Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


If there are many firms producing similar but differentiated products, the competition is generally said to be:

A. Oligopoly

B. Pure competition

C. Perfect competition

D. Monopolistic competition

Correct Answer :

D. Monopolistic competition

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What is the correct answer?


Now-a-days in real life, we are unable to fined:

A. Monopoly

B. Perfect competition

C. Imperfect competition

D. Monopolistic competition

What is the correct answer?


From analysis, it is clear that both Marshal and Walras market models are:

A. Unstable

B. Stable

C. Variable

D. Fluctuating

What is the correct answer?


If at the unchanged price, the demand for a commodity goes up, or the quantity demanded remains the same when its price goes up, it is called:

A. Contraction of demand

B. Decrease in demand

C. Increase in demand

D. Extension of demand

What is the correct answer?


If a commodity sold under monopoly is got free of cost, then MC will be:

A. Zero

B. Identical with the MR

C. A horizontal straight line

D. Infinite

What is the correct answer?


If the marginal utility is divided by the price of the commodity then it is called:

A. Real Marginal Utility

B. Gross Marginal Utility

C. Weighted Marginal Utility

D. Money Marginal Utility

What is the correct answer?


Marshallian demand function is also known as:

A. Utility demand function

B. Compensated demand function

C. Collective demand function

D. Relative demand function

What is the correct answer?


An individual consumers demand is not determined by:

A. Price of the commodity

B. Price of the substitutes

C. His household income

D. Size of countrys population

What is the correct answer?


A firm under perfect competition has:

A. An AR curve which is a horizontal straight line

B. An AR curve which slopes downward

C. An AR curve which has a kink

D. An AR curve shape of which cannot be predicted

What is the correct answer?


Stable cobweb model is a:

A. Simple model

B. Dynamic model

C. Both of them

D. None of them

What is the correct answer?


A mixed economy is characterized by the coexistence of:

A. Modern and traditional industries

B. Public and private sectors

C. Foreign and domestic investments

D. Commercial and subsistence farming

What is the correct answer?


Given a U shaped average cost curve, the relationship between average cost and marginal cost is such that marginal cost must always be:

A. Falling when average cost is falling

B. Rising when average cost is falling

C. Falling when average cost is rising

D. Rising when average cost is rising

What is the correct answer?


The good will highest income elasticity is:

A. Beef

B. Mutton

C. Bread

D. Motion-picture tickets

What is the correct answer?


In cournot model, at equuilibrium when MC = MR, the elasticity of demand is:

A. equal to one

B. zero

C. negative

D. equal to 2

What is the correct answer?


When the consumer is in equilibrium not only his income is fully spent, but the ratio of marginal utility and price is:

A. Increased

B. Equalized

C. Prominent

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


At a point below the middle of a straight line demand curve, elasticity of demand is:

A. Less than one

B. Equal to one

C. More than one

D. Equal to infinity

What is the correct answer?


When total product falls:

A. MP is positive

B. MP is negative

C. MP is falling

D. MP is rising

What is the correct answer?


A normal profit is:

A. A zero economic profit

B. Revenues less explicit cost

C. About 10% for most industries

D. A zero accounting profit

What is the correct answer?


Isocost line shows the combinations of labor and capital where a firms budget is:

A. Fully spent

B. Half spent

C. Partially spent

D. Nearly spent

What is the correct answer?


Indifference curve represents:

A. Only two commodities

B. Only three commodities

C. More than three commodities

D. Any number of commodities

What is the correct answer?


Under price discrimination, the buyers must:

A. Be similar

B. Not be similar

C. Equal

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


At low prices, demand is likely to be:

A. More elastic

B. Less elastic

C. Unit elastic

D. Perfectly inelastic

What is the correct answer?


A demand curve is not related to:

A. The price of the commodity

B. The time period

C. The price of substitutes

D. Any of the above

What is the correct answer?


Pure monopoly exists:

A. When there is a single producer

B. When there is a single producer without any close substitute

C. When there is a single producer with close substitutes

D. When a few producers control the industry

What is the correct answer?


The maximization of output subject to cost requires equilibrium at the:

A. Lowest isoquant

B. Lowest isocost line

C. Highest isoquant

D. Highest isocost line

What is the correct answer?


Each short run average cost curve:

A. Has to touch the long run cost curve

B. Has to cross the long run cost curve

C. Has to lie above all points on the long run cost curve

D. Coincides with the long run cost curve at some point

What is the correct answer?


The equilibrium of a firm is determined by the equality of MC and MR in only:

A. Under perfect competition

B. Under monopoly

C. Under imperfect competition

D. Under all the above market forms

What is the correct answer?


The slope of the iso-cost line (budget line) is determined by:

A. Pricing of two factors

B. Productivity of the two factors

C. Degree of substitutability of two factors

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


According to Smith, by value we mean the value with respect to use, and the price we mean the value with respect to:

A. Production

B. Consumption

C. Exchange

D. Formation

What is the correct answer?


Cross-elasticity of demand or cross-price elasticity between two complements will be:

A. Negative

B. Positive

C. Infinite

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


Contraction of demand means:

A. Less quantity demanded at the same price

B. Less quantity demanded at a higher price

C. Less quantity demanded at a lower price

D. None of the above