Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


How many degrees of phase represents one full cycle?



Correct Answer :


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What value of R is needed with a 0.05 F Cfor an RCtime constant of 0.02 s?


B. 400 M

C. 400 G

D. 400 k

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Which of the following dielectric materials makes the lowest-capacitance capacitor?

A. Paper

B. Mica

C. Air

D. Electrolyte

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An inductor carries 2 A dc. If its inductance is 100 Ha then what is its inductive reactance?

A. Zero

B. 1.3 k

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Which of the following does not refer to electrical energy?

A. Volt-ampere

B. Joule

C. Watt-second

D. Volt-coulomb

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In a rectangular wavea the peak factor is



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The potential gradient in a cable is maximum in

A. Conductor

B. Outer sheath

C. Insulation

D. Uniformly all over

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When capacitors are connected in parallela the total capacitance is

A. Greater than the largest capacitor

B. Smaller than the largest capacitor

C. Smaller than the smallest capacitor

D. Greater than the smallest capacitor

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Which of the following materials has the lowest dielectric strength?

A. Glass

B. Paper

C. Mica

D. Teflon

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In an RL series circuita

A. Current lags voltage by less than 90�

B. Current lags voltage by 180�

C. Current lags voltage by 90�

D. Current leads voltage by 90�

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What is the resonant frequency of a circuit when L of 3 microhenrys and C of 40 picofarads are in series?

A. 14.5 kHz

B. 145 MHz

C. 14.5 MHz

D. 145 kHz

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A capacitor is basically constructed of

A. Two conductors separated by a dielectric

B. Two dielectric separated by a conductor

C. Conductors and dielectric

D. Conductors and semiconductors

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What does a capacitor store?

A. Voltage

B. Charge

C. Current

D. Power

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Which of the following capacitors is suitable for dc filter circuits?

A. Mica

B. Ceramic

C. Paper

D. Electrolytic

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If an emf in circuit A produces a current in circuit Ba then the same emf in circuit Bproduces the same current in circuit ? this theorem is known as

A. Maximum power transfer theorem

B. Millman�s theorem

C. Reciprocity theorem

D. Norton�s theorem

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A real current source has

A. Infinite internal resistance

B. Zero internal resistance

C. Large internal resistance

D. Small internal resistance

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What is a rotating vector whose projection can represent either current or voltage in an ac circuit?

A. Polar diagram

B. Scalar quantity

C. Velocity

D. Phasor

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What is the purpose of a load in an electric circuit?

A. To increase the circuit current

B. To decrease the circuit current

C. To utilize electrical energy

D. To make the circuit complete

What is the correct answer?


How many degrees of phase represents one full cycle?



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What is the total capacitance of 10 capacitorsa each of 20 F in series?

A. 200 F

B. 2 F

C. 100 F

D. 0.5 F

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Rationalizing the denominator of a complex number means

A. Eliminating the j component in the denominator

B. Adding j component in the denominator

C. Eliminating the j component in the numerator

D. Adding j component in the numerator

What is the correct answer?


A linear circuit is one whose parameters

A. Change with change in voltage

B. Change with change in current

C. Do not change with voltage and current

D. Change with change in voltage and current

What is the correct answer?


For multi-plate capacitora capacitance is proportional to

A. Number of plates less one(n ± 1)

B. Number of plates plus one(n + 1)

C. Number of plates less two(n - 2)

D. Number of plates (n)

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What is the rms value of a square wave?

A. Equals its peak value

B. Equals its peak-to-peak value

C. Peak divided by square root of two

D. Peak divided by pi

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The temperature-resistance coefficient of pure gold is



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In a complex number 5 + j 10a 10 is called ___ part.

A. Imaginary

B. Real

C. Conjugate

D. Integer

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The voltage cannot be exactly in phase with the current in a circuit that contains

A. Only capacitance

B. Only resistance

C. Inductance and capacitance

D. Inductancea capacitance and resistance

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In a resonant circuita if Q ? 10 resonant frequency _______ bandwidth.

A. Bisects

B. Exceeds

C. Is less than

D. Is equal to

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Resistor with colored bands in the body

A. Wire-wound resistor

B. Carbon-composition resistor

C. Potentiometer

D. Rheostat

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Parallel resonant circuit is sometimes called as

A. Acceptor circuit

B. Rejector circuit

C. Inductive circuit

D. Capacitive circuit

What is the correct answer?


Electron flow assumes charges flow from

A. Negative to positive

B. Negative to negative

C. Positive to negative

D. Positive to positive