Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Identify the work of Irving Fisher:

A. Policy on trade

B. Policy against inflation

C. The making of index numbers

D. Labor theory

Correct Answer :

C. The making of index numbers

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What is the correct answer?


When elasticity of demand is one (e=1), then following the formula MR=P[1-1/e], the MR will:

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Zero

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


By scarcity the economist means that all goods are scarce relative the peoples:

A. Desire for them

B. Purchases

C. Production

D. Consumption

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following does not have a uniform elasticity of demand at all points?

A. A vertical demand curve

B. A horizontal demand curve

C. A rectangular hyperbola demand curve

D. A downward sloping demand curve

What is the correct answer?


In case of economic bads, an IC can be :

A. Sloping downward

B. Sloping upward

C. Positively sloped

D. Negatively sloped

What is the correct answer?


When a consumer is in equilibrium then slope of indifference curve is:

A. Equal to the slope of budget line

B. Greater than the slope of budget line

C. Smaller than the slope of budget line

D. Parallel to the slope of budget line

What is the correct answer?


Which is not an essential feature of a socialist economy?

A. Social ownership of the means of production

B. Freedom of enterprise

C. Use of centralized planning

D. Government decisions

What is the correct answer?


If X and Y are close substitutes, a rise in the price of X will lead to:

A. Increase in demand for Y

B. Decrease in demand for Y

C. Decrease in demand for both X and Y

D. No change in demand for Y

What is the correct answer?


If the prices of goods rise then:

A. The real income of consumer falls

B. The real income of consumer rises

C. The real income of a consumer remains constant

D. The real income of consumer becomes zero

What is the correct answer?


In the long run:

A. All factors can be used in different proportions

B. Management can be re-organized

C. A firm can experience returns to scale

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Price leadership is associated with:

A. Collusive oligopoly

B. Non-collusive oligopoly

C. Cartel

D. Perfect competition

What is the correct answer?


LMC represents change in LTC (long-run total cost) due to producing an additional unit of a good while the fixed and variable factors:

A. Cannot be changed

B. Can be changed

C. Can partially be changed

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Under monopolistic competition, in long-run there is:

A. Ban on exit

B. Ban on entry

C. Free entry

D. Free entry and exit

What is the correct answer?


Variable cost includes the cost of:

A. Hiring the building for the factory

B. Purchasing heavy machines

C. Paying the manager of the factory

D. Paying the laborers

What is the correct answer?


Law of Returns to Scale shows:

A. Technical relationship between input of a variable factor and the resulting output

B. Any economic relationship between input and output

C. An output maximizing relationship

D. A relationship with input changing and corresponding changes in output

What is the correct answer?


The slope of the iso-cost line (budget line) is determined by:

A. Pricing of two factors

B. Productivity of the two factors

C. Degree of substitutability of two factors

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In price leadership, like leader, the follower firm may:

A. also maximize its profits

B. not maximize its profits

C. maximize its costs

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


When the consumer is in equilibrium not only his income is fully spent, but the ratio of marginal utility and price is:

A. Increased

B. Equalized

C. Prominent

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


Necessary condition for consumer equilibrium is:





What is the correct answer?


Identify the work of Irving Fisher:

A. Policy on trade

B. Policy against inflation

C. The making of index numbers

D. Labor theory

What is the correct answer?


In cournot model, each firm expects a reaction from his rival but the expected reaction is not:

A. important

B. materialized

C. accepted

D. rejected

What is the correct answer?


Entry of new firms into a competitive market will shift the supply curve of the:

A. Firm to the left

B. Industry to the right

C. Firm to the right

D. Industry to the left

What is the correct answer?


Each short run average cost curve:

A. Has to touch the long run cost curve

B. Has to cross the long run cost curve

C. Has to lie above all points on the long run cost curve

D. Coincides with the long run cost curve at some point

What is the correct answer?


According to Leontief technology, there:

A. Is only one technique of production

B. Are few techniques of production

C. Are many techniques of production

D. Are two techniques of production

What is the correct answer?


In economist the term invisible hand is refers to:

A. Hand of God

B. Market self regulating system

C. Hands of invisible people

D. Regulations of government

What is the correct answer?


Economics is a:

A. Physical science

B. Social science

C. Natural science

D. Basic science

What is the correct answer?


The firms in non-cooperative games:

A. Enforce contracts

B. Make contracts

C. Make negotiations

D. Do not make negotiations

What is the correct answer?


Identify the author of The Social Framework:

A. R.G.D.Alien

B. J.R.Hicks

C. A.C.Pigou

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The concept of period refers to:

A. A specific duration of time

B. A varying duration of time

C. A duration of time which permits necessary adjustments

D. A period with calculated intervals

What is the correct answer?


The average fixed cost (AFC) curve is asymptote to:

A. X-axis

B. Y-axis

C. Z-axis

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


At a point where a straight line demand curve meets the price axis (Y-axis), the elasticity of demand is:

A. Equal to one

B. Less than one

C. Equal to zero

D. Equal to infinite