Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


In the short-run, in which one of the following situations would a competitive seller close down (shut-down)?

A. When he cannot produce at an economic profit

B. When price falls short of average variable cost at every level of output

C. When price falls short of average fixed cost at every level of output

D. When price falls short of average total cost at every level of output

Correct Answer :

B. When price falls short of average variable cost at every level of output

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What is the correct answer?


The demand curve of ostentation goods (Veblen goods) will be:

A. Negatively sloped

B. Positively sloped

C. Parallel to X-axis

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


If a straight line supply curve makes an intercept on the Y-axis, elasticity of supply is:

A. Equal to unity

B. Less than unity

C. More than unity

D. Zero

What is the correct answer?


If in the long run all factor inputs are increased three times and the resulting output is four times as before, it is a case of:

A. Decreasing returns to scale

B. Variable returns to scale

C. Constant returns to scale

D. Increasing returns to scale

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The proportionality rule in production requires that the ratios of MP and factor prices are:

A. Doubled

B. Equalized

C. Not equalized

D. None of the above

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If the factors have to be employed in a fixed ratio, then the elasticity of substitution under Leontief technology is:

A. One

B. Zero

C. Two

D. Five

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Who formulated the Post-Keynsian Theory of Distribution and Growth?

A. J.M.Keynes

B. N.Kaldor

C. C.P.Kindleberger

D. Irving Fisher

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The main contribution of Alfred Marshal is in the field of:

A. Research in mathematical economics

B. Economics of labor

C. Theory of production

D. Theory of demand

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The law of variable proportions comes into being when:

A. All factors are variable

B. There is a fixed factor and variable factor

C. All factors are non-variable

D. None of the above

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Extension (expansion) and contraction of demand are result of:

A. Change in consumers income

B. Change in consumers tastes

C. Change in price

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Increase in demand occurs when:

A. The price falls and the demand also falls down

B. The price increases but demand falls down

C. The price increases the demand remains constant and when the price remains constant the demand goes up

D. The price remains constant but demand falls

What is the correct answer?


Of the following commodities, which has the lowest price-elasticity of demand?

A. Car

B. Salt

C. Tea

D. House

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In case of budget line, we get pairs of two goods where consumers income is:

A. Fully spent

B. Half spent

C. Partially spent

D. Correctly spent

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A producer attains the least cost combination when the relation between Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution (MRTS) and price (P) of the factors x and y is:





What is the correct answer?


The cost of production is faced by a:

A. Producer

B. Consumer

C. Seller

D. Firm

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Which is the first-order condition for the profit of a firm to be maximum?





What is the correct answer?


With which of the following concepts is the name of J.M.Keynes particularly associated?

A. Marginal propensity to consume

B. Marginal propensity to save

C. Liquidity preference

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Under perfect competition, at equilibrium, marginal cost is:

A. Less than marginal revenue

B. Equal to marginal revenue

C. More than marginal revenue

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


According to Marshal, the Law of Diminishing Returns is applicable to:

A. Industry

B. All fields of production

C. Agriculture

D. None of the above

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Excess capacity is not found under:

A. Monopoly

B. Monopolistic competition

C. Perfect competition

D. Oligopoly

What is the correct answer?


Who stated explicitly for the first time the Law of Camparative Costs?

A. David Ricardo

B. Adam Smith

C. James Mill

D. A.C.Pigou

What is the correct answer?


A monopoly producer usually earns:

A. Abnormal profits

B. Only normal profits

C. Neither profits nor losses

D. Profits and losses which are uncertain

What is the correct answer?


Marshallian demand function is also known as:

A. Utility demand function

B. Compensated demand function

C. Collective demand function

D. Relative demand function

What is the correct answer?


If two households have identical preferences but different incomes then:

A. They must consume the same amounts of all goods

B. The wealthier one will have lower marginal utility for most goods

C. The wealthier one will have higher marginal utility for most goods

D. They will enjoy the same level of utility

What is the correct answer?


If the demand curve remains unchanged and supply increases, the price will:

A. Rise

B. Fall

C. Remain the same

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Perfect competition implies:

A. Differentiated goods

B. Homogeneous goods

C. Advertised goods

D. Distress sale of goods

What is the correct answer?


According to critics, the assumption of costless production is:

A. true

B. not true

C. reliable

D. deniable

What is the correct answer?


Under monopolistic competition, the products sold by the firms are:

A. Economic substitutes

B. Technical substitutes

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Price leadership is associated with:

A. Collusive oligopoly

B. Non-collusive oligopoly

C. Cartel

D. Perfect competition

What is the correct answer?


When marginal costs curve cuts average costs curve, average costs are:

A. Maximum

B. Zero

C. Minimum

D. Equal to one

What is the correct answer?


The monopolist firm is price setter. The price setter firm is one which:

A. Can influence the market price

B. Cannot influence the market price

C. Can sell at zero price

D. None of the above