Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


How many nearest neighbours are there in an atom or ion in an octahedral hole of a close packed structure?

A. 4

B. 6

C. 8

D. 18

Correct Answer :

B. 6

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The vapour density of gas A is four times that of gas B. If the molecular weight of gas B is M, then the molecular weight of gas A is

A. 2M

B. 4M

C. 8M

D. M/4

What is the correct answer?


At a given temperature and pressure 2 volumes of A combine with 5 volumes of B to form 2 volumes of C, and 1 volume of A combines with one volume of B to form 2 volumes of D. Then the formula of C is

A. AB5

B. A5B2

C.  A2B5


What is the correct answer?


All gases tend to show ideal behaviour

A. at low temperature and low pressure

B. at high temperature and high pressure

C. at high temperature and low pressure

D. at low temperature and high pressure

What is the correct answer?


One mole of gas is defined as

A. The number of molecules in 22.4 litres of gas at S.T.P

B. The number of molecules contained | in 6 grams of 12 C isotope

C. The number of molecules in one formula weight of gas

D. The number of molecules in litre of gas

What is the correct answer?


5.At a given temperature and pressure 2 volumes of A combine with 5 volumes of B to form 2 volmes of C and 1 volume. A combine with one volume of B to form 2 volumes of D. The formula of C is

A. A3B6


C. A2B5

D. AB5

What is the correct answer?


What is the vapour pressure of benzoyl chloride at its boiling point (197°C)?

A. 760 torr

B. 380 torr

C. 197 torr

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


In NaCl type structure, the coordination number of the cation and anion are

A. 6 and 4

B. 6 and 6

C. 4 and 4

D. 8 and 4

What is the correct answer?


The number of molecules is 4.25 g of ammonia are approximately

A. 3.5 x 1023

B. 2.5 x 1023

C. 1.5 x 1023

D. 0.5 x 1023

What is the correct answer?


The relation between molecular wt. and vapour density is

A. Molecular wt. = 23 V.D.

B. Molecular wt. = 13 V.D.

C. Molecular wt. = V.D.

D. Molecualr wt = 2 x V.D.

What is the correct answer?


From the Dulong and Petit's law atomic weight is given by which one of the following relations?

A. 6.41 sp. heat

B. 6.4/sp. heat

C. sp. heat/6.4

D. sp. heat/6.4 x 2

What is the correct answer?


Indicate the most viscous liquid of the following

A. propanol-2

B. 1.2, ethandiol

C. 1.2,3 propentriol

D. ethanol

What is the correct answer?


The molecular weight of a volatile liquid can be determined by

A. Dumas' method

B. Victor Meyer's method

C. Cryoscopic method

D. Osmotic pressure

What is the correct answer?


Volume occupied by 4.4 gift of carbon dioxide is

A. 4.4 litres

B. 2.24 litres

C. 22.4 litres

D. 4.48 litres

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following contains the same number of atoms as 12 gms: of Magnesium (Atomic weights : Mg = 24, C = 12, Ca = 40)

A. 10 gms of calcium

B. 20 gms of carbon

C. 20 gms of calcium

D. 12 gms of carbon

What is the correct answer?


In the wurtzite structure sulphur atoms have

A. cubic arrangement

B. hexagonal dose packed arrangement

C. body centred arrangement

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


What will be the mass of 6.023 x 1023 molecules of carbon monoxide?

A. 14 gm

B. 28 gm

C. 16 gm

D. 44 gm

What is the correct answer?


Boltzmann constant is given by

A. R

B. R+N

C. R:N

D. R-N

What is the correct answer?


The radii of A+ and X- are 95 pm and 181 pm respectively. Coordination number of A+ is expected to be

A. 8

B. 6

C. 4

D. 3

What is the correct answer?


22.4 litre of any gas at N.T.P. will contain

A. One gram equivalent

B. One gram atomic weight

C. One gram atom

D. One gram molecule

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is an amorphous solid?

A. NaCl

B.  CaF2

C. Diamond

D. Glass

What is the correct answer?


Indicate the most volatile liquid of the following:



C.  H2O


What is the correct answer?


Which of the following would you expect to affect the vapour pressure of a liquid?

A. Inter-molecular forces in the liquid

B. Volume of the liquid in the liquid-vapour equilibrium

C. Volume of the vapour in the liquid-vapour equilibrium

D. The size of the container in which liquid-vapour equilibrium is establishe

What is the correct answer?


The mean free path of a gas molecule is the distance

A. between the two opposite walls of the container

B. through which the molecules travel in one second

C. through which molecules move between two consecutive collisions

D. travelled by all the molecules divided by the total number of molecules in a particular gas

What is the correct answer?


When an ideal gas undergoes unrestricted expansion, no cooling occurs because the molecules

A. are above inversion temperature

B. exert no attractive force on each other

C. do work equal to loss in kinetic energy

D. collide without loss of energy

What is the correct answer?


A liquid of density 1.742 g cm-3 is observed to show a capillary rise of 73 mm in a tube of radius 0.65 mm. Then the surface tension of the liquid is

A. 4.1 x 10-2 dynes cm-1

B. 4.1 x 103 dynes cm-1

C. 7.1 x 10-3 dynes cm-1

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Normal boiling points values are for NH3, - 34C, bromine 58°C, carbon tetrachloride 77°C and oxygen - 183°C. Which of these liquids has the highest vapour pressure at room temperature?

A. NH3,

B. Br2

C. CCl4

D. O2

What is the correct answer?


The vol. of 20 gms of nitrogen at N.T.P.

A. 16 litres

B. 36 litres

C. 8 litre

D. 32 litres

What is the correct answer?


Match box has the symmetry of which of the following systems?

A. Cubic

B. Orthorhombic

C. Tetragonal

D. Monoclinic

What is the correct answer?


The pressure of the ideal gas is less than the real gas because of the

A. increase in the number of collisions

B. volume occupied by the molecules

C. inter-molecular attraction

D. finite size of molecules

What is the correct answer?


Three dimensional array of points in space is called

A. unit cell

B. crystal lattice

C. micro-crystal

D. None of these