Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


Micro-motion study is

A. Analysis of one stage of motion chart

B. Motion study, when seen on a time chart

C. Subdivision of an operation into therbligs and their analysis

D. Enlarged view of motion study

Correct Answer :

C. Subdivision of an operation into therbligs and their analysis

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What is the correct answer?


Military type of organisation is known as

A. Line organisation

B. Functional organisation

C. Line and staff organisation

D. Line, staff and functional organisation

What is the correct answer?


The determination of standard time in a complex job system is best done through

A. Stop watch time study

B. Analysis of micro-motions

C. Grouping timing technique

D. Analysis of standard data system

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In a line organisation

A. Responsibility of each individual is fixed

B. Discipline is strong

C. Quick decisions are taken

D. All of these

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Which one of the following represents a group incentive plan?

A. Halsey Premium Plan

B. Lincoln Plan

C. Rowan Plan

D. Taylor Plan

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In value engineering, important consideration is given to

A. Customer satisfaction

B. Function concept

C. Profit maximisation

D. Cost reduction

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Critical path on PERT/CPM chart is obtained by joining the events having

A. Maximum slack

B. Minimum slack

C. Average slack

D. No slack

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One of the basic essentials of an incentive plan is that

A. A differential piece rate system should exist

B. Minimum wages should be guaranteed

C. Provide incentive to group efficiency performance

D. All standards should be based on time studies

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In Halsey 50-50 plan, output standards are established

A. By time study

B. From previous production records

C. From one's judgement

D. All of the above

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Father of industrial engineering is

A. Jack Gilbert

B. Gantt

C. Taylor

D. Newton

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The time of completing a project in network analysis is given by following time of the critical activity meeting at the final triode

A. Early finish

B. Early start

C. Late start

D. Late finish

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Basic tool in work study is

A. Graph paper

B. Process chart

C. Planning chart

D. Stop watch

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Product layout is used for

A. Job production

B. Batch production

C. Mass production

D. Any one of these

What is the correct answer?


Time study is carried out

A. By finding all the significant informations regarding the job, work place and machine tool etc.

B. By breaking up each operation into small elements which are measurable with the help of the measuring device accurately

C. By observing and recording the time taken by the operator for an operation

D. All of the above

What is the correct answer?


The essential condition for the decompression of an activity is that

A. The project time should change due to decompression

B. After decompression the time of an activity invariably exceeds its normal time

C. An activity could be decompressed to the maximum extent of its normal time

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Work study comprises following main techniques

A. Method study and work measurement

B. Method study and time study

C. Time study and work measurement

D. Method study and job evaluation

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The bonus increases in proportion to the increase in efficiency. This statement applies to

A. Halsey plan

B. Gantt plan

C. Emerson's efficiency plan

D. Rowan plan

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If (R) is the base rate guaranteed per hour, (S) is the standard time for the job and (T) is the actual time, then according to Halsey 50-50 plan, wages for the job will be


B. TR + [(S - T)/2] × R

C. TR + (S - T) × R

D. TR + [(S - T)/S] × R

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Bin card is used in

A. Administrative wing

B. Workshop

C. Foundry shop

D. Stores

What is the correct answer?


Acceptance sampling is used in

A. Job production

B. Batch production

C. Mass production

D. All of these

What is the correct answer?


Micro-motion study involves following number of fundamental hand motions

A. 8

B. 12

C. 16

D. 20

What is the correct answer?


Monte Carlo solutions in queuing theory are extremely useful in queuing problems

A. That can't be analysed mathematically

B. Involving multistage queuing

C. To verify mathematical results

D. All of the above

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Work sampling observations are taken on the basis of

A. Detailed calculations

B. Convenience

C. Table of random numbers

D. Past experience

What is the correct answer?


Product layout is also known as

A. Analytical layout

B. Synthetic layout

C. Static product layout

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


Gantt charts are used for

A. Forecasting sales

B. Production schedule

C. Scheduling and routing

D. Linear programming

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A low unit cost can be obtained by following

A. Product layout

B. Functional layout

C. Automatic material handling equipment

D. Specialisation of operation

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The most suitable incentive plan for the maintenance section of an industry will be

A. Piece rate system

B. Group incentive plan

C. Profit sharing plans

D. Simplification

What is the correct answer?


The process layout is best suited where

A. Specialisation exists

B. Machines are arranged according to sequence of operation

C. Few number of non-standardised units is to be produced

D. Mass production is envisaged

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not wage incentive plan?

A. Differential piece rate system

B. Rowan plan

C. Emerson plan

D. Taylor plan

What is the correct answer?


An event is indicated on the network by

A. A straight line

B. A number enclosed in a circle or a square

C. A straight line with circles at the ends

D. A dotted line

What is the correct answer?


The grouping of activities into organisational units is called

A. Corporate plans

B. Higher level management

C. Functional authority

D. Departmentation