Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Man is warm-blooded, frog is cold-blooded, Which one of the following is cold-blooded?

A. snake

B. peacock

C. parrot

D. camel atmospheric pressure

Correct Answer :

A. snake

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Blood plasma from which fibrinogen is removed is known as

A. serum

B. blood concentrate

C. lymph

D. antibody component

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is essential for blood clotting?



C. Blood platelets

D. Lymph

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a balanced fertiliser for plants?

A. Urea

B. Ammonium Sulphate

C. Nitrates

D. Compost

What is the correct answer?


The specific gravity of blood is

A. lower than water

B. higher than water

C. same as water

D. many times that of water

What is the correct answer?


When a movement of a plant organ is stimulated by contact with an object, it is termed

A. heliotropism

B. geotropism

C. haptotropism

D. gardening

What is the correct answer?


Digestion of proteins starts in the

A. mouth

B. stomach

C. duodenum

D. intestine

What is the correct answer?


What is 'atavism'?

A. The genes which show numerous phenolypic effects

B. Reappearance of traits after several generations

C. Effects of mutation

D. Intermediate inheritance of genes

What is the correct answer?


The germ theory of diseases was put forward by

A. Louis Pasteur

B. Luister

C. Leuwenhoek

D. Flemming

What is the correct answer?


The saliva contains an enzyme called

A. ptyalin

B. pepsin

C. trypsin

D. erepsin

What is the correct answer?


What is the colour of the outer portion of the spinal cord?

A. gray

B. brown

C. white

D. yellow

What is the correct answer?


Phonoreceptor refers to the perception of

A. light

B. sound

C. touch

D. smell

What is the correct answer?


Blood clotting requires vitamin

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. K

What is the correct answer?


Foal' is the young on of the

A. Cat

B. Lion

C. Tiger

D. Horse

What is the correct answer?


Agroecology relates

A. crops and productivity

B. crops and environment

C. crop productivity and physiology

D. crop resistance to climatic changes

What is the correct answer?


Those small organisms which float on the surface of water are called

A. Necton

B. pH indicators

C. Plankton

D. Benthos

What is the correct answer?


Fishes send out their nitrogenous waste as

A. ammonia

B. urea

C. uric acid

D. sweat

What is the correct answer?


Late Blight' is a disease that affects the _______ crop.

A. coconut

B. cashew

C. potato

D. pepper

What is the correct answer?


Mutations could be created by X-rays. This was found by

A. Muller

B. Morgan

C. Meyer

D. Flemming

What is the correct answer?


Nucleus was first discovered by

A. Porter

B. Robert Brown

C. Palade

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Vaccine for influenza has been discovered by

A. Khorana

B. John

C. Mittel

D. Salk

What is the correct answer?


Genes are arranged in chromosomes

A. In clusters

B. In binary fashion

C. In linear fashion

D. Scattered

What is the correct answer?


In one minute normally the heart beats

A. 60 times

B. 80 times

C. 100 times

D. 72 times

What is the correct answer?


Leaves Call off branches In the winter because of

A. fall in atmospheric pressure

B. completion of the duration of life of the plant

C. formation of separation (absciss layer) just outside the cork

D. shortening of day time

What is the correct answer?


One of the following is called a feminine hormone. Which one is it?

A. Oestrogen

B. Testosterone

C. Pituitrin

D. Thyroxine

What is the correct answer?


Malnutrition is due to

A. undernourishment

B. want of balanced diet

C. overfeeding

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Fusarium causes the wilting of the cotton plants by

A. clogging the vessels

B. producing toxic substance

C. causing necrosis of roots

D. killing the leaves

What is the correct answer?


What is the bacterial disease in lime fruits?

A. Phythophthora

B. White rust

C. Citrus canker

D. Smut disease

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following organelles is known as the 'power House' of the cell?

A. Golgi Bodies

B. Ribosomes

C. Mitochondria

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Heart is made up of

A. nonstriated muscle

B. cardiac muscle

C. connective tissue

D. nervous tissue

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following diseases is not caused by a virus?

A. Cancer

B. Rabies


D. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)