Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Laughing gas is

A. nitric oxide

B. nitrogen peroxide

C. nitrogen pentoxide

D. nitrous oxide

Correct Answer :

D. nitrous oxide

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What is the correct answer?


Vinegar is the trade name for

A. chloroform

B. acetic acid

C. phenol

D. carbon tetrachloride

What is the correct answer?


Galvanising is coating Iron with

A. nickel

B. zinc

C. chromium

D. copper

What is the correct answer?


The process that takes place in the atom bomb is

A. nuclear' fusion

B. radioactive disintegration

C. nuclear fission

D. chemical decomposition

What is the correct answer?


Oil of winter green contains

A. acetone

B. ether

C. acetic acid

D. methyl salicylate

What is the correct answer?


White vitriol is

A. ZnSO4 . 7H2O

B. FeSO4 . 7H2O

C. MgSO4 . 7H2O

D. CaSO4 . 2H2O

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Radium was isolated from

A. galena

B. dolomite

C. sylvine

D. pitchblende

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Which one of the following is not radioactive?

A. Astatine

B. Francium

C. Tritium

D. Zirconium

What is the correct answer?


The noble gas which is present in microscopic quantities in air is

A. xenon

B. krypton

C. argon

D. helium

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Which of the following elements is not required for the healthy growth of plants?

A. Nitrogen

B. Phosphorus

C. Potassium

D. Mercury

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Rusting is

A. an oxidation process

B. a reduction process

C. a physical change

D. an electro-chemical process

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Dust particles in the air of large industrial cities are removed by

A. Sedimentation

B. Electrophoresis

C. Tyndall effect

D. Brownian movement

What is the correct answer?


A burning substance which continues to burn in a jar of carbon dioxide is

A. zinc

B. red phosphorus

C. magnesium

D. sulphur

What is the correct answer?


Boiler scales' contain

A. calcium carbonate

B. magnesium bicarbonate

C. calcium sulphate

D. magnesium sulphate

What is the correct answer?


The modern system of symbols was evolved by

A. Dalton

B. Cavendish

C. Avogadro

D. Berzelius

What is the correct answer?


Quick lime has the formula

A. CaO

B. Ca(OH)2


D. Na2CO3

What is the correct answer?


On chemical analysis, a bottle cork is found to contain primarily

A. proteins

B. carbohydrates

C. tannins

D. lipids

What is the correct answer?


Hard water does not lather well with soap because

A. it contains carbonates of calcium and magnesium

B. it contains sodium chloride

C. it is highly coloured

D. it contains suspended impurities

What is the correct answer?


The soaps used in shaving cream are

A. calcium soaps

B. lead soaps

C. soft soaps

D. hard soaps

What is the correct answer?


Cinnabar is an ore of

A. lead

B. zinc

C. mercury

D. chromium

What is the correct answer?


A mixture of naphthalene and sand is separated by

A. evaporation

B. using a magnet

C. sublimation

D. sedimentation

What is the correct answer?


The hormone which absorption is increases glucose oxidation and glucose

A. adrenalin

B. thyroxin

C. insulin

D. epinephrine

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Solid carbon dioxide (Dry ice) is also known as

A. Thiokol

B. Drikold

C. Perhydrol

D. Mannitol

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is used in fuel to propel rockets?

A. Petrol

B. Kerosene

C. Hydrazine

D. Alcohol

What is the correct answer?


Cholesterol is

A. a carbohydrate

B. a protein

C. a lipid

D. a hormone

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Colour blindness is

A. a congenital disease

B. a communicable disease

C. an acquired disease

D. a contagious disease

What is the correct answer?


Which is the 'odd man' in the following?

A. brass

B. common salt

C. cane sugar

D. water

What is the correct answer?


The compound which is both an antiseptic and a disinfectant is

A. phenol

B. iodoform

C. bleaching powder

D. blue vitriol

What is the correct answer?


The oldest known organic compound is

A. urea

B. methane

C. acetic acid

D. benzene

What is the correct answer?


Real gases tend to become ideal Under

A. low pressure and high temperature

B. low pressure and low temperature

C. high pressure and low temperature

D. high pressure and high temperature

What is the correct answer?


The principle involved in dialysis, a treatment administered to patients with affected kidneys is

A. Cataphoresis

B. Osmosis

C. Dehydration

D. Diffusion