Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Indifference curve represents:

A. Only two commodities

B. Only three commodities

C. More than three commodities

D. Any number of commodities

Correct Answer :

A. Only two commodities

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What is the correct answer?


In short-run, in monopolistic competition, a firm earns:

A. Normal profits

B. Abnormal profits

C. No profits

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


A monopolist is able to maximize his profit when:

A. His output is maximum

B. He charges a high price

C. His average cost is minimum

D. His marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost

What is the correct answer?


The vertical distance between TVC and TC is equal to:





What is the correct answer?


When sales tax is imposed on monopolist, its:

A. Output is effected

B. Equilibrium is effected

C. Input is effected

D. Reputation is effected

What is the correct answer?


If both demand and supply were to increase then:

A. Quantity exchanged would fall and price would rise

B. Quantity exchanged and price would both fall

C. Quantity exchanged would rise and price might rise or fall

D. Quantity exchanged and price would both rise

What is the correct answer?


Who first formulated the Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution?

A. J.B.Clark

B. L.Euler

C. J.A.Schumpeter

D. Alfred Marshal

What is the correct answer?


Excess capacity is not found under:

A. Monopoly

B. Monopolistic competition

C. Perfect competition

D. Oligopoly

What is the correct answer?


Used cars are sold in:

A. Perfectly competitive international market

B. Perfectly competitive national market

C. Imperfect international market

D. Imperfect local market

What is the correct answer?


Substitution effect means a consumer

A. Shifts away from the commodity the price of which has fallen

B. Shifts in favour of a commodity the price of which has risen

C. Shifts away from a commodity the price of which has risen, in favour of a commodity the price of which has fallen

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


The advertisement and other selling activities:

A. Lessen the differentiation

B. Widen the differentiation

C. Does not effect the differentiation

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


According to Marshallian approach, utility:

A. Can be added

B. Can be subtracted

C. Can be multiplied

D. Can be divided

What is the correct answer?


When the demand curve is rectangular hyperbola, it represents:

A. Unitary elastic demand

B. Perfectly elastic demand

C. Perfectly inelastic demand

D. Relatively elastic demand

What is the correct answer?


The equilibrium level of output for the pure monopolist is where:

A. MR = MC

B. MR > MC

C. MR < MC

D. P < AC

What is the correct answer?


If the factors have to be employed in a fixed ratio, then the elasticity of substitution under Leontief technology is:

A. One

B. Zero

C. Two

D. Five

What is the correct answer?


The budget-line is also known as the:

A. Iso-utility curve

B. Production possibility line

C. Isoquant

D. Consumption possibility line

What is the correct answer?


In the long run:

A. All factors can be used in different proportions

B. Management can be re-organized

C. A firm can experience returns to scale

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


Under competitive conditions, the industry will be in equilibrium:

A. When each firm is in equilibrium equating MC with MR

B. When all the firms are earning only normal profits

C. When firms outside have no tendency to enter the industry and those within, have no tendency to leave the industry

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


If the commodity is normal then fall in price will result in:

A. Increase the quantity demanded

B. Fixed the quantity demanded

C. Decrease the quantity demanded

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Marginal utility equals:

A. Slope of total utility curve

B. Slope of average utility curve

C. Slope of marginal utility curve

D. Slope of total revenue curve

What is the correct answer?


The partial equilibrium model keeps other things:

A. Variable

B. Constant

C. Increasing

D. Decreasing

What is the correct answer?


Under the law of variable proportions, the average and the marginal product of the variable factor would ultimately:

A. Become equal

B. Decrease

C. Become constant

D. Increase

What is the correct answer?


Utility is a function of:

A. Price

B. Quantity

C. Supply

D. Demand

What is the correct answer?


In discriminating monopoly (price discrimination), the elasticity of demand of product in two markets are:

A. Different

B. Same

C. Zero

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Nash equilibrium is applicable in case of:

A. Cournot model

B. Edgeworth model

C. Chamberline model

D. Sweezy model

What is the correct answer?


Which is the other name that is given to the average revenue curve?

A. Profit curve

B. Demand curve

C. Average cost curve

D. Indifference curve

What is the correct answer?


Production function shows:

A. Technical relationship between inputs and output

B. Profitability production

C. Relation between MR and MC

D. Relation between AR and AC

What is the correct answer?


In dominant price leadership model, the dominant firm set the:

A. price

B. output

C. both a and b

D. none of the above

What is the correct answer?


A firm under perfect competition has:

A. An AR curve which is a horizontal straight line

B. An AR curve which slopes downward

C. An AR curve which has a kink

D. An AR curve shape of which cannot be predicted

What is the correct answer?


Two policy variables, product and selling activities in the theory of firm was introduced by:

A. Chamberline

B. Sraffa

C. Carl marx

D. Robinson

What is the correct answer?


The kink demand curve faced by an oligopolist is based on the assumption that:

A. Competitors will follow a price increase but not a price cut

B. Competitors will follow a price increase as well as a price cut

C. Competitors will ignore both a price increase and a price cut

D. Competitors will ignore a price increase but will follow a price cut