Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


In price leadership, like leader, the follower firm may:

A. also maximize its profits

B. not maximize its profits

C. maximize its costs

D. none of the above

Correct Answer :

B. not maximize its profits

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The main contribution of Prof. R.G.D.Allen is in the field of:

A. fixation of price

B. Arc elasticity of demand

C. Cross elasticity of demand

D. Wage theory

What is the correct answer?


Dumping is international discriminating:

A. Monopoly

B. Oligopoly

C. Duopoly

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


According to current thinking, the law of diminishing returns applies to:

A. All fields of production

B. Agriculture

C. Mining

D. Manufacturing

What is the correct answer?


A straight line, downward-sloping demand curve implies that, as price falls, the elasticity of demand:

A. Increases

B. Decreases

C. Remains the same

D. Is zero

What is the correct answer?


Under competitive conditions, the industry will be in equilibrium:

A. When each firm is in equilibrium equating MC with MR

B. When all the firms are earning only normal profits

C. When firms outside have no tendency to enter the industry and those within, have no tendency to leave the industry

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following does not have a uniform elasticity of demand at all points?

A. A vertical demand curve

B. A horizontal demand curve

C. A rectangular hyperbola demand curve

D. A downward sloping demand curve

What is the correct answer?


The number of firms in monopolistic competition normally range between:

A. 14 to 28

B. 14 to 80

C. 14 to 38

D. 14 to 60

What is the correct answer?


The demand curve of giffen goods will be:

A. Negatively sloped

B. Positively sloped

C. Parallel to X-axis

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. A utility function refers to a particular individual and reflects the tastes of that individual

B. When the tastes of an individual changes, his utility function changes(shifts)

C. Different individuals usually have different tastes and thus have different utility functions

D. Different individuals have same tastes and thus have the same utility function

What is the correct answer?


AR curve under perfect competition:

A. Slopes downwards to the right

B. Slopes upward to the right

C. Is vertical to the x-axis

D. Is horizontal to the x-axis

What is the correct answer?


The Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns can be explained in terms of:

A. Economies and diseconomies of production

B. Indivisibility of factors

C. Fixity of supply of land

D. Variable factor productivity

What is the correct answer?


A monopoly producer has:

A. Control over production but not over price

B. Control neither on production nor on price

C. Control over consumers

D. Control over production as well as over price

What is the correct answer?


If cross-elasticity of one commodity for another turns out to be zero, it means they are:

A. Close substitutes

B. Good complements

C. Completely unrelated (independent goods)

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If a good is an inferior good then an increase in incomes of the consumers will:

A. Increase demand for the good

B. Increase supply of the good

C. Reduce the equilibrium price of the good

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The demand curve slopes downwards due to:

A. Income effect(I.E)

B. Substitution effect(S.E)

C. Taste effect

D. Both a and b

What is the correct answer?


The main contribution of Adam Smith is in the field of:

A. Economics of state

B. Wealth of Nations

C. Value and price

D. Theory of demand

What is the correct answer?


A budget line shows:

A. Quantities of commodity X which a consumer could buy with no amount of Y

B. Quantities of commodity Y which a consumer could buy with no amount of X

C. The different combinations of X and Y that the consumer could buy

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The study of economic theory for the sake of certain objective is called:

A. Positive Economics

B. Normative Economics

C. Micro Economics

D. Development Economics

What is the correct answer?


General Equilibrium deals with the equilibrium of the:

A. Consumer

B. Producer

C. Farmer

D. All the producers and consumers

What is the correct answer?


Abstinence or Waiting theory of Interest was presented by:

A. Lord Keynes

B. J.S.Mill

C. Alfred Marshal

D. Prof.Senior

What is the correct answer?


If the demand curve is vertical then its slope is:

A. Infinite

B. Zero

C. Equal to one

D. None of the

What is the correct answer?


A significant property of the Cobb-Douglas production function is that the elasticity of substitution between inputs is:

A. Greater than one

B. Less than one

C. Zero

D. Equal to one

What is the correct answer?


Change in demand (rise and fall of demand) is:

A. Due to change in price while other factors remain constant

B. Due to change in factors other than price

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Increasing returns imply:

A. Constant average cost

B. Diminishing cost per unit of output

C. Optimum use of capital and factor

D. External economies

What is the correct answer?


7.The costs which the firms have to face in order to change the price tags of their products and services are called:

A. Product costs

B. Real costs

C. Menu costs

D. Nominal costs

What is the correct answer?


The cross-price elasticity of the demand for orange juice with respect to the price of apple juice is probably:

A. Negative

B. Positive

C. Near infinite

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


The games which played by players again and again are called:

A. Repeated games

B. Cooperative games

C. Non-cooperative games

D. Constant games

What is the correct answer?


Price-taker firms:

A. Advertise to increase the demand for their product

B. Do not advertise, because most advertising is wasteful

C. Do not advertise because they can sell as much as they want at the current price

D. Who advertise will get more profits than those who do not

What is the correct answer?


Karl Marx:

A. Led the Russian Revolution

B. Provided the theoretical basis for socialism(communism)

C. Developed his theory in response to the Great Depression of the 1930s

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Extension (expansion) and contraction of demand are result of:

A. Change in consumers income

B. Change in consumers tastes

C. Change in price

D. None of the above