Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


If a new production technology for producing compact discs is developed and new firms are attracted to this field:

A. The supply curve will shift down or right

B. The supply curve will shift up or left

C. Both demand and supply curve shifts would occur

D. None of the above

Correct Answer :

A. The supply curve will shift down or right

By the development of new technology the supply will increased and supply curve shifts downwards (rightwards).}

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Total variable cost curve:

A. Steps downwards at first and then upwards

B. Steps upwards, then remains constant and then falls

C. Steps downwards

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following pairs of commodities is an example of substitutes?

A. Tea and sugar

B. Tea and coffee

C. Pen and ink

D. Shirt and trousers

What is the correct answer?


Under which of the following forms of the market structure does a firm have no control over the price of its product?

A. Monopoly

B. Monopolistic competition

C. Oligopoly

D. Perfect competition

What is the correct answer?


The indifference curve technique:

A. Helps in separating the income effect and the substitution effect

B. Does not help in separating the two effects

C. Mixed up the two effects

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The modern cost curves are based upon the idea of:

A. Fixed capacity

B. Specific capacity

C. Excess capacity

D. Reserve capacity

What is the correct answer?


Decrease in demand results in:

A. Upward shift in demand curve

B. Downward shift in demand curve

C. Movement on the same demand curve

D. No movement or shift at all

What is the correct answer?


J.R.Hicks was:

A. Neo-classical economist

B. Classical economist

C. Keynesian economist

D. Post-Keynesian economist

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If there are many producers, each of whom has an individual production possibility curve, then the lowest marginal cost producer of good X is the producer:

A. Who must sacrifice fewer units of every other goods than any other producer

B. Who can produce more X per hour than any other producer

C. Who must sacrifice more units of every other goods than any other producer

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


For monopolistic competitive firm:

A. P=AR and P>MR

B. P

C. P=MC and MC=AC

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The normal long-run average cost curve is influenced by the:

A. Principle of diminishing returns

B. Economies and diseconomies of large scale production

C. Principle of constant return to scale

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Total utility and price are:

A. Directly related

B. Unrelated

C. Closely related

D. Negatively related

What is the correct answer?


The central problem of economics is:

A. Declining productivity

B. Increasing consumption

C. Limited material wants

D. Limited resources and unlimited wants

What is the correct answer?


The slope of marshallian demand curve is:

A. Upward

B. Vertical

C. Downward

D. Horizontal

What is the correct answer?


When the consumer is in equilibrium not only his income is fully spent, but the ratio of marginal utility and price is:

A. Increased

B. Equalized

C. Prominent

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


Which is the correct statement?

A. The U shape of long-run cost curve is less pronounced than the short-run cost curves

B. The U shape of the short-run cost curves is less pronounced than the long-run cost curves

C. The U shape of the long-run cost curve is more pronounced than the short-run cost curves

D. The long-run cost curves are never U shaped

What is the correct answer?


In the long-run competitive equilibrium:

A. There is tendency for firms to enter but not leave the industry

B. Firms have no tendency either to enter or to leave the industry

C. Some firms may enter while the others may leave the market even after the equilibrium of the industry

D. Entry or exit of the firms cannot be predicted

What is the correct answer?


The income effect means that consumer purchase more when:

A. Price falls

B. Price increases

C. Price is unchanged

D. Taste changed

What is the correct answer?


Each firm in cournot model assumes that its competitor will:

A. change its output

B. not change its output

C. change its price

D. not change its price

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Economics is a:

A. Exact science

B. Inexact science

C. Pure science

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Robbins definition of economics was criticised by:

A. Alfred Marshal

B. Adam Smith

C. J.B.Clark

D. Hicks, Longe and Durbin

What is the correct answer?


A firm under perfect competition has:

A. An AR curve which is a horizontal straight line

B. An AR curve which slopes downward

C. An AR curve which has a kink

D. An AR curve shape of which cannot be predicted

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is assumed to be constant when a supply curve is drawn:

A. Technology

B. Number of buyers in the market

C. Consumer income

D. Household tastes

What is the correct answer?


Identify the economist who first developed the theory of income determination in its modern form:

A. Paul A.Samuelson

B. J.M.Keynes

C. Joan Robinson

D. Dr.mehboob ul Haq

What is the correct answer?


The demand curve slopes downwards due to:

A. Income effect(I.E)

B. Substitution effect(S.E)

C. Taste effect

D. Both a and b

What is the correct answer?


When elasticity of demand is one (e=1), then following the formula MR=P[1-1/e], the MR will:

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Zero

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In the case where two commodities are good substitutes then cross elasticity will be:

A. Positive

B. Unitary

C. Negative

D. Infinite

What is the correct answer?


The total utility is gained by consuming:

A. The last unit of a good

B. All the units of a good

C. The first unit of a good

D. The average unit of a good

What is the correct answer?


Income distribution effects:

A. The price of complements

B. The price of substitutes

C. The market demand for commodities

D. The individuals scale of performances

What is the correct answer?


When total product falls:

A. MP is positive

B. MP is negative

C. MP is falling

D. MP is rising

What is the correct answer?


A monopolist is:

A. Price winner

B. Price searcher

C. Price taker

D. Price leaver