Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Human beings living in different geographical areas and under different environmental conditions are kept under one species because

A. they show adaptive variations to their environment

B. they share the common karyotype

C. they can freely interbreed and share a common gene pool

D. their features are different yet they are similar essentially

Correct Answer :

C. they can freely interbreed and share a common gene pool

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What is the correct answer?


The age of a fossil may be determined most accurately

A. by comparing it to living similar forms

B. by radioactive dating

C. by rate of erosion of the strata

D. from the depth of strata at which it is found

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The book "Origin of Species" was written by Charles Darwin in

A. 1859

B. 1885

C. 1883

D. 1897

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Which were dominant during Mesozoic era

A. Pisces

B. Birds

C. Ruling mammals

D. Ruling reptiles

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Connecting link between nonchordata and chordata is

A. Peripatus

B. Archaeopteryx

C. Tachyglossus

D. Balanoglossus

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The idea of spontaneous generation is essentially correct in regard to

A. origin of life

B. evolution

C. mutations

D. embryology

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Along with reduction in the number of toes in the modern horse, the other most significant evolutionary change is

A. increase in the size of eyes

B. increase in the size of brain

C. straightening of back

D. change in dentition from browsing to grazing

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We use the term hybrid breakdown when the

A. offspring of hybrids are inviable or sterile

B. a hybrid zygote is formed but it fails to develop

C. hybrid adults fail to produce functional gametes

D. sperms and ova of different species of animals are unable to fuse

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The recent ancestors of modem man were

A. Java Ape and Peking man

B. Peking man and Rhodesian man

C. Cromagnon man and Rhodesian man

D. Cromagnon man and Neanderthal man

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Darwin proposed his theory of natural selection on the basis of

A. Mutation

B. Environmental factors

C. Lama's theory

D. Chromosomal aberrations

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Species were regarded as unchangeable by

A. Lamarck

B. Morgan

C. Charles Darwin

D. Many biologists of 19th century

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The function affected by point mutation in p-globin in sickle cell anaemia is

A. protein folding

B. transcriptional control

C. nonsense mutation

D. none of these

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Survival due to geographic isolation is best exemplified by mammalian fauna of

A. Oriental region

B. Ethiopian region

C. Australian region

D. Palaearctic region

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A connecting link between Annelids and Arthropods is

A. Peripatus

B. Palaemon

C. Limulus

D. Heteronereis

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Co-worker of Darwin was

A. Bateson

B. Mendel

C. Wallace

D. Lamarck

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Appearance of ancestral characters in the new born, such as tail, monstral face, gill slits, multiple mammale etc. are known as

A. homologous

B. analagous

C. ativistic

D. vestigeal

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Amphibians appeared and became dominant in the

A. Mesozoic era

B. Coenozoic era

C. Palaeozoic era

D. None of these

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The study of Galapagos Finches shows

A. adaptive radiation

B. adaptive convergence

C. use and disuse of organs

D. none of these

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A fossil is a

A. laboratory preserved animal

B. dead animal of the past

C. organic relic of the past

D. stuffed animal

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Which is a vestigeal organ of python

A. Nose

B. Scales

C. Teeth

D. Hindlimbs

What is the correct answer?


Which is not a vestigeal organ

A. Wisdom teeth

B. Fossa ovalis

C. Muscles of ear pinna

D. Ileum

What is the correct answer?


Which animals dominated in Paleozoic era ?

A. Fishes

B. Amphibians

C. Reptiles

D. Birds

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The concept of use and disuse of organs was given by

A. Darwin

B. Wallace

C. Mendel

D. Lamarck

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A starfish with six arms, may be a case of

A. variation

B. evolution

C. autotomy

D. mutation

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Which of these does not play a role in evolution ?

A. Mutation

B. Polyploidy

C. Natural selection

D. Acquired characters

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In forming the theory of evolution by Natural Selection, Charles Darwin was greatly influenced by

A. environmental factors

B. mutations

C. malthu's ideas on population control

D. all of these

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Pangenesis theory was given by

A. Charles Darwin

B. Lamarck

C. Wsismann

D. Becker

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An example of analogy is

A. wings of a bird and butterfly

B. wings of pigeon and bat

C. limbs of horse and man

D. paddles of dolphin and fins of a fish

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A kind of mimicry which presumably works as a double insurance is

A. batesian mimicry

B. mullerian mimicry

C. warning colouration

D. concealing colouration

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The earliest ancestor of horse from early Eocene period is

A. miobibbus

B. eohippus

C. merychippus

D. pliohippus

What is the correct answer?


Human beings living in different geographical areas and under different environmental conditions are kept under one species because

A. they show adaptive variations to their environment

B. they share the common karyotype

C. they can freely interbreed and share a common gene pool

D. their features are different yet they are similar essentially