Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


_____is a full form of SQL.

A. Standard query language

B. Sequential query language

C. Structured query language

D. Server side query language

Correct Answer :

C. Structured query language

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What is the correct answer?


Precedence graphs help to find a

A. Serializable schedule.

B. Recoverable schedule.

C. Deadlock free schedule.

D. Cascadeless schedule.

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The set of all values that can be taken by the attribute is called as _______ of the attribute.

A. Tuple

B. Cardinality

C. Degree

D. Domain

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Which of the following addressing modes permits relocation without any change over in the code?

A. Indirect addressing

B. Indexed addressing

C. PC relative addressing

D. Base register addressing

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The collection of information stored in a database at a particular moment is called as ......

A. schema

B. instance of the database

C. data domain

D. independence

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The values of the attribute describes a particular

A. Entity set

B. File

C. Entity instance

D. Organization

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DROP is a statement in SQL.

A. Query

B. Embedded SQL



What is the correct answer?


The ______ indexes are forced to store only record IDs in the data structure and require at least one additional I/O Operation to retrieve the actual record.

A. Clustered

B. Hashed

C. Un-clustered

D. Collision

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An outstanding functionality of SQL is its support for automatic_____ to the target data.

A. programming

B. navigation

C. functioning

D. notification

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_____ First proposed the process of normalization.

A. Edgar. W

B. Edward Stephen

C. Edgar F. Codd

D. Edward Codd

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E-R Modeling is achieved by using ____ diagrams


B. Flowcharts

C. Gantt Charts

D. E-R

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The normalization was first proposed by .

A. Code

B. Codd

C. Boyce Codd

D. Boyce

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The metadata is created by the

A. DML compiler

B. DML pre-processor

C. DDL interpreter

D. Query interpreter

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The clause in SQL that specifies that the query result should be sorted in ascending or descending order based on the values of one or more columns is

A. View

B. Order by

C. Group by

D. Having

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Use of UNIQUE while defining an attribute of a table in SQL means that the attribute values are

A. distinct values

B. cannot have NULL

C. both (A) & (B)

D. same as primary key

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Which is the best file organization when data is frequently added or deleted from a file?

A. Sequential

B. Direct

C. Index sequential

D. None of the above

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______is a preferred method for enforcing data integrity

A. Constraints

B. Triggers

C. Stored procedure

D. Cursors

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Assume transaction A holds a shared lock R. If transaction B also requests for a shared lock on R.

A. It will result in a deadlock situation.

B. It will immediately be rejected.

C. It will immediately be granted.

D. It will be granted as soon as it is released by A .

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Which of the following is true for network structure?

A. It is a physical representation of the data.

B. It allows many to many relationship.

C. It is conceptually simple.

D. It will be the dominant database of the future.

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Union operator is a :

A. Unary Operator

B. Ternary Operator

C. Binary Operator

D. Not an operator

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In E-R Diagram total participation is represented by

A. Double lines

B. Single line

C. Dashed lines

D. Triangle

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In SQL the word natural can be used with

A. inner join

B. full outer join

C. right outer join

D. all of the above

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DBMS is a collection of _____ that enables user to create and maintain a database.

A. Keys

B. Program

C. Translators

D. Language Activity

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Between DRAM and magnetic disk storage another form of memory, called ______ memory is becoming common because it is non volatile.


B. Flash

C. Hard Disk

D. Secondary

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a relational database model?

A. Table

B. Tree like structure

C. Complex logical relationship

D. Records

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Which one is correct statement?
Logical data independence provides following without changing application programs:
(i) Changes in access methods.
(ii) Adding new entities in database
(iii) Splitting an existing record into two or more records
(iv) C

A. (i) and (ii)

B. (iv) only

C. (i) and (iv)

D. (ii) and (iii)

What is the correct answer?


What are the desirable properties of a decomposition

A. Partition constraint.

B. Dependency preservation.

C. Redundancy.

D. Security.

What is the correct answer?


Data independence means

A. data is defined separately and not included in programs.

B. programs are not dependent on the physical attributes of data

C. programs are not dependent on the logical attributes of data

D. both B and C

What is the correct answer?


The transactions like adding an employee, enrolling a student in a course are examples of _______

A. Logical

B. Physical

C. None

D. Theoretical

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____specifies a search condition for a group or an aggregate.

A. GROUP BY Clause

B. HAVING Clause

C. FROM Clause

D. WHERE Clause

What is the correct answer?


The rule that a value of a foreign key must appear as a value of some specific table is called a

A. Referential constraint.

B. Index.

C. Integrity constraint.

D. Functional dependency.