthy growth of plants?

A. Nitrogen

B. Phosphorus

C. Potassium

D. Mercury

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Rooms in places infected by plague are disinfected using

A. bleaching powder

B. iodoform

C. sulphur dioxide

D. chlorine

What is the correct answer?


In the process of purification of water for town supply, the substance used to remove bad smell and colour from water is

A. charcoal

B. bleaching powder

C. chlorine

D. carbolic acid

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following cannot be used as fuel?

A. Gasoline

B. Kerosene

C. Sulphuric acid

D. Alcohol

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following cannot be used for the preparation of soap?

A. oleic acid

B. acetic acid

C. palmitic acid

D. stearic acid

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During fermentation, the by-product is

A. ethyl alcohol

B. methyl alcohol

C. carbon monoxide

D. carbon dioxide

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following carbon compounds is used as a fire extinguisher?

A. Carbon disulphide

B. Chloroform

C. Carbon tetrachloride

D. Methylene chloride

What is the correct answer?


Dry Ice is

A. solid carbon dioxide

B. liquid oxygen

C. liquid hydrogen

D. liquid. Chlorine

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Acute diabetes patients smell of

A. acetone

B. ether

C. ethyl alcohol

D. methyl alcohol

What is the correct answer?


Which or the following is not a constituent or gun powder?

A. Ammonium nitrate

B. Nitre

C. Charcoal powder

D. Sulphur

What is the correct answer?


Refined petroleum is decolourised by

A. manganese dioxide

B. bauxite

C. animal charcoal

D. quicklime