Current Affairs January 2024


In some parts of the sentences given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

What is the correct answer?


Is not learning superior ____ wealth ?

A. than

B. from

C. by

D. to

Correct Answer :

D. to

Is not learning superior to wealth?

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The ability of a woman to do well does not ______ on whether it is a mans world or not, because everyone has
his/her own opportunities. (1) trust (2) depend (3) reckon (4) live (5) rest (6) believe

A. (4) and (5)

B. (2) and (3)

C. (1) and (6)

D. (2) and (5)

What is the correct answer?


There is much difficulty _____ getting _____ this place and it is not possible to reach _____ without the grace of the lord.
The option that best fill the blanks in the above sentence would be:

A. in, to, it

B. to, to, it

C. to, in, it

D. in, in, in

What is the correct answer?


The manager told us _________ Ramesh was very anxious _________ the meeting.

A. about, in

B. that, before

C. like, during

D. the, for

What is the correct answer?


India has the_______ of high saving and low growth rates.

A. irony

B. similarity

C. difference

D. paradox

What is the correct answer?


Every human being, after the first few days of his life, is a product of two factors: on the one hand, there is his __________ endowment; and on the other hand, there is the effect of environment, including _________

A. constitutional, weather

B. congenital, education

C. personal, climate

D. economic, learning

What is the correct answer?


Nature is ______ and unchangeable , and it is ______ as to whether its hidden reasons and ______ are ______ to man or not.
The option that best fill the blanks in the above sentence would be:

A. relentless, indifferent, actions, understandable

B. persistent, heartless, actions, comprehensible

C. inexorable, apathetic, activities, explicable

D. ineseapable, unconcerned, activities, intelligible

What is the correct answer?


The official____ the Chief Minister of the situation in the town.

A. apprised

B. informed

C. appraised

D. asked

What is the correct answer?


My India by Corbett deals ______ the authors familiarity with and love of India.

A. in

B. of

C. at

D. with

What is the correct answer?


Drugs worth ` 3 lakhs were ......... from the apartment by
the police. (1) manufactured (2) ruptured (3) seized (4) confiscated (5) bought (6) compared

A. (1) and (4)

B. (2) and (3)

C. (3) and (5)

D. (3) and (4)

What is the correct answer?


A public, servant who is guilty will not ___________ punishment and no ___________ person will be punished.

A. be, sincere

B. flee, guilty

C. defend, common

D. avoid, uninformed

What is the correct answer?


Cairn cannot ________ bring into picture some ________outsider which has little experience and necessary consents to deal in the oil field.

A. Peremptorily, ascribed

B. Complaisantly, endorsed

C. Democratically, aberrant

D. Arbitrarily, unrelated

What is the correct answer?


Your present statement does not _________ what you said last week.

A. accord to

B. accord in

C. accord with

D. accord for

What is the correct answer?


There are not solitary, free-living creatures ; every form of life is ______ other forms.

A. dependent on

B. parallel to

C. overshadowed by

D. segregated from

What is the correct answer?


Mountaineering institutes___to the young climbers the technical knowledge which has been accumulated over the years.

A. impart

B. indicate

C. apply

D. help

What is the correct answer?


The valley is known for its ________ growth of vegetation.

A. luxurious

B. luxury

C. luxuriant

D. luxuriously

What is the correct answer?


The influence of the environment on man is revealed by an_____ study.

A. anthropological

B. ecological

C. epigraphic

D. numismatic

What is the correct answer?


Skeptics would not ___________ that the earth actually moves, let alone that it ___________ around the sun.

A. permit, orbits

B. accept, revolves

C. experience, circles

D. assume, went

What is the correct answer?


Nowadays there exists a spirit of___ among the various departments of the University. This has led to a number of interdisciplinary research publications due to interaction of various research groups.

A. co-operation

B. education

C. casteism

D. favouritism

What is the correct answer?


It is inconceivable that in many schools children are subjected to physical _________ in the name of discipline.

A. violation

B. exercise

C. violence

D. security

What is the correct answer?


A growing number of these expert professionals ___________ having to train foreigners as the students end up ___________ the teachers who have to then unhappily content with no jobs at all or new jobs with drastically reduced pay packets

A. are, supplanting

B. welcome, assisting

C. resist, challenging

D. resent, replacing

What is the correct answer?


The bus __________ fifty passengers fell __________ the river.

A. with; into

B. for; upon

C. over; on

D. of; at

What is the correct answer?


Rajeev was upset because he _____________ forgotten his best friends birthday?

A. have

B. shall

C. will

D. had

What is the correct answer?


Throw a stone ______ the fierce dog.

A. at

B. upon

C. on

D. above

What is the correct answer?


Cellular phone service has______ in a new phase of communication.

A. called

B. ushered

C. resulted

D. started

What is the correct answer?


To ___time, please go___ foot and not by bus.

A. spend, with

B. kill, towards

C. utilise, on

D. gain, on

What is the correct answer?


I had a vague _________ that the lady originally belonged to Scotland.

A. notion

B. expression

C. imagination

D. theory

What is the correct answer?


The stock market is very_____ at the moment.

A. sensible

B. sensitive

C. intensive

D. remunerative

What is the correct answer?


I. He was good with Mathematics so he could not fathorn why other people cribbed about such an .......... subject.
II. In a world so riddled with greed and corruption where every man seems to be out to get another, it is not very .......... to trust others.

A. good

B. exciting

C. wise

D. easy

What is the correct answer?


The numbers __________ by the legitimate online music service providers indicate that a growing number of users are __________ to buy music.

A. morphed, ignoring

B. labelled, thriving

C. figured, fanatic

D. touted, willing

What is the correct answer?


Satyajitrays films ________ all barriers of caste, creed and religion. They are universal.

A. transcend

B. transcends

C. trancend

D. transend