Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Mica is used in an electric iron because it is a

A. good conductor of heat

B. good conductor of electricity

C. bad conductor of electricity

D. Both (a) and (b) above

Correct Answer :

C. bad conductor of electricity

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Which part of the eye photographic camera?

A. Lens

B. Iris

C. Retina

D. Eyelid

What is the correct answer?


Which physical quantity is measured in watts

A. power

B. kinetic energy

C. momentum

D. impulse

What is the correct answer?


The temperature of a large bucket-full of hot water (a few degrees below boiling point) is lower than a beaker full of boiling water. But

A. the hot water contains a much larger quantity of internal energy than the boiling water

B. the boiling water contains more quantity of internal energy than the warm water

C. both of them have got the same amount of internal energy.

D. nothing can be said definitely with the data given

What is the correct answer?


The attraction between similar molecules is called

A. inertia

B. adhesion

C. cohesion

D. friction

What is the correct answer?


The rings of Saturn were discovered by

A. Galileo

B. Bhaskara

C. Aryabhatta

D. Ptolemy

What is the correct answer?


When the disturbed electrons of an exited atom transfer back into lower energy levels they emit energy in the form of electromagnetic wave pulses called

A. neutrons

B. electrons

C. phonons

D. photons

What is the correct answer?


A projectile is fired at an angle with the horizontal with a small velocity. Its horizontal range will be maximum when the angle with the horizontal is


B. 30°

C. 45°

D. 60°

What is the correct answer?


A wire conveying a current deflects a pivoted magnetic needle. This was discovered by

A. Marconi

B. Oersted

C. Faraday

D. Ohm

What is the correct answer?


In compact porous soil, the rising of the water is due to

A. capillarity

B. cohesion

C. adhesion

D. viscosity

What is the correct answer?


When we tighten the string of a sitar or tanpura its pitch

A. remains the same

B. increases

C. decreases

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


When ice just melts

A. there is no change in volume

B. there is no change in temperature

C. heat is given out

D. there is no change of state

What is the correct answer?


A hunter on the ground wishes to shoot a bird on a tree at a distance with his rifle. He has to point the rifle

A. at the lower elevation than the bird

B. at a higher elevation than the bird

C. in the same direction as the bird

D. vertically upwards

What is the correct answer?


In a dynamo

A. mechanical energy is converted to light energy

B. mechanical energy is converted to heat energy

C. mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy

D. electrical energy is converted to mechanical energy

What is the correct answer?


The planet that moves fastest around the sun is

A. Mars

B. Venus

C. Earth

D. Mercury

What is the correct answer?


The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is located at

A. Thumba

B. Bangalore

C. Ahmedabad

D. New Delhi

What is the correct answer?


The hydraulic jack to lift heavy vehicles in automobile service stations is one of the applications of

A. Pascal's law

B. Principle of Archimedes

C. Boyle's law

D. Hooke's law

What is the correct answer?


A proton is

A. a quantum of light energy

B. a quantum of matter

C. a positively charged atomic particle

D. another name for positron

What is the correct answer?


When temperature decreases, resistance of metals to flow of electricity

A. increases

B. decreases

C. neither increases nor decreases

D. first increases then decreases

What is the correct answer?


Air escaping rapidly from a narrow orifice in an inflated tyre feels cool because

A. the speed with which it escapes cools it down

B. of the higher temperature of the surroundings

C. of sudden expansion causing loss of internal energy

D. there is no real fall in temperature

What is the correct answer?


When a particle in motion is acted upon by a force in a direction perpendicular to the direction of motion, the path followed by the particle will be

A. a straight line

B. an ellipse

C. a circle

D. a parabola

What is the correct answer?


When a charged rod is brought near a collection of small pith balls, the balls

A. will jump rapidly up and down for a short time

B. will remain unaffected

C. Both (a) and (b) above

D. It will produce electric shock

What is the correct answer?


Gamma radiations are used for

A. sterilising food stuff

B. controlling pests

C. cancer therapy

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


The shadow below a tree has bright spots in it because

A. light comes through circular gaps between the leaves

B. the leaves are circular

C. the rays bend to form circular spots

D. the gaps between the leaves act as pin holes

What is the correct answer?


The maximum displacement of the particle in a mechanical wave motion is known as

A. amplitude

B. vibration

C. frequency

D. phase

What is the correct answer?


If a body weight 12N on the surface of the earth, how much will it weigh on the surface of the moon where acceleration due to gravity is only one-sixth of that on earth's surface?

A. 12N

B. 2N

C. 10N

D. 6N

What is the correct answer?


Primary colours are

A. colours of the rainbow

B. colours in the spectrum of white light

C. colours which cannot be produced by mixing other colours

D. colours found in nature

What is the correct answer?


Astigmatism, a structural defect of the eye, is due to

A. the eye lens being thin

B. the eye lens being thick

C. lack of symmetry in the curvature of the eye preventing rays of light from being brought to a common focus

D. the pupil being very small

What is the correct answer?


During thunder storm you are travelling in a car. To protect yourself from the lightning you will have to

A. remain in the car

B. get out of the car and lie flat in the ground

C. abandon the car and take shelter under a nearby tree

D. touch the nearest electric pole

What is the correct answer?


X-rays are used

A. in hospital in the treatment of malignant growth

B. to reveal hidden flaws in metal castings and welded joints

C. to detect alterations made in works of art

D. All the above

What is the correct answer?


Sun spots are

A. the mountains found on the surface of the Sun

B. the dark patches on the sun having less temperature than the normal sun's surface

C. ionized gas found near the solar surface

D. the magnetic storms on the surface of the Sun