Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Loanable funds theory of Interest was developed by:

A. Wicksell

B. Robert San

C. Ruskin

D. J.B.Say

Correct Answer :

A. Wicksell

Loanable funds theory of Interest? According to the Loanable Funds Theory of Interest, the rate of interest is calculated on the basis of demand and supply of loanable funds present in the capital market. The concept formulated by Knut Wicksell, the well-known Swedish economist, is among the most important economic theories. The Loanable Funds Theory of Interest advocates that both savings and investments are responsible for the determination of the rates of interest in the long run. On the other hand, short-term interest rates are calculated on the basis of the financial conditions of a particular economy. The determination of the interest rates in case of the Loanable Funds Theory of the Rate of Interest, depends essentially on the availability of loan amounts. The availability of such loan amounts is based on certain factors like the net increase in currency deposits, the amount of savings made, willingness to enhance cash balances and opportunities for the formation of fresh capitals.

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A. Double to that of AR

B. 1/2 to that of AR

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A. The firms operate at excess capacity levels

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A. Making a profit

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C. Incurring a loss and should stop producing immediately

D. Making a normal profit

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A. Sets of points relating production function that maximizes output given input (labor) i.e. Q = f(L, K)

B. Sets of points relating production function that produces less output than possible for a given set of input (labor) i.e. Q < f(L, K)

C. Use of imported technology

D. None of the above

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