Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


If in the long run all factor inputs are increased three times and the resulting output is four times as before, it is a case of:

A. Decreasing returns to scale

B. Variable returns to scale

C. Constant returns to scale

D. Increasing returns to scale

Correct Answer :

D. Increasing returns to scale

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


In economist the term invisible hand is refers to:

A. Hand of God

B. Market self regulating system

C. Hands of invisible people

D. Regulations of government

What is the correct answer?


The cross-price elasticity of the demand for orange juice with respect to the price of apple juice is probably:

A. Negative

B. Positive

C. Near infinite

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


Excess capacity is not found under:

A. Monopoly

B. Monopolistic competition

C. Perfect competition

D. Oligopoly

What is the correct answer?


When elasticity of demand is greater than one (e >1), then following the formula MR=P[1-1/e], the MR will:

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Zero

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Traditionally, the study of determination of price is called:

A. Theory of price

B. Theory of value

C. Theory of labor

D. Theory of cost

What is the correct answer?


In case of complementary factors, the isoquants are:

A. L-shaped

B. J-shaped

C. M-shaped

D. V-shaped

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Identify the author of The Affluent Society?

A. Gunnar Myrdal

B. N.Kaldor

C. A.C.Pigou

D. J.K.Galbraith

What is the correct answer?


The budget-line is also known as the:

A. Iso-utility curve

B. Production possibility line

C. Isoquant

D. Consumption possibility line

What is the correct answer?


The good will highest income elasticity is:

A. Beef

B. Mutton

C. Bread

D. Motion-picture tickets

What is the correct answer?


In perfect cartel, the:

A. Perfect competition price is charged

B. Monopoly price is charged

C. Monopoly price is not charged

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Increasing returns is not caused by:

A. Specialization of labor

B. Technological advancement

C. Marketing economics

D. Varying factor proportions

What is the correct answer?


If the price of product A decreases and in the result the demand for product B increases then we can say that:

A. A and B are substitute goods

B. A and B are complementary goods

C. A is an inferior good

D. B is an inferior good

What is the correct answer?


When the income of consumer increases then budget line will:

A. Get steeper

B. Shift parallel to right

C. To get flatter

D. To shift upward

What is the correct answer?


Which cost increases continuously with the increase in production?

A. Average cost

B. Marginal cost

C. Fixed cost

D. Variable cost

What is the correct answer?


The Hicksian indirect utility function in the form of equation is:

A. x =f(P)

B. x =a-bp



What is the correct answer?


Change in demand (rise and fall of demand) is:

A. Due to change in price while other factors remain constant

B. Due to change in factors other than price

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In centralized cartel, the firms are like:

A. Price takers

B. Price setters

C. Price discriminators

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The Law of Equi-Marginal Utility refers to:

A. Marginal utility of commodity X

B. Marginal utility of commodity Y

C. Marginal utility per rupee spent on X and Y commodities

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Now-a-days in real life, we are unable to fined:

A. Monopoly

B. Perfect competition

C. Imperfect competition

D. Monopolistic competition

What is the correct answer?


Robbins definition of economics was criticised by:

A. Alfred Marshal

B. Adam Smith

C. J.B.Clark

D. Hicks, Longe and Durbin

What is the correct answer?


Duopoly is a market where there are:

A. Two sellers

B. A few sellers

C. Five sellers

D. Many sellers

What is the correct answer?


In joint-profit maximization cartel, the distribution of profit is:

A. Made by agency

B. Not made by agency

C. Made by people

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If we measure the elasticity of demand with the help of the average and marginal revenue, the formula is:

A. Ed = AR/ (AR- MR)

B. Ed = MR/ (AR-MR)

C. Ed = AR/(MR-AR)

D. Ed = AR/ MR

What is the correct answer?


The production function of homogeneous of degree one (n=1) is also called:

A. Linearly homogeneous

B. Zero homogeneous

C. Infinite homogeneous

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The non-price competition cartel is a:

A. stable cartel

B. unstable cartel

C. prominent cartel

D. special cartel

What is the correct answer?


The cobweb model will divergent when the slope of:

A. Demand curve is more than supply curve

B. Supply curve is more than demand curve

C. Supply curve is equal to demand curve

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The utility function u = f(x) is based upon :

A. Two goods

B. Few goods

C. One good

D. Zero goods

What is the correct answer?


When elasticity of demand is less than one (e<1), then following the formula MR=P[1-1/e], the MR will:

A. Positive

B. Negative

C. Zero

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In modern cost theory, AVC= b1 and MC= b1 in the range of:

A. Excess capacity

B. Reserve capacity

C. Limited capacity

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If the slope of the isoquant is equal to the slope of isocost, then isoquant is:

A. Concave to the origin

B. Convex to the origin

C. Tangent to the origin

D. None of the above