Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


In cournot model, firms sell:

A. Superior goods

B. Inferior goods

C. Identical goods

D. Differential goods

Correct Answer :

C. Identical goods

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The normal long-run average cost curve is influenced by the:

A. Principle of diminishing returns

B. Economies and diseconomies of large scale production

C. Principle of constant return to scale

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


In case of monopoly, the price charged against the additional unit is:

A. Not different

B. Same

C. Not same

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


In case of income effect, the level of consumers satisfaction rises when:

A. Income rises

B. Income falls

C. Sales rises

D. Price falls

What is the correct answer?


The general form of Cobb-Douglas production function is:





What is the correct answer?


In the case of complements, the cross demand curve slopes:

A. Downwards to the right

B. Upwards to the right

C. Backwards to the top

D. Inwards at the bottom

What is the correct answer?


A demand curve is not related to:

A. The price of the commodity

B. The time period

C. The price of substitutes

D. Any of the above

What is the correct answer?


We can find total utility by:

A. Multiplying the number of unit by its marginal utility

B. Adding up the marginal utility of all units

C. Multiplying price by number of units

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


When SAC curve rises, SMC curve lies its:

A. Below

B. Above

C. Equal level

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Under competitive conditions, the industry will be in equilibrium:

A. When each firm is in equilibrium equating MC with MR

B. When all the firms are earning only normal profits

C. When firms outside have no tendency to enter the industry and those within, have no tendency to leave the industry

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Marginal cost is the cost:

A. Of the last unit of production

B. Of marginal unit

C. Of marginal efficient units

D. Of the average units of production

What is the correct answer?


Demand of a commodity is elastic when:

A. Change in its price causes a proportionately greater change in its quantity demanded

B. Change in its price does not change its quantity demanded

C. Change in consumers income causes change in demand

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Contraction of demand means:

A. Less quantity demanded at the same price

B. Less quantity demanded at a higher price

C. Less quantity demanded at a lower price

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


An income demand curve of an inferior good is:

A. Upward sloping

B. Downward sloping

C. Constant in slope

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


At low prices, demand is likely to be:

A. More elastic

B. Less elastic

C. Unit elastic

D. Perfectly inelastic

What is the correct answer?


A budget line shows:

A. Price of commodity X in terms of Y

B. Price of commodity Y in term of X

C. Income of the consumer

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Identify the author of The Affluent Society?

A. Gunnar Myrdal

B. N.Kaldor

C. A.C.Pigou

D. J.K.Galbraith

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a U shaped curve:

A. Marginal cost curve

B. Average variable cost curve

C. Fixed cost curve

D. Average cost curve

What is the correct answer?


Who first used the term Quasi-Rent?

A. David Ricardo

B. Alfred Marshal

C. J.S.Mill

D. Karl Marx

What is the correct answer?


Price effect occurs on the higher IC in case of:

A. Slutsky approach

B. Hicksian approach

C. Marshallian approach

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The short-run periods in monopolistic competition are:

A. Parallel to each other

B. Dependent upon each other

C. Independent of each other

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


Selling costs are incurred under monopolistic competition to:

A. Attract more customers

B. Prevent its customers from going to others

C. Establish superiority of its product on the others

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


If demand is elastic and supply is inelastic then the burden of a tax on the good will be:

A. Borne mostly by producers

B. Borne mostly by consumers

C. Borne mostly by government

D. Shared equally by producers and consumers

What is the correct answer?


Income-demand curve shows:

A. Income-expenditure relationship

B. Income-cost relationship

C. Income-price relationship

D. Income-quantity relationship

What is the correct answer?


An economic theory is :

A. An axiom

B. A proposition

C. A hypothesis

D. A tested hypothesis

What is the correct answer?


In the case of substitutes, the cross demand curve slopes

A. Downwards to the right

B. Upwards to the right

C. Backwards to the right

D. Inwards at the bottom

What is the correct answer?


According to translog production function, elasticity of substitution is:

A. Greater than one

B. Less than one

C. Zero

D. Equal to one

What is the correct answer?


If as a result of a decrease in price, total outlay (expenditures) on a commodity increases, its price-elasticity of demand is:

A. Perfectly elastic (infinitely elastic)

B. Relatively elastic (greater than one elasticity)

C. Unit elastic

D. Relatively inelastic (less than one elasticity)

What is the correct answer?


The situation in between the extremes of the govt. controlled, planned economy and the perfectly free, unplanned economy is known as:

A. Developed economy

B. Laissez-fair economy

C. Mixed economy

D. Capitalistic economy

What is the correct answer?


The law of Diminishing Marginal Utility implies that the marginal utility of a good decreases as:

A. It gets more expensive

B. A household consumes more of it

C. Preference changes

D. A households income goes up

What is the correct answer?


Social costs equal private costs when:

A. Marginal cost is zero

B. Total cost is zero

C. External costs are zero

D. Average costs are zero