Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


________ is left behind after distillation of petroleum.

A. Arsenic

B. Barium

C. Benzene

D. Bitumen

Correct Answer :

D. Bitumen

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What is the correct answer?


Graphite la a good conductor of electricity because

A. it is an allotrope of carbon

B. it gives CO2 on heating

C. it contains free electrons

D. it is oxidised to graphitic acid

What is the correct answer?


Clark's method for removal of temporary hardness in water uses

A. calcium hydroxide

B. washing soda

C. calcium chloride

D. zeolite

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The commonest ore of aluminium is

A. cryolite

B. bauxite

C. malachite

D. azurite

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Which among the following is a metalloid?

A. Tin

B. Silver

C. Iodine

D. Arsenic

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The scientist associated with the discovery of the nucleus was

A. Rutherford

B. Moseley

C. Niels Bohr

D. J.J. Thomson

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The hormone which absorption is increases glucose oxidation and glucose

A. adrenalin

B. thyroxin

C. insulin

D. epinephrine

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Which of the following is called 'the King of Chemicals?

A. Nitric acid

B. Hydrochloric acid

C. Silver nitrate

D. Sulphuric acid

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The compound which is both an antiseptic and a disinfectant is

A. phenol

B. iodoform

C. bleaching powder

D. blue vitriol

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BHC is a

A. Rodenticide

B. Herbicide

C. Pesticide

D. Fungicide

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A drug that is usually administered for malaria is

A. sulphanilamide

B. quinine

C. methicillin

D. novocaine

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The discoverer of chloroform was

A. Liebig

B. Pasteur

C. Bunsen

D. Erlenmeyer

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The flux added in the blast furnace is

A. Limestone

B. FeO

C. SiO2

D. MgO

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Setting of cement is due to

A. hydration

B. dehydration

C. dialysis

D. osmosis

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What is 'oxygen mixture'?

A. A mixture of potassium nitrate and carbon

B. A mixture of ammonium chloride and sodium nitrate

C. A mixture of potassium chlorate and manganese dioxide

D. A mixture of ammonium nitrate and charcoal

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Bordeaux mixture contains

A. copper sulphate and water

B. copper sulphate, lime and water

C. thio-urea and lime

D. copper sulphate and thio-urea

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The fertilizer which has the largest percentage of nitrogen is

A. urea

B. ammonium nitrate

C. ammonium sulphate

D. calcium cyanamide

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Laughing gas is

A. nitric oxide

B. nitrogen peroxide

C. nitrogen pentoxide

D. nitrous oxide

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A mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen is

A. coal gas

B. producer gas

C. water gas

D. gobar gas

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The soaps used in shaving cream are

A. calcium soaps

B. lead soaps

C. soft soaps

D. hard soaps

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A mixture of ethyl alcohol and water can be separated by

A. evaporation

B. sublimation

C. using a separating funnel

D. fractional distillation

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Solid carbon dioxide (Dry ice) is also known as

A. Thiokol

B. Drikold

C. Perhydrol

D. Mannitol

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The metal which reacts most violently with cold water is

A. calcium

B. sodium

C. magnesium

D. potassium

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Lead soaps are used in

A. shaving creams

B. adhesive tapes

C. toilet powders

D. lubricants

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A. tongue inflammation

B. pellagra

C. night blindness

D. anaemia

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On chemical analysis, a bottle cork is found to contain primarily

A. proteins

B. carbohydrates

C. tannins

D. lipids

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Flint glass contains

A. potassium and lead silicates

B. zinc and barium borosilicates

C. potassium and calcium silicates

D. sodium and calcium silicates

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Quick lime has the formula

A. CaO

B. Ca(OH)2


D. Na2CO3

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Lunar caustic is

A. calcium sulphate

B. ammonium chloride

C. caustic soda

D. silver nitrate

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The substance preserved under water is

A. potassium

B. sodium

C. red phosphorus

D. white phosphorus

What is the correct answer?


A form of carbon which is a good lubricant is

A. diamond

B. coke

C. graphite

D. charcoal